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Da Big Baws

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Posts posted by Da Big Baws

  1. They're going out shortly. I had hoped to get them out before Gencon, but the rush up to the show meant they weren't even packed until just before we left...and now you know about how busy we've been. I'll get them slipped into the lineup very soon, and all the prizes will be to you soon! :)

    Thanks for the quick reply Eric.

  2. I got a very small Circle Orboros force of Wolds and Two Warlocks, Baldur and Cassius for Hordes (it's all Stone and Wood golems, hence the title :)). I'm handicapped and can't hold a mini and brush well enough to paint with my hands. My brother, who got me into Wargaming with Warhammer a few years ago, is always up to paint my stuff. Here is the start to this adventure. I try will update whenever he does something.

    July 4th: Every model assembled


    July 4th: Extra update - WIP Woldwarden


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