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Posts posted by Gladrocks

  1. 35 minutes ago, SurreyLee said:

    Try him. Try Langston. Try both at the same time. Then you'll see what you like best.

    Oh I already know I like Langston. Or at least, I like the effort my opponents put into killing him, as they often leave themselves over extended so I can smash with Joss and Johan (or Joss and large arachnids, whatever list I am in the mood for). One day I will get to see him go off on a proper reactivated murder spree on an opponent. I just love the theme and model for the rail golem more.

    I know I'd spend a lot of games swapping between them depending on what I need. But I just wanted some reassurance that the rail golem is good. Since I found myself a group of experience players in my new town, I am expecting to get smashed a fair bit while I chip my rust off. I'd rather be told that a model is  good despite my losses so I stick with it than end up thinking something is bad because my inexperienced self can't get much use out of it right now. When I get better I can (probably) think for myself.


    So it works well for most masters. Which is great news for me, as I can play it right now with Ramos and buy Ironsides like I wanted. But it looks like Kaeris is especially worth a try with it, so I'll probably get her 3rd when I feel I am  used to the game again and start with my traditional "must own whole faction I like"

    May get Hoffman for special occasions...

    Thanks for all your input!

  2. OK, thank you for your input. Making me very happy here. I'm happy to use it competitively if it gives me a slight disadvantage. I just didn't particularly want to hamstring myself.

    Are there any specific upgrades you will take with the golem? Do you just include it in the imbued energies spam, or is this an area where imbued protection can shine?

  3. Hi there. Coming back after a long hiatus due to lack of local players. I'm a very rusty Ramos player looking to expand my Arcanists. I like the look of Ironsides, mostly for her background. But none of that is important now, I'm here to talk about something else.


    I love the rail golem. I love the model. I love the thematic way it's rules work. I love the idea of saying "choo choo!" like a child every time I activate it. Now I know it's a little too tome hungry to work well with Ramos, so I was looking for something else. But after looking through the forum I'm not really seeing anyone recommending him for use.

    Is there a master that works well with the golem? Like maybe Kaeris without the "remove burning, gain flight" upgrade? Or is there a master that at least lets the rail golem work fairly autonomously as a beater and isn't affected by it guzzling tomes, like maybe Ironsides? Or is it just not worth using? Is it too unpredictable, is it flat out not as good as the mech rider or Howard "oh God kill him now!" Langston? Or is it just not talked about because it's widely accepted as a good choice?

    Are there any tips you guys would have? I have made the model, I am (badly) painting it. I'd like to be able to use it competitively without hamstringing my effectiveness. I love the model so much I am willing to let it dictate who my next master is for the Arcanists. Heck, I don't want to but I'd go out of faction if I have to and try Levi or Hoffman (can Hoffman still take M&SU constructs like 1st ed? Am I wrong in thinking he could in first ed? I forget).

    Help me Wyrdos. You're my only hope.

  4. Name: Professor Calculatron

    Superpower: Intelligence (and unlike all of those plebians you see in the comics who are merely gifted and have powers like Mr Fantastic I mean my intelligence would be high enough to be an actual superpower!)

    Battlecry: What is the point? None of you would understand the deeper meaning or subtle undertones in any kind of declaration I make before starting battle. None of you would even realise I were about undertake a statement that would communicate to you just how outclassed you were and stay still long enough for me to assemble the podium anyway.

    Secret Weakness: Oh come on. I'm Professor Calculatron. The man who could send Einstein Aristotle and Socrates away in a confused state scratching their heads! In what world would I let anyone know my secret weakness!

    Arch Nemesis: None of these would be villains have the merit to be considered on par with me. Frankly, I'm insulted that you think any of them deserve to be mentioned in the same breath!

    Sidekick: Calculus boy! I'm very proud of his progress so far, considering the boy is an ignoramus. I may even take him out on patrol sometime, perhaps to mark his 10th doctorate.

    (all of this sort of came out while I was trying to make up something for "Collateral Damage Man" and it amused me more so I stuck with it)

  5. Ophelia didn't start life as a Gremlin. She's an Ortega that suffered a magical accident, and was then disbanded from the family.

    Death Marshals have an unhealthy obsession with sleeping in their own enchanted coffins, and frequently need Lady J or the Judge to let them out again in the morning.

