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Posts posted by Lukas-L

  1. Hey everyone !

    At the moment I am working on the Buccaneer 1650´s from Andrea and decided to do a little Step by Step :).

    Before i started to paint i removfed all mold lines and pinned his feet. I glued him on his base so i can move him around while painting.

    For priming i started with black primer and then just a thin layer of white ( spray, of course ). This gives my colors a better grip. I can equally paint bright and dark colors, without it looking stupid.

    Heres the first picture:


    Trousers: The main color is beasty brown. I did some highlights with snakebite leather and bleached bone and the shadows are made in charred brown and black.

    Shirt: I wanted it to look really old. Main color was bleached bone with some first shades in terra earth.

    I just painted some other parts in their main color, so i have a better impression on how he will look like later on. It also helps me on deciding on the other colors and shadow-tones.

    Next picture:


    I continued to paint the shirt using a mixture of blue ( intense blue i think ) and black. I used very thinned down color. The reason i did this was to build a nice contrast to the warm trousers.

    Here is a picture of my palette while working with it:


    Maybe this helps you :)

    You can see that i always have color that is dilluted and pure, so i can choose from whatever i need. That are also all colors i used in the next Step.


    I wanted to have darker shadows on the shirt and also improved the blendings. The Shadows are a mixture of scorched brown and dark prusia blue.

    So basically i have used:

    Bleached Bone --> Highlights

    Terra Earth --> Middletone ( areas aren´t in direct light )

    Scorched Brown and bluetones ( Shadow areas )

    I also outlined a bit to define the whole miniature. My outline-color was a mix of black, blue and brown.

    As you can see I also did paint the sash. It is not finished, though. Colors were Blood Red and Black.

    I hope you like it and that this helps you :)


  2. Heyho,

    I just wrote a tutorial on Blending, but couldnt post it on cmon (dont know why) so i´ll post it here:

    "What is a blending?

    A Blending is the connection between 2 colors.

    Examples in everyday life:

    If you look at any Object surrounding you, you´ll notice that they have not one color but many. Even the black objects aren´t plain black. There are various variations of black.

    Why are there blendings?

    There are basically two options:

    -The object just has more colors, for example a washed-out jeans or stones.

    -There is light and shadow.

    Where do i blend?

    -Every object/surface is either in light or in shadow or in between, which means you have to blend.

    Just decide from where the light comes (in everyday life it´s the sun coming from above), sometimes you will have a torch, magical things or dusk/dawn.

    -Now if you clench your fist, you will see the color changing although its still the same light coming from wherever it is.

    This means: Beside the light/shadow on your miniature, every object/surface has another blending depending on its form or shape.

    How do I blend?

    There are a lot of ways on how to create a blending and even more tutorials, I will just cover the general things.

    If you look at a blending, you will find a lot of colorvariations in it. In a blending from white to green, theres every tone from white to green. ( pro-tip : Use the colorfinding tools in your favorite graphicprogram to see how much there really is )

    -You can create a blending by just painting every tone between the two colors.

    -The second option is to create the blending by using less tones, thinner colors and a whole lot of layers of those tones. Since color gets lucent by adding water to it, you can see all the layers ( or at least a lot ), which creates a blending.

    -Or you create the blending on the miniature itself, painting it in one color, and while it is still wet, you just mix another color into it, which creates the tones between the colors aswell.

    From here on there are a lot of tutorials describing the differnt ways of blending and techniques to get it done. The best way to learn it is to watch someone doing it."

  3. I plan on studying philosophy and history and am preparing that, which means reading and getting a place at a university ^^. I also started to teach myself to draw, but its a long way to go.

    For me, listening to music is an own hobby aswell, because i really just listen to it a lot, without doing other things in the background. Genres that interest me the most: Postrock, Hiphop, dubstep and electronica, Black Metal( im guitarplayer in a BM band, so that would be another hobby ), although i give every genre/artist a listen :)

    I also visit a lot of concerts and festivals.

    And Im planing on doing some sports on a regular schedule.

  4. I just finished a Project that lasted very long. I think I started painting him 2 years ago, almost finished him, threw him into acetone, and finally managed to end this project and just got some decent pictures of him.

    Here you go (Drunegar from Andrea):


    Comments and Critique are welcome :)

    Best Regards,


  5. Sorry for answering that late, i was on a 2week trip in spain and am now back filled with inspiration and sunlight :P

    @daemonkin: thanks for the kind words. I mixed the blue with some terra earth to achive a washed out look. You just have to watch out, sometimes the color drifts into green ( you know... blue + yellow ;) ), then i used some dark blue washes to get rid of it.

    @precinctomega: I wanted to turn Perdita into somewhat Latinalike. So the skin will go a bit darker and more redish, and the top will become something like GW bleached bone or something like that.

    Yep, Astaroth is form Andrea.

    @ vegel: Thanks :). I dont think its a good idea to bent the hat, because that would ruin the atmosphere a bit imho. But im sure, when i finished her face i can get some photos of her eyes as well :P

    While my last days here at home i worked at my first Malifaux-Crew: Nicodem and his punks. Though, since i use them to play in the first place, I didnt put that much work into them. Painted about 2 hours at each of them:


    Comments and Critique are welcome !

    Best Regards,


  6. Heyho :)

    I just wanted to show you the 2 Miniatures (well one is actually quite big ^^) im working on atm.

    First is Perdita, my only model from the Guild (tho i probably cant stop myself from buying the others aswell... ;)) :


    And the next one is Astaroth :


    I hope you like them :)



  7. Hello all.

    My Name is Lukas and i am a german Painter located in Hamburg. I finally got my Wyrd Crews ( Marcus and Nicodem ) and looking forward to play some matches. Besides studying the rulebook im painting random models for the sake of it ;). Thats it for now !



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