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Everything posted by Victoria

  1. It was about five hours ago. And I seem to recall he games on Tuesdays. Its also my Malifaux day.
  2. But anyway, my tournament experience from gen con 2014 and adepticon 2015 is outcasts, outcasts, outcasts, outcasts... and arcanists. (one or two token people from other factions, here and there.)
  3. I have played against a ton of Jack Daw in tournament too. But mostly Levi with outcasts. You will also see a lot of Lilith in tournaments. (I've never actually played against Pandora in a tournament setting, only casual games)
  4. Ugh... the thought of drinking jelly is soooo disgusting!! And as we don't --technically-- have assigned desks (though no one else ever sits here) the cleaner thing is probably likely.
  5. My coffee cup is a paper one that I reuse And the spoon is, too. They are totally gonna have my germs.
  6. Yeah, thats what I thought. Why would anyone take these things?
  7. *mutter* someone got into my desk last night and took my plastic spoon!! And my coffee cup. Now I'm drinking my yogurt.
  8. I just hit enter and typed a new line. Nothing special!
  9. My gen con shopping list is a little lighter than usual this year. I'll be picking up Ulix and Dark Carnival for sure. The hubby is picking up Shen Long, Kaeris, and Gaki, I think? We'll get the rulebook and an upgrade deck as well. I'd like to pick up the crossroads 7 if we have enough money.
  10. I play Zee! The crappy little cheating monkey clones with terrible stats!
  11. Thanks! I didn't think I was ever going to win one
  12. EVERYONE uses the K. Its not just you, and I don't mind! It makes me feel Malifaux-y.
  13. I won my first dreadball game last night! The whole store cheered because my team, while fun, sucks.
  14. Pathology report back. Cancer unchanged. Not willing to give up my lady parts yet. More treatment, and another surgery in October. Today sucks.
  15. So, the widow of the guy at work who died came to my workplace today specifically to see me. We had never met before. I cried pretty hard and gave her some hugs. I guess I should go to the funeral.
  16. Also, if it was me talking down to you, I didn't mean to do that!!
  17. I can't decide if I should go to the funeral of this guy who died at work. He was a super nice awesome guy, and his wife sent me a card when I got cancer, and another card for easter. I didn't know him super well, but I'm mega bummed he died. He was funny. He used to call up his wife and sing to her on the phone during his lunch breaks. And write terrible batman fan fiction! But I only know that part because I googled him. I'm worried that since I didn't really know him or any of his family that its not appropriate. I dunno.
  18. Its a bad idea to assume someone is using anxiety as an excuse. We all feel things differently, and its rather insensitive as you can not read her mind. But if you can't handle the anxiety, probably best to break it off nicely.
  19. *hugs to all!* Better get back to work. Later!
  20. Did you get all your ebay stuff crush? In unrelated news but because I wanted to get it out of my head... I had a terrible dream last night. I dreamed I was part of a mass shooting with several gunmen. There was running around all over the place and trying to hide. They shot my husband and opened fire on a bunch of people. They didn't shoot me, but one of the guys was trying to saw through my neck with one of those electric carving knives, then I woke up.
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