  6. Perhaps for an official tournament you could show your opponent the official card, and then blu-tac a small picture of the conversion/proxy you're using over the picture of the actual model. Yes it involves extra cards and printing out pictures on your part, but it does make it hard for an opponent to be confused (and you're still using the 'official' card for the event, rather than a printed one from Ratty's lovely creation thingy)

  7. One for Pandora:


    In fact most of Emilie Autumn's stuff is twisted enough for the Neverborn, and possibly Ressers (not linking them all here, but the specifically instrumental songs are: Organ Grinder, Cold, Face the Wall, Unlaced, Leech Jar, Srynge, A Cure?, and A Strange Device). Mind you, I'm so obsessed with her stuff right now I'd probably argue that they could fit in with the Guild if I felt I could get away with it...

    Now that I'm thinking on it more and more, this seems somewhat appropriate for my Gremlins when I'm not using Ophelia:


  8. Much love for Eccleston, but Smith steals it for me. Just seeing him when he's worked up about something, or making a stand. Though being completely honest, if he didn't have the awesome backing music made specifically for him then I think I might just throw my hat in for another Doctor.


    I am the doctor[/ame]

    Jack Harkness (earlier on) was easily one of the best companions. Though I do have a bit of a thing for Martha and Amy...

    My favourite enemy just has to be The Master. I've loved every thing I've seen with him in it.

    Episode: I really can't choose between "The Hollow Child" from Ecclestons series with the gas mask kid in WWII, where we first meet Jack, or the most recent finale. I think I have to give it to the finale, because there are so many things, like the Doctor challenging everyone on top of stonehenge, and the way he gets out of the pandorica (because he had already gotten out!) that, to me, are just the kind of crazy genius I expect to see from the Doctor.

  9. Mordheim, without question.

    My local gaming group picked it up for a short while. Being someone who likes playing with my local game group (I'm more of a 'Blood Bowler' than a 'gamer' really) I grabbed a gang for it.

    I lost my first 8 games, 6 of them on a single dice roll.

    Let me say that again. I lost 6 games on a dice roll.

    Never mind the fact that in most of those 6 games I had beaten my opponent so badly there was no way they would be able to fulfil their own victory conditions (get 2 of your 12 minis off the table, for instance, when I killed 11 of his models), I lost the game because I had lost a quarter of my gang and was making "loose the game" dice rolls along with my opponent because they hadn't built in any time limit mechanics for the game. Either you make your victory conditions and win, or if you loose 25% of your minis your gang "bottles out" on a dice roll and you lose.

    Just thinking about that game (well, mostly that one mechanic) makes me annoyed now. I'm so very thankful that my group never stuck with it.

  10. Well it's good to see that I'm on the right track about the Taxidermist at least. Yay for having one less model to buy! I never actually entertained the thought of the Pigapult (though I think it'd be an interesting looking miniature).

    Just need to wait for my Slophaulers to arrive, and I'm all set to play my favourite crew :D

    Thanks for your help guys.

  11. Yes, I've been looking forwards to using the Young Lacroix very much. There isn't much about this crew that doesn't excite me (both rules and minis).

    So with no Bayou Gremlins, and only two Young Lacroix wouldn't you have a smaller model count? Or do you cram a Pigapult in there too? I can't see the value of saving too many SS for Ophelia.

    BTW what do you guys use for Young Lacroix minis? They're my only real issue with this crew, as my group demands physrep minis, and I have nothing that looks like a baby-cowboy-gremlin.

  12. Leave the Taxidermist at home. There are not going to be many corpse counters in this game.

    Interesting. How useful would you say a Taxidermist really is? I'm mostly just theory gaming my Lacroix right now while I'm making/painting them (due to stock issues at my LGS I had to get my 2nd choice crew a couple of months before this one, so I know the rules pretty well).

    I've been looking through the rules for the Taxidermist, and I see some nice crazy shenanigans, but nothing that actually makes me *need* him in my crew. Should I pick one up as a "depending what the opposing crew is" mini? Or am I not really missing anything by not taking him?

    Also (while I'm already derailing the conversation), how many slop haulers would you guys take in a 35ss Lacroix crew? I think 1 should be ok, but would value a more experienced opinion.

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