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Posts posted by knoerzer

  1. Yes but these are the only masters he has right now, and thank you ratty for making your crew creator, i went there and made his crew for him, pretty much he has Kirai, dreamer, lost love, 3 daydreams, datsue - ba, dead rider, in. madness, night terror, seshin x3, and snow storm. BTW this is a 50 point crew and he has 9 soul stones. He is also new to malifaux and cant wait to get more in depth with it.

  2. Okay guys, I was finally able to get into a league and play. The soulstone cache is 40 so I made this up for fun.




    Convict Gunslinger

    Guild Austringer

    Witchling Stalker x 2


    7 soul-stones

    What do you guys think?

  3. I have also thought of changing masters until I finally had a fair match up. Lucky for me, my dad plays the game so we can play anytime, UNlucky for me because he plays the Vicktorias... If you give her a chance on a fair match then you might start liking her, if not you should try the ones you wanna play.

  4. Awesome guys, I never thought of this game in that way cerealkiller195! AND yes I must admit that I did think the guild werent fancy because they didnt have a lot of writing on the cards.. So this does give me some good ideas!

  5. Okay guys, I need some help, I have Lady J and Sonnia as my masters and Lucius as my henchmen, and those are the only boxes I have bought. I was wondering what is a competitive squad with the guild. I have started to have doubts about the guild because they don't seem like they can do a lot of tricks or fun styles of play, they are just kinda "stand and take it" crew. So help me keep playing the guild guys help me come up with a good squad! Thanks guys!

  6. Yeah I started off with Lady J, but kinda wanted to expand from the hack and slash guy I am, and I saw Sonnia with FIRE! So in any case I had to go with her, and the avatar is a really fun thing to play! but harder to paint lol Hope your game goes well!

  7. Okay I thought I could but I was in the far corner when I became the avatar and had nobody within range of her. But this brings up another question how do you play her, I was looking at her and noticed burning tokens where important, but whats her strategy? Any help would be awesome, or a direction where this was already talked about.

  8. Hey guys. I just got done playing a game against my dad (I won) but I dont know if I played by the right rules due to not fully understanding them. I got my Avatar of Sonnia in the 3rd round, but did not do anything with her because the table on the card said (2) so I figured it took two actions to bring her in. I had completed 1 requirement by the way, the Inferno x2. My question is: Is this right/ can I do this?

    Just wondering, because I kept Sonnia in the starting zone and cast Inferno 1st and 2nd round, and then used Lucius to bring up the avatar into the middle of the field. I just want to play fair and by the rules and want to learn so any help would be great! Thanks guys

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