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Posts posted by Squeeks

  1. I only really know of one book to movie adaptation where the movie was hands down better than the book. Well, two, but that's just because Gone With The Wind was rather long winded so it doesn't count.

    The one that I do count is The Devil Wears Prada. Oh, did the book suck. I saw the movie first, cause that's how I do things (to avoid disappointments in cases of book > movie), and the movie has a much better plot arch. It has an ending! with a point! And purpose! and all those things that matter in a story! Gah!!!! *goes nuts*


    Sorry about that. That book just irks me beyond imagining.

    A book that I found made a good movie was the Time Traveller's Wife. It translated the protagonist's issues well and I empathized with the wife and the husband on many occasions as well as putting an interesting spin on the whole baby issue.

    A book whose movie surprised me was I Am Number Four. They managed to translate most of the book to the screen keeping it very true to the original, and yet, there seemed to be something missing. It could be the left out Henri plot, it could just be the terrible acting on John's part. Ionno. I've given up figuring that one out.

    And the book to movie trend that's annoyed me the most so far? Kid's books.

    Since Potter mania, they've been diving deep into the kiddy pool as it were. From Narnia to the Golden Compass to Eragon or even Willy Wonka/Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. And that last one's a whole other pot of worms that I'm not going to get into because my post is already too long as it is.

    So yeah.... I'm a reader and I love to compare the books and the movies. Which is really fun as a movie snob too...

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