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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. * Foerender and lucius walk in the room carrying on a conversation filled with laughter *

    The pair walk towards the coffee monolith

    Foe - "man that was an awesome night"

    Lucius - ...

    Foe - That was so funny when you told that waiter if we dont have our drinks he would be hanging from a noose in less than 2 minutes 's "

    Lucius- I wasn't joking ...

    Foe- oh .... Well anyway the look on his face was priceless * laughes loudly *

    Lucius- well duty calls .... Oh man those belles from lastnight are still at my place !

    Foe-ewwwww I feel bad for those maids .

    * lucius and foe go through a complex handshake which involves several in tune snaps , ending with hand explosions . Lucius pulls his coat straight clears his throat and exits *

    Whats up room have I missed anything havnt had time to read the back log .

  2. Ryle does really work well with him as does the peacekeeper , if you want with friends you can always say the hunter is a peacekeeper til you feel like its worth investing more .

    The reasoning behind the tool kit is that it keeps up with hoffman with no trouble , do to its always available rule . Giving Hoffman the book to basicly cast medic at will is nice too , and the extra healing flip from his 2 action . he is also a great target for slow . I have scratch built one for the time being and been running it as both the totems , and found the tool kit way more helpful .

    Also be aware of Colloti him and his dolls are constructs so ignore open circuit and can gang up on a key piece a turn and usually kill it . I find that killing the dolls and blowing up the scrap counters slows down Collodi by a lot , and ryle is perfect for taking down the dolls and puppets .

  3. You dont have to be aligned with the edge if you put the gunslinger or one of raspitinas mirrors at the edge of a square its very easy to count range and makes playing against that way different . I mean I play for fun most of the time , but if I travel by plane to a serious tourny I would be annoyed it it had modular terrain .

    If pre measuring was to be in the game the rules would have it in there .

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