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Posts posted by nightseer

  1. Riiight...I've had time to do some work on the Freikorps, based all of them, undercoated and painted the bases.

    Also, my gf has three of her models based&undercoated, we even had a game yesterday.

    Raspy vs Von Schill, it was pretty fun, I barely managed to win (yeah, I have to find out how to use the Trapper well, he died on turn 2. But Hamelin is AWESOME with the Freikorps)


    Raspy, Silent One, Hoarcat Pride:


    The "thing" on Raspy's base will be painted like ice.

    (And yeah, the "rock" under the Silent One is a MicroArt Studio 40mm resin base cut up to fit a 30mm one. :) )



    I'll be doing the "water" after they are varnished, because I'm doing that with gloss varnish.

    And the small conversions I've done:


    Nix doesn't need a leash, he's a faithful dog. And the picture is too dark because Hamelin's lantern isn't painted ;)

    That's it for now, see ya later!

  2. Since I don't have the mini, I can only give advice about the wrists:

    If you can reliably do it without damaging the mini (is it too small for 1mm drill?), yes, pin them. If you think you could mess up...then just get some strong glue, they SHOULD stay in place, unless dropped from the table...

    (I really hate pinning hands, it was the worst on the Judge...)

  3. So we have a rich and diverse world that has a ton of possibilities. It's vast with dueling factions, subterfuge, assasinations, breach running for contraband and all sorts of wyrd stuff.

    Can we ever look forward to a Malifaux pen and paper RPG?

    YES! Please...pretty please :)

    Now that would be another RPG that my group would surely play...

  4. Answer 8: In a starter box set: Game board, Rulebook, enough puppets for 2 players, 2 decks of cards, Stat Cards, all needed tokens for 2 players. Then there will be 5 booster boxes as well at the same time to give you options or to expand to up to 6 players. :D

    Yazza:Based on this answer, I think it will be more like a boardgame :)

  5. Sadly I was never able to try Blood Bowl...it's pretty hard around here to find someone who plays that.

    Nice to hear other long time gamers about. Gotta have some of us wizened gamers about to bring on the young bloods.. fresh blood is always good!

    Yeah, that's why I'd like to do a demo game of Malifaux in a local RPG store...I hope I can get some TCGers to switch to wargames ;)

  6. Well, I started with Epic (the first version), and Warhammer Fantasy with Lizardmen when they came out.

    Since then I played a ton of games: Necromunda (love that, it's my favorite game after Malifaux), Warhammer Ancients, Flames of War some years ago when it was new, the new Space Hulk, I have a 40k army (in various stages of assembling, undercoating and painting), a few historical games with homebrew rules. AND of course, Malifaux. And this is the one I enjoy most. And I can't wait for Puppet Wars!

    My top3 is:

    1. Malifaux

    2. Necromunda

    3. Space Hulk (meh, I have to finally paint those minis too....)

  7. My wife was the one who encouraged me to quit a real job to write malifaux...does that count? :D

    Big thanks to your wife!

    My girlfriend wasn't really into wargames (I've been playing 40k and Necromunda before) before I showed her Malifaux...now this one was what she instantly liked. We bought some starters (gremlins for her), played some games...turned out she didn't like the playstyle of gremlins, so, she's playing Raspy now :)

    And she's also into RPGs, plays with us every week, and she's even a Dungeon Master sometimes :)

    Yeah, I have a REALLY COOL gf!

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