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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. Whats up everyone ! , I am about to head out and pick up Sookie ( named after the true blood character ) my beautiful German shepard pup .

    @fell - hope everything turns out ok .

    @Karn I hope that's not a side effect of that shot I gave you .

    # swipes hand across Karns back # I need some lube to clean my pistols ...

  2. Its weird in a way he is over powered ( and I hate saying that ) , his draw mechanic is super good , it is in no way a draw back . The endless stream of rats do a ton of damage since they can basically reactivate . The rats do 2 damage each attack after the first time they hit you , with a plus flip its not hard for them to do so , I feel rats fight better than a lot of things out there . don't get me wrong there are a few things that can get rid of them , but if played well its very very hard . combine that with making most of your stuff insignificant .

    Don't get me wrong they can be beat buts most likely its a draw at best , you can just ignore there pieces , walk over the rats and do what you have to do , but by the end of turn 6 you would have lost mostly everything .

    Ha I just thought of this , if you have anything with black blood its facing an endless loop of rats until the thing with black blood dies , and this is in one turn . The rats attack they do wounds , they die from black blood , giving the rat catcher which is close by fresh rats to attack you with .

    What I say to give them a good

  3. Strolls into thread 2 hounds close by ...

    whats up a all , had a campaign game against hammy and his rats last night , and wow how annoying . I basically ignored everything and just went about completing my objective which where destroy evidence , kill nix , body guard Hoffman . I had lost Hoffman last turn do to me not being able to get the peacekeeper to leave melee range . Turn 1 I was able to get 2 of the evidence markers which was pretty cool . the game was tied at 6 too 6 .

    Hammy is tough to face , eventually over 6 turns you lose most of your crew its hard to stop that , especially if you have to get in there and get things done . Getting slaughter would be nice other than that , its an up hill fight .

    but I had a great game it was close and I had a great time , and I found a pretty good Mexican restaurant close by .

  4. Its super good and super cold !

    So as I promised tournament recap short version

    Round 1

    Played against ressers , sammy and bells . I used hoffman

    Not a good game for me , I had slaughter , break through , stake claim

    Turn 2 sammy and copy cat bring peacekeeper down too 1 wound I lose int. Following turn lose peacekeeper several bad flips later I score no points .

    Round 2

    I play hoffer and face pandora and colloti

    I have claim jump , assassination , body gaurd

    We play grab ass I kills his 2 stitched in turn 2 , he swoops in with pandora for the assassination , peacekeeper gets hurt badly hoffman is ok . Hoffman goes links peacekeeper campaions healbot . I open circuit 3 times give guardian slow , peackeeper puts the hurt on colloti who was in close with a bunch of dolls . Healbot blows up peackeeper killing the dolls leaving a mess of scrap tokens near pandora . Ryle puts a few wounds on pandora . Next turn pandora wins int. flip and runs , but not far enough from ryle . I win 6-2

    Round 3

    I play goblins , I take lucius and 2 ausingers I win 8-0

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