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Everything posted by Regnak

  1. Yeah, was just hoping for more.. as you said all the endings were similar and I was hoping for more. I'm not wanting an ultra happy everything worked out fine and everyone survives ending... just something more from the "Damned if you do, Damned if you don't" choices... The rest of the game was fine, just th last 10mins seemed a bit Matrix like for now reason and to me that didn't fit into the rest of the story...
  2. Howdy!! For the last few days I have been playing Mass Effect 3 solid and have now finished it. And boy do I agree with the other fans who hated the ending choices... but apparently they are working on some DLC that will add better ending in the future. Today I will finally have some hobby time and work on my Death Riders and also my heavily converted army General.... Hows you lot then? And do my eyes deceive me or is the egg back?! Is it easter again already?!
  3. Morning All... time for work again, tonight will be night 1 of 4.. :'( Hows everyone today?
  4. The ice spreads.. *Kicks legs about wildly making windmills with his arms* *Rights himself and Whistles* *A hundred Piglets on Skates appear at the top of the hill* CHARGE!!!! *Jumps onto the lead piglet* *They hurtle down the hill towards Edonil (Just like the scene with Gandalf arriving at Helmsdeep but way more impressive)* You don't eat the Bacon.... the Bacon eats you!!!!!!
  5. *Picks up the Legendary Bacon Sabre (with a Pistol Grip) and make some circles in the air and cracks his muscles* When I left you I was but a learner, now I am the master (of Malifaux)! Prepare to taste Bacon!!!
  6. Funny, you didn't say that in your PM's...... Edonil, the polaroid is in the mail!
  7. One word for me........ WORK Check PM's I'll get you online if its the last thing I do!! *Mumbles* It it was Star Wars I'm sure you'd be on... *Mumbles* Ok, hows about if you come on I wear my Leia Bikini?
  8. EDONIL!!!!!!!!!! Me and Path are arranging a Chaos Unleashed game around 14:00 our time (in about 6hours) can you join?
  9. Yeah, I tried playing RE5 Co-Op with a friend when I first got gold account... does yours keep cutting off? Says something about connection lost or something? I had a look about online and apparently its a bug with the game that they never fixed.. never have a single problem playing Co-Op with any other game but as soon as we are playing RE5 and doing well it suddenly cuts off... Stupid game! Oh, and hows the NEW RE? Been thinking of getting that but ME3 has the edge at the moment...
  10. How is ME3? I've yet to pick it up. Was considering playing ME2 again this time with the DLC before I pick it up but with work, hobby time and also not having much money I've yet to touch it. Is ME3 Multiplayer any good? I see a few people on my friends list playing that alot... Oh and for Space Marine I was thinking more getting us together for some Exterminatus... would be good to play as a team and be able to co-ordinate our attacks
  11. It wasn't that it died... I couldn't find it... I had everything in very organiSed chaos and the Fiancee did that thing.... TIDY! Found it now so you get to hear my charming English accent
  12. Of course you haven't played much xbox... your great leader hasn't been there to.... well, Lead you! Good call on the letter.... when things need to be said.... say em' sir!
  13. Howdy.... just over 8hours till I'm off for 6 days.... woooooooo-hoooo! Plan on some heavy hobby time with my Krieg and the Fiancee wants to work on her Ork army... also some Space Marine I'd imagine... Edonil, Path.... Game? Hows you guys?
  14. Just over 5 hours to go on night 1 of..... 2! Yep, booked my last 2 nights off so only one more to get through and then its serious hobby time for 6 days.
  15. Howdy folks... last day off before work... but only 2 nights then off for 6... wooooop! Today I will be working on my Death Korps armour devision.. got 3 FW Leman Russ tanks and also a Destroyer Tank Hunter.. that and all the rest of my stuff to paint... So many models need love... Hows you lot then?
  16. 3.27am.... full of beer, kicking ass on Space Marine! Woooooooooooooooooooop!
  17. Cowabunga Dudes! Yeah, thats right, today I is mostly speaking like a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. How are my faithful subjects today? Oh, and feel free to bow or offer gifts... you know I always like that
  18. Awwww.. thanks Fell <3 Teehee.. *Wonders how long it will take people to notice*
  19. Ahhh.... the enemy! Love the renegade figures... they are very nice.. was very tempted to start one also but alas all my money is going into the Krieg, just bought 2x of the Leman Russ FW variants (Filters, turrets, rails etc) and also a Destroyer Tank Hunter.... my wallet hurts! Oh and it sounds like someone is missing the Mighty Regnak's backup, that would never happen with me about! We all need to get on at the same time and have a game soon. ---------- Post added at 01:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:37 PM ---------- No one edits Regnak the Mighty's words of wisdom! grrrrrrrrr! Next time Gadget...... NEXT TIIIIMMMMEEEEEEEEE!!
  20. I might be wrong but I think a few of the weapons can shoot through walls... I swear I saw that somewhere?! Today I will be modelling also... the Gremlin Speedo range! hehe.. nah... as much as you would all like that I am instead working on my Death Korps
  21. Oh... what you wearing, the summer range? hehe.. Typical... the rest of us go to war and Edonil is posing infront of a camera in the latest fashions!
  22. Yeah Path... you have to make things simple for these American folk! I'm up for this, I'll be on in 30mins (Doing a beer run ).. that ok with you Edonil?
  23. Finally, the perfect time for a takeover! *Sneaks into guild compound and throws all the guild stuff outside in the street* *Sits down in a chair and puts feet up on desk* *Opens a draw in desk, removes flask and drinks Fells fire drink* Right oh peasants, come workship your new ruler!
  24. No worries, when Path gets on here we'll see what time he can come up with Looking forward to having a game... it been a long time since we've had a chat and you've told me how great I am! I mean, I hear how great I am every day, its just nice to hear it in a different accent!
  25. Hmmmm.. it depends when Path shows up! Are you about today at any point? Oh and Abs.. we had a collection and got you some cake:
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