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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. Hey man whats up I am in brooklyn and there are at 3 other players here too that play often . also the complete strategist in NYC has our club night the warmonger club . we are a large club with over 50 members and have a good group that plays malifaux we go to large convention events as well and play in big tournaments as well as host them .

    PM me

  2. Thanks all for the awesome feedback

    @the judge

    I base most of my stuff on the same terrain for that same reason also my home board is cobble stone so I like to base them that way . I add some flair though to make them different . The guild stuff is basically normal cobble and Victorian city terrain , my ten thunders I am using all cobble stone but I added some purple flames for dark debts , ruins for the relic hunters , rail bits for the rail crew , and so on to mix it up but still keep them all on cobble stone adding extra bits adds flavor with out straying to far . Horses for that time frame where all over in city's or in the wide open terrain its like seeing a mounted police officer in NYC it works lol .


    My 2013 resolution for gaming is to not own models that never see the table (I play with painted minis ) lol . I have come to the point where you have to separate models for gaming and models for painting competitions . I use to be super anal but I would take so much time models would never get table time so I came up with a way to have my stuff still look above average but take less time . wyrd plastics are new and hopefully they fix the massive gaps and mold lines , I had to fill so many gaps and such that line slipped buy but hey its a gaming mini and I am happy with it .

  3. Thanks everyone

    more overtime ( iam not complaining I take it all ) but means it hard to get in some brush time .

    I haven't highlighted anything but the shirt yet , I brought the shirt up from brown rather than grey to keep it in the earthy tones of the rest of the fig . I was thinking about making the pants lighter more like English riding pants , but like the darker shade so I am going to highlight them but leave them brown rather than a lighter tan . The vest will wind up a satin red .

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