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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. The best way too take a photo is to have light coming from all angles the sides and from the front . that's why people use light box's for the best results . Google them fore examples .

    now I am no expert but have gone through what your going threw so can pass on what I learned . If your not going to build a light box take some paper I like to use white to bounce the light around the model . Once I obtain more lights to set around the model I will go to a back round that can absorb the light instead .


    here I had a paper behind here and bent to go under her as well , not folded but bent . than a paper on each side forming a paper box ( see it all goes back to a light box ) I have one single source of light coming from the front of the model raised to just above the models height . I took the picture from right below that light . I used a white 100 watt bulb.

    hope this helps . I been taking these with a phone camera 5.0 mega pixal . And yes the macro setting on camera's is a very important part of the equation .

  2. # A dragon with Foerender wrapped around his neck come crashingthrew the wall of the thread , roll and tumble past everyone and crashes threw the other wall ..... 2 minutes later Foe walks back in threw the wall which they exited from . dusts off his cloths , takes a deep breath and exhales . #

    I thought that was going to be much easier ! anywho hows the coffee this morning ?... well afternoon .

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