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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. But the bags are so worth it , especially if travel to cons ,

    I also spend a lot of time painting the bag is truly worth it .

    I own 3 of various sizes and I don't regret any of them , I was the same way til my award winning high elf army took a tumble down the subway stairs ( the strap broke ) I sold off the army cause I just couldn't bring myself to bring everything back up to the standard they where befor they fell

  2. that is kinda funny .

    I pass by a sun glass hut when I get off the train near my local game store there is a huge window when you come up the escalator that looks into the Mall . That booth always has people shopping at it . I guess it would be better to be busy .

    Tomorrow is 45 stones for the malifaux campaign , 45 ss of guild this is going to be fun . I am thinking marshal and guild guard swarm lead by lady J and Lucius .

  3. Gooooooood Moooornning mAAAAAAAlifaux ! ( in my best Robin Williams voice )

    walks over to milk shake monolith pours some in giant glass , walks up too coffee monolith pours some into same glass , whips it with large spoon , adds whip cream to the top , leaves to catch train .

    @ fell - well iam happy your starting to work at your table agian . To bad your not in NYC I could have got your apps to the top of the stack , I work in a school , Iam the handy person and boiler operator of the building .

    @Karn - milk shake monolith a must stay !

    @Abs - good morning dude .... just to make him feel like its way earlier than it is near him .

  4. Its tough since he is a high cost model to get in there , but can make Ryle a crazy gun platform ! . Hoffmans crew already comes in at a low model count so a non construct for 10 points might not be the best choice .

  5. mmmm just finished off some Greek salad . played some castle crashers with my sons . now iam going to paint some hmmmmmmm let me see what do I want to use in my campaign game wed. .... ah ausingers I have been nice through out this campaign. Scenario 3 , time to get nasty . * rubs hands together smiling with an evil grin looking threw shifty eyes . *

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