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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. Walks into room picking glitter from himself ... i showered and i am still finding this crap !

    @Karn yeah it was a real mess but making time and a half for 4 extra hours is also nice !

    @coco - yes shepherds pie rocks , hmmm might be dinner tonight .

    @fell - too good of a day to sleep in , although i did just wake up !

  2. Well I just got home 1:56 am , i stayed to help the cleaning guys after the show that was held . the kids and parents put on a rock show ... they served chips , candy , soda and juice . You can imagine how that went over mess wise . oh and they threw glitter at the end of the show !

  3. I dont mind rain without it all that beautiful green in tje summer would be dry and brown . A long as I have water proof shoes which is whay I normaly where ( thanks northface ! ) I dont mind it in the least .

    @hayzel - wouldn't mind checking out england ! Although iam probanly staying in the states this summer .

    I get 5 weeks every year weather I use it or not , I like to save it all for the summer . In the winter I get most school holidays off so iam usually content in the winter .

    Yay ! The main office has cake and coffee for evryone!

  4. Early day .... Awesome high fives hayzel .

    @fell pretty awesome thanks for asking

    Stairs at monolith holding a fork with a napkin tucked into his collar , " its go time "!

    @ab more into noone time now , lol I said morning to put you into a min ipanic .

    Talking about vacation I have 5 paid weeks I think iam taking the month of july off .

  5. Hey thanks guys ! I should have more out this weekend , its hard during the week since I am a pretty slow typist . my mind goes faster than i can type when I am doing the story lol .

    But yes more is coming . I have 2 paths I am thinking of having him take just debating which one i truly want him to take.

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