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Posts posted by Tarragon

  1. OK, seems pretty clear to me, thanks for all the answers. I realized that Question 2 won't come up much as Chompys only 0 action is to summon Daydreams, and I doubt he'll be doing that much :D

    I'm loving the idea of PW Teddies as Daydreams! That is freaking genius!
    Why thankee! I'll put a video up as soon as I get them!

    One example, which you are most likely to see goes somethign like:-

    You can companion the dreamer and several daydreams together, and use one daydream to move, unbury Chompybits and them bury him, which has got your dreamer about 12" futher forward. The Dreamer then activates and can use a 0 to get a walk of 7, walk forward, and then cast a spell to unbury nightmares, which can include Chompybits, who will then immeadeatly activate.

    Deploying several of your force about 24" forward from where you started. If you then want, any remaining companioned daydreams, or even one that Chompy Summoned this turn, can then activate and remove Chompy from the area making him pretty safe from retaliation.

    There are several variations for certain circumstances, but thats the basic guide.

    Thanks for the demonstration you typed XD

    So, the general plan seem to be throw a couple Daydreams forward, slingshot Dreamer forward, who summons Chompy and friends, eats face and then vanishes back to the other, safe, Daydream. (Can I use a Daydream to bring forward the OTHER companioned Daydream? Probably not, but asking anyway :P)

    That seems to get me a good 25"+ threat range from walking and summoning (assuming Chompy doesn't walk at all and just eats face as above) PLUS throwing three Teddies straight in his face AND a good return through the All Done trigger and companioning the safe Daydream for summoning Chompy back... Owch XD

    Will my opponent actually ENJOY playing this list, assuming I don't go for cheesy, broken, all out win? XD

  2. Don't worry, Ozz, I ain't playing to win... yet!

    Sorry to bring this thread back AGAIN, but a couple more questions have arisen :P

    1) Can Dreamer summon Daydreams when he has three connected already?

    2) The Shared Action thing... Dreamer is Instinctual, Chompy is Melee Expert. Does that mean you can activate Dreamer, walk twice and use the Instinctual for two of his (0) action, summon Chompy, he can use one of HIS (0) Actions, and attack twice due to Melee Expert? Thus using 7 actions between them in one activation?

    3) With the Teddy, can his Dead Of Night effect from Thing Of Nightmares reduce a models Cb below 0?

    4) How is the Dreamer so maneuverable? I get how the Daydreams can summon a LCB (via the Magical extension), then calm it back to the Dreamer, but that requires a turn getting the Daydreams into position first, unless you can get a companioned Daydream to summon ANOTHER companioned Daydream.

  3. Well, he gains one whenever he deals Severe damage, or Moderate with his other trigger. These are absolute and do not depend on the target model. I'd assume this overrides spirit as well?

    The only time it depends if it's living or Undead is when casting Hallucinations, when you only gain a counter IF the target is as such.

    This is just me reading the card, BTW. Feel free to correct me.

    EDIT: Ozz got there first :D

  4. Colette decides to walk into a bar. She takes a wrong turning and walks into Seamus' brothel. Seamus mistakes her for one of his girls (+5) and when he realizes his mistake... eats her. (-20)

    Pandora - 70

    Lord Chompy Bits - 85

    Seamus - 120

    Kirai - 70

    Marcus - 115

    Collette - 0

    Gun Vik - 55

    Hamelin - 120

    C. Hoffman - 95

    Lady J - 105

  5. Just a quick clarification question.

    I'd always assumed that the (0) Brood Mother action could only be used on Nephilim that hadn't already activated, but I recently read the card closer and realized it never stated that explicitly.

    Am I right in saying it uses the models activation (which I think I am), or have I just found a crazy rules breach?

  6. I like your list, my typical games are at 25SS and my list for those are 3 Daydreams and 2 teddies (one of them is the NE Teddy), however I have 4 teddies in my Dreamer collection now, heheh.
    My typical games are 35SS, so that's what I'm building too :P

    Since you have experience with a list of almost all Teddy's, how do you think a list like that would play? I only built this list because it looks awesome, not to win games with XD

  7. Well that's what it'll be, assuming I get in early enough to order them XD

    What about how it'll play? I like the idea of scooting up and depositing four big beasties, but should both of us have a good time playing? (Yes, I know it's the Dreamer... but still XD)

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