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Posts posted by Regnak

  1. Just to add a little more info, I got the following in an email from them:

    As for bigger buildings, we've got a 2 floor hotel (twice as wide as the current large buildings and with a balcony) and a church that I'm going to put pictures up of this week and they should be available very soon. We're also adding a house/shack to the range as well.

    Keep an eye on the website for some more pictures and information sometime this week.

  2. sorry its taken so long and once i've posted this i need to log off and get some sleep!

    @KArn...i read the PM, will answer tomorrow hopefully!

    Anyway, i am now a dad!

    We welcomed Lily Amelia into the world on the 28th June via c section, weighing 6lbs 7 oz. And boy is she a cutie (biased i know but she looks like shes gonna be a heartbreaker already lol!) I will get a suitable pic and post it soon i promise!

    Well the op went well , but both mum and tot have been suffering since...mum is finding it very painful though she is up and shuffling around. Lily has had trouble feeding though she has hopefully turned the corner on that case and is slowly building up the level of intake!

    I have had virtually no sleep yet but who cares...i'm a dad!!

    And wyrd related, i see eric has been hitting people with the puppet stick again: regnak (?) and alienated one, i'm looking at you! I need to update the puppet thread but it won't be today!

    hope everyone is ok, hopefully be on a little bit more tomorrow!

    Congratulations Sir! :D Have you smoked the obligatory cigar in celebration?

  3. Im just a classic Taurean!

    Yeah im looking forward to seeing it finished and want it done so it can be used for intros/demo days aswell as my own games.

    It is a lot of work, im hoping at the end i will be able to look and think it was all worth it. But only time will tell.

    Hows about trying some floor Tiles to speed some of the sections up: http://www.anythingbutaone.com/forums/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=2756&start=0#p54488

    Thought of you when I read "Well after spending a LONG time making about 6 tiles for the base layer and knowing I had to make about 48 including the second level buildings I decided there had to be a better way." :D

  4. Should i have waited for the terraclips stuff.....definately. Will i give up......with about £80 invested and the legendary Taurean trait of stubborness....Nope.

    How very English of you! :D

    Looks good so far. But also looks like a hell of alot of work. Looking forward to seeing this finished.... although probably not as much as you! :D

  5. I also did my mob 'o Gremlins with Som'er and Ophelia. It worked great.

    I kept most of them around Ophelia (for Dammit, Calm Down), and took brutal advantage of Aim High, Boys to pelt an adult Nephilim to death after bogging it down in melee.

    Whatever you go with, don't get discouraged. Gremlins are hard to play, but loads of fun. (Especially if you're willing to get silly when you play them--silly caricatures of accents being one of my favorite bits.) :vb_tongue

    The trick is finding tactics that work for you.

    I don't care if I win or loose... I just want to look silly doing it! :D

  6. Yeah, since the LaCroix box came out I haven't been using much of Som'er either (they are just too fun and too good not too!!!). My local shop league is finished (which I won with LaCroix Gremlins :peace: ), so maybe between playing my Reserrectionists I'll toy around with new Som'er lists too. The Pigapult does come out next month, so that's exciting!

    Here is a 35ss list I've been wanting to try.

    Som'er - Cache: 2ss

    Mosquito - 2ss

    Taxidermist - 6ss

    3x Stuffed Pigs - 9ss

    2x Piglets - 6ss

    3x Bayou Gremlins - 6ss

    Pigapult - 4ss

    It's a lot ammo for the pigapult and enough to do normal taxidermist/stuffed piglet shenanigans!! A few stuffed piglet Bacon Bomb flips and some mosquito pull my finger casts and things will die!!!!

    I really like the sound of that list. One reason is that it includes most of the models I already own :D Thanks for your suggestion! :)

    Oh, and its offical... look at my Avatar... I've been Gremlin..ified! :D

  7. I'm waiting for someone to figure out the statement under my name to see if I'm too old with what could seem as obscure references

    You got me. If it was "lights" instead of "eyes" then it would be from The Crow.. but its not, so what I said was of no help whatsoever! :D

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