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Posts posted by *Jack*

  1. You're all missing out on the bigger picture - What's Candy like, when taken with Lynch? :P Even, what's she like in a 10T crew? :')

    But yes, as everyone's comfirmed, she can target herself. Seems blindingly obvious when people explain it to you but I know if I just picked up her card I'd be umming and arring about whether she could, as was your henchmen. He's only a human. Probably. Have a link ready to this thread or pull my finger on your phone next time you play there just in case.

  2. I think there's more competition for slots than there is in other factions - Or, atleast, it's noticed a lot more.

    Take guild, outcasts and rezzers to an extent - They have a few models who are SF, and you'd never really want more than two, unless you're taking the associated henchman. Only exception might be the crooligans, but rezzers have better options than that. Neverborn, IMO, don't really use the slots unless you're taking effigies, as stitched are dolls, but not SF:dolls, and wicked dolls and marrionettes are only really taken with collodi. (Or summoded with Z)

    However, arcanists have a lot of competition for those two slots, and its getting a bit worse. This is without Kaeris of course, but she's not always necessary, and not useful in some strategies.

    Book 2 had Gunsmiths, a really good minion for its cost and useful in most lists. LSA is also great for 5 points, (especially for ARamos but he ignores it).

    Book 3 had union miners and book 4 had willie, and the rail golem - Really good minions, arguably the best from the arcanist section (Other than kang... KANG HO.) IMO, which makes it all the more problematic to take only 2 SF, or commit to kaeris and not really have the points to take 3.

  3. Well firstly, his list is 36ss, so he's overpointed, and should have a cache of 0. Victorias with a cache of 0 arent as deadly and are really easy to take down. The archers should manage to do it with some concentrated firing.

    Otherwise, optimize your list a bit more. I'd drop shang, I dont think it's worth the 3 points. I'd consider kang instead of ototo, he's a lot more survivable and whilst ototototo excels when on few wounds, the viks wont leave him on that for long. I'd also consider dropping a torakage - One can do most of the stuff two can do. Add in a 10T brother, their companion chaining is ridiculous :P

    That list gives:

    Misaki, Mistress of the Ten Thunders -- 8 Pool

    Kang [8ss]

    Ten Thunders Archer [6ss]

    Ten Thunders Archer [6ss]

    Ten Thunders Brother [5ss]

    Torakage [6ss]

    Although I'm unsure if she needs the 8ss pool, all to herself. I'd suggest yamaziko - Drop an archer perhaps. That, or drop an archer and add otototo, or another beatstick, back in. Or, possibly, a couple of desperate mercs, who'll all gain 10T and all be able to companion with the 10t brother.

  4. Sign me up - about to pay :)

    Is anyone driving up through the midlands? If not I'll get a train but would prefer to have some company :P How far away is the outpost from the nearest station jimmy?

    ---------- Post added at 11:34 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:30 PM ----------

    Sent :) Dont worry about the station I'll google maps it tomorrow :)

  5. I'm going to try and run:

    Zoraida 6ss


    3 Bayou gremlins

    Jack Daw or Bad Juju

    Convict Gunslinger

    Big on the swamp theme. Juju's not intended to be a competitive choice, possibly swapping the convict G out for tuco. I love the idea of ophelia, only problem is it stops you hiring the effigies (Not a big fan of wicked dolls so thats not a problem.)

  6. I can see what you're saying, in theory... But having use both (singley) a few times, these are my thoughts:

    Jack daw isnt too great at draining an opponents hand. Max he can do is 4 cards per turn. That's triggering either trigger both times as well.

    Bete would definitely not benefit from the no-cheating aura. If she dies, she needs to flip a 10 to bury again. Without cheating, you're basically putting the survival of your 9ss minion down to a 4/13 chance. Just under 33%.

    JD+Bete noire (Sounds like a cocktail.) is a hella expensive combo - 19ss for the pair. Yeah. This gives you 16ss for the rest of your crew - and rezzers normally have low caches to begin with (worse still for levi)

    That said, points I can see merit for:

    No cheating will be brill for bete noire offensively. She has paired and a high CB.

    Heart stopper, and slit jugular together are fearsome. At some point, your opponent will eventually realise that the model you're trying to kill is dead either way - Hopefully after they've discarded some cards.

    Draining cards will be brill for masters like nico, who can then throw rigor mortis down on key targets up to 3 times, yeah. Deadly.

    I'd only really consider this in larger games.

  7. I can see like you said, a lot of them arent the most competitive option, but I dont think they're meant to be.

    I have about 12-15 crews now, and I only own 2 different avatars. Colette (Whom I've never used, but wanted the models) and Zoraida (On paint table). The thing that puts me off getting more is the price. £20 for 3 colette models is pushing it, £25-30 for avatars like hamelin, dreamer, sonnia and seamus put me off. Just dont fancy paying that for something I wont use every game, and wont even be guarenteed to use when I take them. There's no need to sell your tina crew just because you dont like the avatar though, The crew functions really well without it.

    If anything, the only trick wyrd missed out on was not making some avatars powerful to compensate for their undercompetitive master form. (Oh wait, they did this with ramos :P)

  8. As mentionned, if it came that way, hit up the mispack page. They'll send it out, very helpful.

    For bits you've lost... Does a mate have that model? You could instamould his version and use GS to make your own then. I've done this with lost coryphee arms.

    Also, not the most helpful idea but you could use something else from your bits box. Improvise. I had a guardian leg break on me yesterday and I had to reassemble the top part using scraps from 40k orcs and spare plasticard.

  9. Ranged attacks can be shoved onto marrionettes like normal. Blast damage (And anything from pulses, such as papa loco or stuffed piglets) will hit him.

    Dont have the cards with me but it's due to the word "targetted" a ranged attack and melee attack targets him, the blast does not.

  10. Righto -

    I've been painting quite a while, and for primer, I've nearly always stuck to GW stuff, because I know it works. Not wanting to continue paying through the roof, and handing money to the evil empire, I'm looking for some alternatives. What do you use? I want stuff thats fit for miniatures, nothing that will obscure the detail or pool up on models.

    I've used army painter before, and whilst good, its almost the same price as GW and the three cans I've bought have all fizzed or exploded before I'm done with them.

    I've only used black previously, but if anyone knows where I can get a decent white one from too, I'd be grateful (GW one is crap, I'll buy army painters and try it after christmas)

    Thanks in advance :)

  11. Hi all,

    Just made this thread as a personal request, but will hopefully become a bit of a petition, for more malifaux limited edition models for holidays.

    Just found my egg hauler and thought what a wasted opportunity it was not to make christmas, halloween, thanksgiving and other holidays. Making them funny festive versions of existing models, ala rooster and hauler. I'd love a version of that christmas grinch on the home page currently :P

    Finally, big thanks to wyrd for our existing christmas gifts :P Official Vassal module is one of the best things I've seen :D

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