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Shank Seamus!

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Posts posted by Shank Seamus!

  1. Well my current list is:



    3 gamlins,



    But I have just orderd 2 silent ones and snowstorm, I'm more of a gremlin player but as my base of opponents isnt many I have a few crews, I have about 50 or 60 stones of the lil blighters and wanted to expand my raspy crew, especially after watching her go in a relativly new players hands..

    Thanks for the input, il aim to get a desperate merc of maybe a gunsmith? Once iv invested in some spiders..


  2. Afternoon,

    Having ran a beginer game last week, where I used my two neglected crews for the guys to get a feel, watching tina go made me remember just why I bought her in the first place.

    So, going back to the book, I spotted that the resistance to her spells are pretty much all def, so here's the question: has anyone had much success with adding an arachnid swarm to her list? I normally field 3 gamlins and am considering a straight swap for the lil spider blighters..

    Any ideas on pro' and con's?


  3. Welcome to the bayou!

    I picked Orphelia's crew after my first game, takes a lil getting used to but they'r awesome fun to play, I was also tempted with Mr Jones but I don't regret my decision to run the la croix's at all..

    As mentioned above, throw in some young'ns, some slop haulers and a few standard gremlins and Youv got your self a mighty crew, the bonus of the la croix family, I feel, is the ability to alpha strike with the family, but with the cheapness of the other minions it very rarely leaves you being out activated after you dish out the pain.

    Would advise reading pull my fingers tactica, there's a load of links in my earlier post about tips and tricks for gremlins, also.. remember you objectives.. very easy to get carried away.. Hehe


  4. Evening all,

    Been playing my la croix crew a little while and gotta say how much I love them! Even if I do get carried away and forget about my objectives.. it's the 'shine I reckon..

    So what I'm wondering is, what tips tricks and down right swamp rotten plays have people got? Weaknesses and strengths, auto includes, unusual selections.. everything.. generally play 40ss but in true 'faux fashion its only my cash flow that's stopping me, momentarily at least, from owning a lot more..



  5. Well taelor can't one hit any of the la croix's and after her first damaging strike, wouldn't be in melee range for a follow up.. unless she got to activate first, and I mean the first activation of the turn.. due to squee..

    My point is that yes he's expensive the flexibility he has is worth it,


  6. Also, and this was used against me last night, in heavy terrain boards(so a good Mali board) his toss trigger is horrible!

    I had a wood with 3 gremlins in, making use of the terrain against the ortega's.. in charged bishop and threw them out, straight into firing lines.. was just lucky the attack flips were naff..


  7. Totally agree. Use the right tool for the job.

    Well he is a merc afterall, why on earth would you hire a specialist if his/her skill set has nothing to contribute..?

    I understand where people are coming from though, its hard to break the warhammer and 40k habits if Youv played it for so long.. just wish my bayou crew had the option.. well kinda..


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