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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. Yes more money means less clients , but at a higher rate you paint one comission that would equal like 7 at a lower rate .

    Its what your comfortable with if your happy with whT your getting thats all that matters . I give discounts if its something I just really want to paint :) .

  2. That quality you can fetch around 12.00 on a steady rate , I am a fast painter so I make it work , really the only way to cut a decent profit is too paint high quality figs and charge more I usually get $50-65 for a mounted model . I try to do one off pieces more like a enter piece fig for a crew or unit . This way also helps from burn out after painting the same faction for a few weeks straight .

  3. Looks awesome , love the terrain also the fairy wings look good the veins on the wings could be thinner but the over all effect looks great .

    Also there is a photo bucket app that works fantastic , I take all my pics with my phone and post a lot of them right from my phone using the photo bucket app . Also cropping and resizing is actually way easier on my phone or an Ipad .

  4. Hit a snag painting the dog so ...


    Bath is simple green . The color wasn't turning out the way I was looking to go with it so restarting .

    So started to work on Lucas while the dog soaked . Brought out the horses skin a bit , added some white hair patches on the head and the ankles to break up all the brown a bit . Was thinking about painting the horse as a pinto but think the white i added is enough . laid down some more of the base coating as well .




    I might Fabricate some of the traps that Lucas comes with while at work

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