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Posts posted by *Jack*

  1. I've been thinking and I think tannen and jack daw are overkill. One or the other is fine. Otherwise, you're just paying for redundancy.

    Jack pulling models closer with hangmans knot and into range for graves to hit it with his fence post, with cb 6 and in severed tied "no cheating" range would be pretty good, I think.

  2. I always have a look over my cards on the train back from my gaming club. Spot things I didnt know or think of, things I've forgotten.

    Keeping a small post it of stuff to remember in games also helps quite a bit. Mine quite often is "CREEPY FOG" written and underlined. And I still forget :P

  3. Okay, I'd quickly like to discuss 2 things in this thread:

    Firstly, Misaki has access to all of the new beatsticks from book 4, Kang, Toshiro, graves and ototo. She also has access to taelor for no extra points, giving her 5 very similar 8pt melee models to choose from.

    My first question is, which of these do you think is best? For various reasons, including whats good against what factions. They all have various degrees of survivability. Taelor has hard to wound and hard to kill, kang heals the turn number, ototo has hard to kill and gets better when he's damaged... I'm struggling to see a clear 'Winner'. I'm thinking of using ototo just for theme, but then, I like taelor and really fancy picking up the model.

    My second question is much more general... Does Misaki really need a melee monster like that lot? She's good enough to take any master or big threat on, one on one, and her minions, yamaziko, torkage, 10T brothers, ronin, are all good enough to hold their own in fights. Wondering if those 8pts might be better spent on 2 oiran, or similar.

  4. Finished alps:



    Havent done the paintings yet, I keep trying and they look quite bad. I can just about paint a portrait in that scale, but things get a lot harder when you have hands and legs coming out and in the way :/ Nevertheless, I'll revisit them at some point.

    Finished madness:



    This became a real chore towards the end when I ran out of colour ideas for the tentacles, and they started to look bad. I eventually want 2 of these, so the next one I think will have all its tentacles the same colour, probably the yellow/green one.

    Oh, and einen doppleganger. Lot of fun, skin looks bad in this pic but its a bit nicer, the back was a lot of fun to paint :)



    As always, comments, crits and feedback always appreciated :)

  5. I'm going to throw it out there that I'm not too convinced by this. Nice idea, and props for thinking of it, but paying 18 points for the combo (The performer and the lazarus) just to get some shots off seems a bit mediocre if you ask me.

    I'd much rather take tuco and a convict gunslinger, for less points and still decent shooting.

  6. They have hardly any malifaux left. Some odd avatars but thats about it.

    I messaged them asking for a refund or store credit to spend on the remaining malifaux, but I doubt I'm going to get a reply, nor see my money again. Incredibly annoying. I hope the guys behind maelstrom aren't completely out on their arse though, they're generally alright and I've had mediocre-decent service from them in the past, so I'm a bit upset to see them going.

    More money for the troll trader on ebay, or whatever LGS's I visit when I'm going tournamenting I suppose :P

  7. Not really :/ Your options are:

    - Buy a new guardian model

    - Make a leg out of bits

    - Cast the remaining leg using instantmould and mould yourself a new one,

    - Instantmould a friends leg and use that,

    - Find a suitable proxy and nick its leg

    - Use it without one leg.

    Sorry I couldnt be any more helpful than that :/ With any luck when plastic kits start being the norm, we'll all have plenty of spare bits we can send to a friend in need.

  8. If you've got the little rulebook, book 1.5 isnt a great purchase unless you want the fluff. All core rules in there can be found in the little book, and the erratas, and all model rules in there can be found online.

    Book 2 is great, though if you already have the models, largely pointless unless you want the fluff. Most models that are "themed" for crews already come in the boxset for said crew, apart from certain totems and stuff. never the less, it's a great book, and has rules for some of the "best" models. By that, I mean the community considers them competitive, so if you're intending to go that route, it'll be useful to know what to purchase.

    Book 3 would give you options to the avatars for your masters, that you cannot get anywhere else, so if you like the model for your avatars, this is worth considering. It also has some good minions, though few of them, because a lot of room ~60%, is taken by avatars.

    Book 4 has some great masters, some really interesting crews, more models for special forces so if you own henchmen its a good bet. Crucial if you play 10T. Smaller than the other books, but cheaper to reflect that.

    All in all, I'd say pick up book 3 or 4 depending on which set of models you prefer. whilst all the books are nice, having them is by no means crucial to play, and I think most of us would much rather spend that cash on models, rather than books. Pick up book 2 if you see it somewhere cheap or have the cash spare at some point.

  9. I'd be tempted to drop the dogs, and either a stalker, or the effigy for a guardian and a higher cache. Guardian is great, works well with francesca and santana, dita's high def gives you 3 models who really are a pain to kill.

    Stalkers are great, I think the effigy is great. It's a tough call as to which I'd drop... probably the stalker.

  10. I think sticking jack and collodi in there is a bit expensive points wise. Also, zoraida has nice card efficiency, but you'll still be pressed if he starts getting hit. Luckily, you've got the soulstones that she doesnt use too often, nor does zoraida.

    I've used jack daw with pandora, and I've got to say I'm really not impressed. A lot of the time, your opponent has the cards to discard, and his only real way to kill people is to get heart stopper off, which is completely negated if they have 2 cards in their hand. A very poor damage output, if you ask me.

  11. Lilith

    Primordial Magic 2ss

    Lelu 7ss

    Lilitu 7ss

    3x terror tot nephilim


    Leaves me with 7 ss

    That's a pretty solid list :) Of course, like all malifaux you need to tailor it to your mission, but combined with neverborns movement and the twins control, it should go a long way.

    The twins are definitely great and I'd definitely suggest picking up a pair. Tuco I find to be a bit different, requiring finesse, like the twins, but of a different kind, to perform effectively. I'd have a read up on his rules and see if you want to add him just yet, because adding him, and the already rules intensive twins at once may be a step in the wrong direction :P You may of course, read his rules and decide he's the best thing since sliced bread, which is what a few people think :P

    Nephilim grow lists are a bit of a pain to use and play against so I'd possibly shy away from that... You may find picking up a desperate merc to kill with your tots to turn into a young quickly is very helpful though... It's all stuff to try out at some point.

    Finally, for schemes, kidnap is brilliant for neverborn, so use that as a "crutch" if you need to while you're still learning, to keep the games competitive :P Lilith is great in combat, so maybe have a look at kill protege or assassinate? She has a great defence so body guard is decent, and with the movement of the nephilim, you can often afford to leave one or divert one late game, so check stake a claim and hold out out too :)

    Hope that helps

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