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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. Yeah I was going for a darker more over worked double agent feel for him .

    As for the bases iam going to green stuff in some leaves of fall , browns , orange and yellow dried leaves will add color while keeping the dark muted tone iam going for with these .

  2. Yes we def have to get in some games ( my humans where hot that game and I believe you know longer have that die that was not kind to you that whole game ) another reason I love the card system.

    Yeah iam going for a more muted look for my malifaux stuff .

    Hoffman pretty much done as is the watcher .





  3. Played a few games today , dug out supplies to build some terrain did family stuff and still manfred to sqeeze in some painting . ( pretty productive day lol )

    did most of the Hoffenator's body , gave the watcher a cooler base and threw some paint on the guardian .




    As requested by some , other angles of some of the constructs .




  4. Hey thanks you guys . hopefully I can get more than 20min to paint tonight . the red looks way better in person i feel its not comming across well on the camera , I am tring to keep the red dark and faded . ( I usually always make my red pop its kinda a signature in my painting )

    Iam looking to pick up some silk leaves to add to the bases , some fall colored leaves against the Grey cobble stone will really pop with out being bright ( if that makes sense lol ) .

  5. Hey thanks man , and thanks for loaning me Perdita during the brawl ! wish i could have entered two master in the painting portion , by next year il have a choice of ummmmm all released guild . malifaoux is my main painting focus for this year .

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