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Posts posted by jeffb007

  1. Im told that against spirits the damage is halved BEFORE you add in critical strike so death marshalls are effective alternatives to stalkers.

    That is really interesting to know. I guess that is to do with the order of things. Too lazy to go look in my book right now though, being before 7am!

  2. I've played running a Justice crew, but have also seen a Lilith one play against her. Should be a game with Ramos today for me to observe. Feel like I will be picking up the Sonnia box set at some point though!

  3. Hi Folks,

    Wondering if anyone had any good tips for taking on Kirai? I played one game and seriously underestimated her speed, so I was probably too spread out.

    I'm thinking it might be best to stay as close together as the strategy allows, and if it comes down to a fight take on the seishin and lost love first?

    Seriously need some stalkers I think :)

  4. Probably our biggest is Hobbycraft, it is pretty shocking. I bought a Winsor Newton Galleria (I think) synthetic there. It was quite expensive so I was a little disappointed when it curled in a couple of weeks, but then I found out that was normal.

    On the plus side it is now awesome for those hard to reach spots!

  5. Hi Folks,

    I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for good quality synthetic brushes, preferably available in the UK?

    I know we could get into a debate about natural vs synthetic brushes, but I genuinely prefer the feel of the synthetic one I've used, just not keen on the tip curling, although even that has it's uses.

  6. Jeffb007 nice conversion work on your Raspi...the hooded cape looks so awesome that would have been a nice alt scupt. for her...I am so jealous on a good level still working up my nerves to do any major conversion work....and your paint work is quite lovely

    Thanks! I'm hoping my red guild guard will come out as well as the ones on show here. I'm way behind on my photo taking.

    Any individual pics of these? Looking to steal hints ;)

  7. I do more or less the same as FoeRender, although I'm lazy and just use daylight, however as you are a midnight painter I can see where that might be a little difficult, perhaps you could move further north and be a seasonal painter instead?

    It's then down to the type of camera you are using. If you have one with adjustable aperture and shutter speed I personally find that f22 gives a good focus area for mini photography, and then raise and lower the shutter speed depending on the lighting. It's not perfect but gives generally good results.

    For portrait orientation I'll usually crop the image and reduce the width to 500px.

    Hope this helps at least a little, good luck with the move north if you decide to, and keep up the hilariously funny posts!

  8. Hi Folks,

    I've now finished the basic Show Girls set, got the mechanical doves primed and ready to go so will be starting those tonight. After umming and erring about adding a different colour to the show girls/mannequins I decided to wait until I'd finished the purple ones.

    My aim as always been a cohesive group, like they were in an actual show, and once they were all together I decided to keep them all the same colour, but pair them with the alternative mannequin. Pic is below, and as usual any comments and criticism is welcome. Hopefully you'll agree that the colours worked out ok as a group, but if you don't I can take it on the chin and I don't mind hearing it! :approve: (smiley looks like it is ready to take it on the chin!)


    Large image here http://data7.blog.de/media/360/5864360_adf7cf6e5b_o.jpeg

  9. Same thing really, if it is listed as in stock - no problems at all. Just seems a bit off with pre orders not being met, and a bit cheeky of them to blame Wyrd, when surely they didn't buy enough!

    It seems to be with Malifaux stuff that you really have to check stock first before placing the order with websites. Did that with Wayland this morning for a Dreamer box set and dispatched straight away when I ordered. Would have been waiting a long time if I'd ordered the daydreams though, they weren't in despite being listed as good availability

  10. I've now cancelled my pre-order with Maelstrom as my order from Arcane came through, although they are out of stock now. Got to say though I love the Terraclips buildings, already had a nice little set piece fight on some stairs between levels.

    Has anyone actually heard from Maelstrom yet?

  11. Like everyone else has said it is a great start, incredibly neat. I'd also agree on the highlight comments, they could do with going up a couple of steps. I think the whites on the collars etc look great, but maybe try and bring the black up a bit.

    All these things could be the photo (or my screen at work) though, so maybe look at lighting for the pictures too! Can we see the other models?

  12. Isn't it by George Orwell? Anyway, the easiest way to make a hat I think would be greenstuff I think, flatten out a circle for the brim and then a cylinder for the top.

    Not sure on a monocle tbh, but if you could find a thin small washer it might work, or a thin bit of wire curved round with a greenstuff chain?

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