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Posts posted by *Jack*

  1. Hey all, I'm a mcmourning player, but amongst other things I'm currently modelling up a shambling hoarde of zombies for nicodem, and want to add the avatar of decay to my collection.

    There's no model yet, but I'm eager to make one. That said, what base size do you think would be appropriate? 40mm seems best to me, but I fear I'll struggle to fit a bunch of zeds on there, so might use 50mm. That said, If I make it 40mm and the actual model when released is on 50mm, I easily upsize the base, but will struggle to downsize if the opposite is true.

    Any thoughts?

  2. 2. the compilation is what I would get for sure. I bought the other two for the stat cards of all the minis and the fluff/art. You may well end up doing that too but could easily get by without.

    So I could get away with a rulebook and a box of minis to start with? I'm not into "gaming-lite", I'll pick up everything I need to fully enjoy the game within a few months, but I'm after the bare essentials, to read and familiarize and read a bit of fluff about the setting.

    1)What do I need to get started?-- I would say a copy of the rules manual, a starter box of the faction your most interested in. A normal deck is acceptable but i would highly recommend a fate deck as the symbols and damage/heal reference on them are indispensable.

    Again, one of my favourite parts about this hobby is getting all he little things together to complete an army, dice, objectives, counters etc, so the fate cards are definitely on my to get list. Might get some spares to play poker with whilst I'm at it.

    2) Rulebook? I've seen the "rules manual", and the 216 page "rulebook". Which one is the current edition of the rules?-- The rules manual has the upto date game rules, However the basic outline of all models stats can be found between the big rule book and rising powers. Though the original stat lines from the rule book have been updated and replaced with V2 stat cards. But you get these with the models you buy.

    4. Finally, any other things I should be aware of? General points of interest, stuff like that?-- I dont know what other games you have played, but whatever it is...forget it. Malifaux will blow it away and the variety gained from the various masters+different terrain+different missions and schemes= a hugely fun and variable games system.

    Thank you both for the info, I'm off to order some stuff :D

  3. Oooh so many questioons. Let me try as I have spent the last 2 months setting up noobs:


    A1: There's a lot of ways to look at this. All you NEED is one of pretty much any of the crew boxes. Most of them play at least ok by themselves and can be easily fixed up to like best build by only 2 or 3 more blisters. The stat cards all come with their models, you do NOT need to buy them separately. As for the cards, yes, you can use any playing card deck, the conversions are relatively simple and are in the rulebook no less. The fate decks however have very very nice artwork and are just great to have handy wise. Not necessary though, and certainly not crucial. You plan for the decks is probably fine.

    Something a *lot* of people forget about is paint. Painted minis are not required to play, but painting really is a pretty core aspect of the hobby. Just to try the game out though I guess it does not have to be the first priority.

    I have several 40k and WHFB armies, so obviously plan (moreso look forward to thanks to the low model count) to paint the models. I'm not amazing, but I can do a neat job thanks to washes and using a clean style, and it was the miniatures that drew me into this game to begin with.


    A2: The first rulebook, which is the larger, is NOT up to date and I'm not even sure if many have it in stock. It is AMAZING to read, but I suspect it will be re-released in some fashion, or at least the parts that are relevant (cmon weird, I would seriously buy a little mini short story book with the fiction in it from book one, it's that good!)

    Rising powers is the new corebook. It is NOT required but very nice. For JUST the rules, all you need is the little 15 dollar book. In fact, you want it either way, because unlike the other books it is designed purely with the rules and handiness in mind and it the best to work through during a gaming session. It is fully up to date.

    You don't need to actually buy the mini book either. If you are really on a budget and want to skimp, a slightly less pretty (but more amusing) version of the bare bones rules are Downloadable *for free* from this very site.

    I should have a decent bit of spare cash to pump into malifuax and other games after selling off a lot of models I don't need anymore, and needing only a small band of models means I'm not so bothered about price (I'm not stupid with my money, but after paying upwards of £50 a unit for GW, I'm happy to spend the same amount on a company that I like the look of)

    I'm a bit conscious of spending a lot on stuff I don't need, wont use or, lord forbid, I end up painting a crew and disliking the game, hence the hesitation. Little bit at a time and trying not to overdose really.

    A4: Read read and then read more. Secondly, look to where you live and post it up on the forums. Use the search function and find people whoa re in your area, specifically, if there is a "henchman" in your area, contact them. They are working with the company and other like minded individual to keep the game and community strong, and would probably happy to walk you through the game and show it off in person.

    My last word of advice is not to isolate yourself and get complacent. If you just kind of sit there with 1 or 2 friends then you will probably get bored and drop it. Find new players, or old ones that are nearby. Get together!

    welcome to the awesome world of malifaux. I hope my answers were a bit useful, feel free pm any more questions, though I assure you there are more experienced dudes here who can offer more than little ol me 8).



    Cheers for that, all makes sense, I'll be sure to try to find one of these henchmen :P Unique piece of advice on the gaming group, exactly the kind of thing I was hoping for. I'll bear it in mind, and if it means I find a few more people to game with, all the better I suppose :) Thank you.

  4. Just wanted to clear up a few issues, I've experience with miniature wargaming, and some TCG (though not competitive), and I'm jumping ship from GW and looking for something funky to fill that void in my hobby.

    I sort of get the gist of malifaux, and I love some of the models. I intend to start playing malifaux asap, but here's a quick couple of questions that came up.

    1. What do I need to get started? Miniatures, rulebook and stat cards? I've heard a fate deck is the same as a normal playing card deck, is this true? I intend to get one (or several) anyway, but it's not crucial for a first few quick games? I have tape measures too.

    2. Rulebook? I've seen the "rules manual", and the 216 page "rulebook". Which one is the current edition of the rules? or could someone explain the relationship between them, which one I'd need etc? I've seen rising powers, but I assume thats an expansion?

    3. How do different fanctions play? is there a noticeable difference? I'm thinking of going with gremlins or ortenga, but like the guild aswell.

    4. Finally, any other things I should be aware of? General points of interest, stuff like that.

    Thanks in advance, sorry for what I assume is a regularly occurring topic, I searched but couldnt find anything.

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