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Posts posted by *Jack*

  1. I think it all depends on what you want to do with her. I've seen some very cartoony liliths, which arent my cup of tea, but do look quite good.

    I think the key is sorting out the colour scheme. You've mentionned the skin colour you fancy, what about the hair? pick a colour that will compliment it, and not look ridiculous (or do, if thats your schtick.)

  2. Hi all, (Or Y'all if we're going down that route.)

    I'm currently painting up a swampy zoraida crew, traditional with juju, silurids etc. But, I just picked up some gremlins to paint, and I'm wondering...

    How much feasability is there for a Gremlin heavy Zoraida crew? She can hire:

    - Bayou gremlins,

    - Ophelia, francois, raphael, rami, and pere ravage.

    - Bert, wong, gracie, all the pigs, all the pig helpers, lenny,

    - NOT slop hauler, stuffed piglets, pigapult.

    She is paying a +1ss premium on these, potentially denying the hoarde aspect of gremlins. Never the less, I think 3ss for a bayou G isnt a particularly bad deal, considering their ranged attack, deliverance, reckless and the fact they're significant.

    Taking ophelia really would improve the gremlins, she's 9ss and would be a great obey target. She is however, quite expensive, and I was planning to fit jack daw in for some great obey and card shenanigans.

    Taking Kin would stop me hiring dolls, but not summoning them (Y). I think rami's 7ss can be justified, but not so sure about pere ravage (Have to hire a nurse), francois or raphael. I think in most cases, I'd (personally, based on taste and not competitiveness) prefer 2 bayou gremlins instead.

    Pigs are out for me, Not a fan of the playstyle without somer and they're a bit boring to paint. Could try bert, gracie and wong later on I suppose.

    Aside from that, any minions that dramatically improve the playstyle of gremlins? Are gremlins able to be played with a 1ss handicap, in exchange for a wad of SS and zoraidas obey, card, and poison shenanigans?

  3. I call it the "That'll do moment"....

    And this is my thought process for every mini.

    Even the minis I enjoy, I eventually get sick of painting. I live for the moment when they're finished, so at a point, you've just got to think "This is as good as I'm ever going to get it right now." and move on. Come back to it later by all means, but I think most of us would rather play against 5 alright painted minis than 1 fantastically painted and 4 bare metal.

  4. On a similar note, the individual steampunk arachnid cards (which are on the online store) have been out of stock for a few months now. Does anyone "in the know", know if they will be coming back into stock any time soon?

    (sorry for the Molly level threadomancy)

    No info on that :/ But on the topic, I have a stack of either arachnid swarm cards, or individual arachnid cards (Cant remember which) Which you're welcome to, assuming I have the right ones and can find them :P

  5. Right, bit of "progress":

    I'm sculpting a teddy at the moment, so I'm probably gonna wait till I finish that first. Then, for the competition, I'm planning on basically doing... A nephilim version of zoraida. Demonic, possibly with wings, maybe some voodoo dolls. Basic idea is I can then stick her in the same bag as my lilith crew, and play a lilith nephilim crew, or a zoraida crew thats nephilim heavy, largely using the same models. :)

  6. If they wanted the Factions to balance, they'd need to introduce:

    To me, having the same number of options is not balance. Balance is where most options can be viable, and games come down to skill and a bit of luck rather than what faction you pick. I'm fine with outcasts having 2 special forces and all the other factions having one. Hell, most special forces could do with a lot more minions to flesh them out, the worst thing you could do at this stage would be to introduce a second, rival special force.

    Anyway, in book 5:

    - Some alternate avatars, maybe one per faction?

    - Flesh out special forces. A couple of horrors, maybe a beatstick for the dolls, Some more guild stuff.

    - Ten thunders having a few new minions... I'd like to see mounted cavalry, a cheap peasant warrior, some kind of shady underground criminal.

    - Another gremlin master, making it competitively alright (Not so much viable, just not a complete walkover) to take just gremlins.

    - Some versions of key minions from the fluff who've been "advanced". Use this to make once unplayable minions viable again. A better/different nekima, bishop etc.

  7. I'm really bad at sculpting, so I'm probably not the right person to comment, but I think most sculptors (Barring some crazy ones) sculpt stuff over a period of time, sometimes taking months... I think this would prove problematic in a competition :/

  8. What about the extra AP from Arcane Effigys Cunduct Aether that gives +1 AP that can only be used for cast or channel Action?

    Lets say I cast this on a casting expert master like Zoraida?

    I can use the Conduct Aether AP with her 2 General AP for casting a 2AP spell or channeling a 1AP spell but not for channeling the casting expert spell or casting a 2AP spell after using the general AP for summoning a voodoo doll right?

    Conduct aether is different.

    Casting expert can ONLY be used for a casting action. That's a (1) spell.

    General AP can be spent on anything.

    Conduct aether gives one AP to be used for casting or channeling actions.

    This means you can cast obey with casting expert, walk for 1ap, then channel a spell, or cast hex (thats the (2) one right?) for your remaining general plus the conduct aether one.

    It all sounds very complicated but its really not. Pay absolute attention to terminology and it'll all become clear.

  9. This is really great to read.

    Dont mean to detract from the experience, but would like to add two other things - I think wyrd presents characters that represent "minorities" well. Not so much standard, racial minorities, but small social minorities. The story of kirai, and the 10T being migrants in general hit me on a deep level. Simple stuff, almost cliche story, but still, quite hard to stomach inequality like that, which draws you to the characters.

    Secondly, I think this is done often and well in various ways, to make the world seem more "real" and lets readers relate. Certain media universes I enjoy are all brought to life by various factors, and I think for malifaux, its the social inequalities. (For game of thrones, its the sex, but thats a story for another time.)

    Finally, I was pondering the other day making a sculpt of hoffman in a wheelchair - Just fancy it to make mine a bit different to everyone elses.

    Anyway, cheers again for the read.

  10. An interesting point you bring up about trappers and clockwork traps. They're a good minion and are being talked about being put in several lists. Consider though, they're only being taken by maybe 5 crews out of 30?

    Secondly, as mentionned, anathema is a more common ability with the stuff in the new book. However, bigger than that, I think, is how most of the new, competitive, fun, and good minions are living. This new abundance of living models makes terrifying a lot better than it used to be... Which in turn makes things that counter terrifying better.

    Finally, people were often taking the watcher before, so it must have been half decent and often worth its points. Increasing it's usefulness will only add to the amount of people who take it :P

  11. These look great! I've just been making some incredibly similar gremlin and swamp terrain so they've served great inspiration :P Though it seems we've done loads similar.

    One thing would be possibly grab a blister of piglets and put one in the pig pen? There's one lying down in the mud that I used in my pig pen, would look perfect in yours :)

  12. Few things:

    Firstly, Your terror tots remind me of nicki minaj ;)

    Secondly, have you tried thinning your paints down a bit? what are you currently using? They look a bit "gloopy" in areas, I'd be tempted to say use thin coats and a few washes.

    Finally, have you set your camera to macro mode? (The one that looks like a little flower) makes focusing on minis in pics so much easier, so we can see them better :P

    Apart from that, keep the pics coming in :D

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