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Posts posted by Mydnight

  1. So I'm sitting here avoiding the heat and painting away. Thing is, I seem to just be throwing stuff on and going with it and I'm getting close to the point where I will need a trim. I've decided to go polling for ideas.



    The purple is done, though it might need a little more highlighting to bring out the high areas. The silvery blue you see is VGC Turquoise (72024) that I put down as a base and then went over it with a mix of VGC Glaze Medium, VGC Wolf Grey (72047) and a bit of water. I like the effect and am getting ready to start layering on straight Wolf Grey and highlighting with white.

  2. For a first attempt thats pretty good. you have the concept down now its just practice practice practice

    Sounds like some positive support :-) I like it!

    @Deadpool: Yea, another friend pointed that out to me. I'll have to keep it in mind for my next attempt. Yea, creepy seems to be something I'm adept at ^^'

  3. Thanks for the link Jaslyne, and the compliment ^^' I try to make em as good as possible, but then I see works like yours and know that I can still learn plenty more :D

    This is my first serious attempt at OSL, how does it look?







    All in all I think it's acceptable, though I think I may have been a little heavy on the yellow

  4. I like how it turned out Ramos, and yea, I figured that I would need to paint the model as-is first, then add the lighting effects. I did drybrushing with my Ikiryo. I also use Vallejo paints, is there "mixing medium" the glaze medium? At the very least I can dig out my P3 paints (I used to play Khador till I burned out, hard, at the previous Adepticon, which is also where the Wyrd bug (having already taken hold) consumed me fully).

    @edonil: Knowing theory can be a big asset when trying new painting techniques, and your explanation was pretty straight forward. Between you and Deadpool I've got a good idea of where to start, but I get so nervous trying something on a fully painted fig because, well, if it goes wrong I have to repaint it which is tedious when you're under the crunch.

  5. So I'm doing up a Datsue-ba and I want to do OSL with its lantern. Thing is, I've had only the barest exposure/experience with OSL and was wondering if I could get some tips from the more experienced painters around here. I haven't touched the lantern yet, but I plan to tomorrow. From what I've seen of other people's lanterns it'll mostly be the color of the flame within it.

    The subject in question...



  6. ...crap, I don't have the money to get those colors together, lol. What kind of a color is dead flesh? The rest of that I think I can figure out how to do with GW paints, at least as far as I want to.

    VGC Dead Flesh is a muted gray/yellow with a hint of yellow/green. It is very much descriptive of what you'd think it would look like from the title, at least it is to me.

  7. Sadly I won't be at Gencon this year, although I'd like to make it to next year. Too bad you're so far away, it'd be awesome for you to come out to one of our events once that gets going.

    Edit: And I might just do her kimono white after all, then. Although I'm not sure I'd do it as limited palette like you did, I might bring in some other pale colors to add some color to things. Eh, I'll mess around with it.

    Sorry to hear you can't make it, I'm starting to look forward to meeting some of the friends I'm making on this forum :-)

    I'd love to see what you come up with. For as long as I have been painting (13 years) it helps to see other people try different things to motivate me to try new stuff. pgbsamurai did a phenominal job on his Lillith using wet blending, and I plan to have him teach me the technique so I can try it myself :-D

    PA is a touch out of the way for me yes, maybe I'll take a road trip in the future sometime :-)

  8. Hm. I can see where you were going with it now. Well, if you want more glow, I'd add yellow and white. However, I think the discordant element in that case would be the blue of the hair. A more neutral/paler shade might work better.

    I'll have to give this some thought. I'm worried that if I tone it down too much it'll look like the robe. Any color suggestions while I'm away at work?

    I kept getting the impression that the face was a mask. I'll have to go back over it. I haven't tried OSL before though, any suggestions?

  9. Yeah, I agree with Osoi. The green seems a little much. Not sure what to recommend instead... Curious why you chose that shade of green, though.

    The original idea was to have the skin "glow" a sort of ghastly/ghostly green. I had originally done the kimono in a set of greens, but didn't like it, so washed over it with light grey. I like the effect, but want more skin glow, like, nuclear (nucular? ;-)) glow.

  10. Very nice! I had been thinking about painting her kimono white too, because of the same reason you had listed, but now I don't want to steal your thunder. ;) Very well done, I like it.

    Glad you like it edonil :-) No worries about stealing my thunder, great minds (and painters) think alike! If you plan on being at Gen Con and have yours there, they can face off, or have a tea ceremony, or whatever :D

  11. So I sat down today after a mostly ok day but with some work on a roof, and painted a lot on my Ikiryo. Now I'm not sure whether or not I like what I have, which is more or less the final product. I kind of painted it in a feverish state, as it were. I welcome all opinions and feedback.



  12. Taking a closer look, I think I can get away without worrying about the blood splatter, there's only a few tiny flecks and I think the model will be ok without them.

    Curse you Deadpool for making me better at what I do! Curse you I say! ;-)

    @lamwyrd (Can I call you Lammy?), you're going to be at Gen Con right? You'll get a chance to see em in person :D

  13. Oh GAWD I do see it >_< *bangs head into wall repeatedly* ARGH!!! I have a hard time going back and fixing up major areas after I've painted something, that'll be something I have to think about :-\ Usually I have a, "It's painted, like MAGIC!" and leave it there, for better or worse, ugh but that's a doozy. I'll carefully consider it while I sulk. Thanks for spotting that!

  14. Beautiful work. Is it just me or does Sebastion give you that "kindly old grandfather that might hug you or kill you" feeling?

    He kinda does. It's that sorta foppish, not-quite-there grin where you think he might be harmless.....then you think about it some more and feel creeped out. True Story: I partially based his hair/skin on the albino from The Princess Bride. I didn't try to recreate it exactly, but it was what I was thinking when I painted him :-)

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