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Posts posted by Dizdemona777

  1. Hello! After a big absence from the Malifaux World I decided to try out 3rd edition. As I am reading the new rulebook, now I want to ask about the Fast condition.

    It says in page 29 that The number of Actions this Model can declare during its activation is increased by 1, to a maximum of 3. Since a Leader has already 3 actions he do not benefit from the Fast condition?

    Thanks in advance!

  2. I use a tactical action which reads: CA 5, TN 12, RST WP. 

    I flip a 5 and my opponent a 2. My Casting totals 10 but I fail beacause of the TN and my opponent's WP totals 7  which is lower than mine.

    What happens? Who has the chance to cheat Fate first ?


    Thanks in advance!

  3. When playing with Zoraida as your Crew's Leader and you don't hire the Voodoo doll at the start of the game (with the soulstone cache) can you nevertheless summon it mid-game with Zoraida's Tactical Action: You Remind me of Babe? If the doll is killed can you resummon it ?


    Thanks for the support!

  4. Good evening!

    I have a small question while playing with Zoraida and the Voodoo Doll: Can a figure attack itself with one of it's attacks (such as the voodoo doll after giving the Sewn Fate condition to an enemy model then attack itself with the Pins attack to inflict the damage to the Sewned Fated target ? 

    Thanks in advance!

  5. Good evening!I am new to the game and I have some questions I hope you can answer.

    First,when I cast a spell without the pistol icon do I need line of sight

    to my target?

    Second,Pandora's spell Dementia when cast succesfully it's effects remain

    on the target figure until the end of the game?

    Last,is pass considered an action like all else?Do other abilities counts

    pass as an action?

    Thank you very much for your time!(Also,a silly question, how the word

    Malifaux is pronounced?)

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