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Da Big Baws

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Posts posted by Da Big Baws

  1. Your brother should probably assemble the Ramos box set as:




    3 x Steampunk Aracnids

    This would mean that you could play 20ss matches right out of the box (him Ramos, 3ss, Steamborg, swarm, summon the extras in / split the swarm up - you Hoffman box, 8ss or buy the mechanical attendant as well and have 5ss)

    As for 25 ss from the Hoffman box set, I would either go with Ryle or the PeaceKeeper (and maybe swap the Hunter eventually for a totem and another Watcher...) and add the other at 35ss.

    We have a plan for magnetizing the Spider Swarms. Basically sculpting small rocks out of Green Stuff and sticking a magnet in the underside while it is soft, then glue the spiders to each rock. After that, just put magnets on bases.

  2. Well my brother thinks he is going with Ramos's Boxed set and he is going to be my only opponent for now I think it would be weird by fluff those two would fight, but it would present an interesting position as we can use some of each other's models on our crews.

    Are they even in a fight?

    Ramos's box has 30SS (with Cache) minimum I think and that means my Hoffman Boxed set is going to lag behind by at least 1/3 or 10SS (16SS +4 Cache) :(

  3. Great to hear that Hoffman comes across so well. I did give him a lot of care when writing his stats, and fleshing him out as a character in the game, and our writers really grasped my ideas for him.

    It's actually a bit funny, because I didn't really make the connection until now, but one of my very best friends is a quadriplegic, and I've gamed with him for years, and simply spent enough time that I stopped focusing on his limitations. Now I just see everything he can do, how he excels in life well above the average american, and how he never makes excuses. I didn't realize that he was an inspiration for the Hoffman character before because I wasn't thinking about him specifically when I thought up the concept, but in fact the ways he completely changed my perceptions, assumptions, and relationships lead me to create Hoffman.

    I suppose it's saying something that it was in reading this post I first made the connection, but I guess it just goes to show how completely I stopped associated him in my mind with any sort of handicap.

    Very interesting you have a gamer friend who is handicapped. Does he play tabletop war-games with you? I rarely hear of people like me that partake in this hobby.

  4. or another watcher and the mobile tool kit , but than your really putting all your damage output on hoffmans lap .

    Well the Mobile Tool Kit isn't out yet, and it plus a Watcher, would be close to the Peacekeeper's cost anyway (around $20 vs $25). I dunno if I can get the Peacekeeper as the first upgrade to the box, but if I can I will. I just wanted a cheaper alternative in the case I can't, as I may not invest much into Malifaux on my first purchase (which includes the Hoffman box, the rules manual, a fate deck, etc.).

    Lastly, I'm partial to Hoffman's own Assistant, if only because of it's fluff, as a second "Maintain Machines" bubble, and a last ditch use for Machine Puppet/Overide Edict if I need the extra gun.

    But that is this newbie's personal opinion.

  5. Alright, hate to double post but I have to say this.

    Big Baw your story is going to carry me through the day. I am a sucker for stories of brotherhood, be it bothers, father to son, close friends or combat buddies. To hear someone say they would sacrifice it all for their brother is the coolest #@%&ing thing history has ever given us.

    I feel this way towards my son, so to hear someone say this about their brother puts you high up in my book.

    Man I wish this site allowed swearing this one time so I could say how cool I thought you were right now.

    Another interesting fact about my brother: he is the person that got me into wargaming. He also takes care of the hobby part of it for me as I can't paint or assemble due to weak hands. Tedious task to partake on stuff for the both of us, but he actually enjoys it. I can't even move minis.

    How do I play you may ask? I play like a real general, strategize, and give orders, then he moves and rolls dice for me. Really an interesting way to play.

  6. Just read over C. Hoffman's entry on Rising Powers. Here is a man who is wheelchair bound (like myself) but didn't let that stop him. Not only that, but he took upon himself to care for his brother, who is in a state many would call hopeless, and try to restore him to his former self. This also strike home for me, as I am a guy who would in a similar situation not hesitate to help my own brother, who I consider my best friend since childhood, even at the cost of my own life. Even his character design is appealing, as when I was a kid, I used leg braces to walk (later on my legs muscles weakened and my knees got contractions, leaving me unable to use them any longer).

    I will start Malifaux with my brother soon hopefully and I plan on getting him first. Really exited. Who ever wrote his story and background and designed him, know this man on a wheelchair thanks you. It is very rare in media, be it film, written, or interactive like video games, to see people with walking disabilities take on progressive non-cliched roles and be inspiring. That is why, for example, I enjoy the Mass Effect video game series because of the character named Joker.

  7. 2 more watchers wondnt be the worst thing in the world, they will give you good card control and as they arnt insig you can do scheames with them, or anothere hunter as the one in the box will probably be your ride so the othere one can do its actual job of stalking and harassing, even a guardian would help, but might be overkill, and wont help you hurt stuff, but as you say, a peackeeper makes hoffman better no matter what pts value

    I meant pricy as in monetary value, not points ;).

  8. These two seem tailor made for each other. Anyone tried them (by proxy I assume since Collodi isn't out yet)?

    What would be a good 25SS list using both (mostly just out of interest)?

    Is Zoraida's Voodo doll considered a doll for Collodi's effects?

  9. Nice read. I really like Sonnia's Boxed set as the models are simply elegant.

    Do you need any more than 3 Stalkers due to her summoning spell (asking because I or my bro might start her with just the Box set).

    Her playstyle looks very explosive...I guess Michael Bay would love this girl *rimshot*

    Yeah, lame joke, but I had too.

  10. Pardon if these have been answered here already on in the fluff itself:

    What age is the Dreamer and is he going to grow up in the advancing story?

    A question as to why the story / background went in a direction: Any particular reason why the the three big specialized hunter divisions of the Guild (the Ortega clan, Death Marshals, and With Hunters) use skills from what they hunt in their ranks (Nephilim, Death Marsharls, and Witchling Stalkers)?

  11. Well to my understanding the Dreamer won't grow up, because he's technically not alive. This is true in both fluff (story) and in the game, as he is classified as a Spirit on his stat card. That being said, I can highly recommend checking out Karn's tacticas on each of the masters. They give a really in depth exploration for each master and some of the minions they work with. If you really want to start with him, the Dreamer can be good to start with as well, but he is admittedly more complicated than Lilith. I started with Dreamer and now I'm on Lilith, and learning all of his trickery has helped me to not rush Lilith in and get her killed, but to play with all of her tricks and have fun with my opponent.

    Welcome to Malifaux!

    I got a hold of RP yesterday. If I read correctly, he is a regular kid that through a dream state projects an image of himself to Malifaux. As a child, his real counterpart ages just like everyone.

  12. Well matching my other topics on the other factions boards it is Neverborn's turn. I am considering to get into Malifaux and from Neverborn only Lilith and the Dreamer look interesting.

    How do each generally play?

    Anyone care to sum up the Dreamer's background / fluff?

    How good are each out of their boxed sets? I'm starting with JUST one Boxed set. If possible, maybe I can get one more model, but I doubt I can.

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