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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. I get a nice amount of time off , a perk for working in a public school , I get all the school and Jewish holidays plus 5 weeks in the summer !

    That model makes a great deadpool !

    I think it would be awesome if Wyrd made an online tool and app for there rpg to make it easy to play over the web . I think it would open up the player base by a ton . I used to play 4th ed with a group online . It was great being busy with family and my other games being able to role play from home was great !

  2. there are sites that an be used that roll dice or flip cards online , also if you have a trust worthy group everyone can just use there own decks .

    And conference chat in skype would work fine .

    ---------- Post added at 12:07 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:05 AM ----------

    random mechanic : flip to a name in the phone book and have them pick a number fron 1-100

  3. Yeah Sonia is top tourny level imo but Mcabe is going to be bonkers . Hoffmen has picked up steam but a lot of guild players still like lady j and Perdita still . Perdita with Von Shill is a pretty nasty combo ( great against Pandora ) .

    I am a huge Lucius fan so I play him whenever I can , I been having fun using him with ladyJ and a Warden . McCabe is going to work awesome with Lucius .

    I have been testing Lucius with 2 riflemen its been pretty nasty I still think the austinger has its place even with the riflemen in there .

  4. Tar like fluid starts to drip from a small crack in the ceiling of the thread , each black drop forming into a small humanoid form all running around screaming yo momma jokes . In unison they run to the center of the room colliding into and absorbing into one another in a twisting mini whirlwind of .......... FOERENDER ! ta da !

    Whats up all , sitting around waiting for buds to come with beer and figs , Game night ! rare to get in good weekend gaming for me .

  5. The above list seems solid although I would trade in one of the 10ss models for a drowned or two or another bell gives you more activations and board control and really imo the dead rider and Izamu fill the same roll in the list .

    as for the original list which might be based off models you like I would really try and get in a necro punk like what was said before and at least one drowned I feel in a all comers list the drowned is the ressers best cheap minion .

  6. Painted up a Kirai crew thought I would share it . I really have only showed off mt guild on here , but these where a blast to paint . These where painted for someone and they had there own bases , so most do not have a base since the owner wanted to do that themselves .

    started of with the simple spirits




    Than moved onto Kirai herself


    I felt she needed something extra so added some cherry blossoms



    Than the Shikome hands down I hated working on these , the wings attach horribly to the joints , there joints are too thin to pin and kept falling off while painting , wound up using gorilla glue and than green stuffing over them to get them to hold . These in plastic will be way better .




    painted one a tad darker and green hair to help on the board when they might both be on the table at once .

    Ikiryo was next fabricated a base for this one to match the graveyard bases from wyrd which is the bases that will be used .



    Than worked on the lost love . this was cool to paint , I went with the spirit specter look which I tie in through out the crew .



    Than I did the drowned , zombie types are fun to paint , I like trying to figure what the sculptor had in mind about what the figure might have been before it became part of the undead .



    Onryo these where pleasant to paint loved how the robes flow







    Painted 6 gaki , these are kinda a pain gluing the jaws but fun to paint



    Jaakuna was a blast to paint , I painted the girl a a specter I felt it made it more eerie .


    Than last minute we added in the Avatar ! , fabricated the base for this as well .



    and a group shot to see them as a whole


    Most pics where painted after late night painting sessions so some are not the best , thanks for looking please comment .

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