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Posts posted by FoeRender

  1. Hmmmm I see what your saying maybe that's just my taste , maybe just put in the same level of detail painting wise , maybe it's the choice of colors on the base  if it was a darker duller color , like deeper Browns with some grey stones , right now there so bright which draws your eyes away from the great paint job down to a bland base  .

  2. Nice paint work all around and the paint job looks fantastic .. But I must say the bases are a total eye sore , the minis are painted so good but th bases are just bad not painted anywhere near the standard of the models the color actually draws your eyes away from the nice painted model to the rushed dry brushed base . Love the paint jobs on the minis just spend a bit more time on the bases cause it can bring the model down IMO .

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  3. I don't think everyone loves the idea of going threw email , just to see models lol , post at least a list of what you have if your not going to post any pics . This will make things go a lot smoother , this way people can know if there is even anything they would be interested in . I took a 2 year break and am looking on picking up a lot of models 


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  4. Iam taking a break from the hobby . When I come back il probably start fresh . So I am letting go of a sweat malifaux collection .

    High quality painted


    Guardian X2


    Watcher X2

    Mechanical attendant







    Lady j



    X2 guild guard alt models

    Guild austringer x2

    Guildguard captain



    Death marshal x3


    GUILD : drill sgt , lady justice , governers proxy , Francisco , lady j avatar , Lawyer , papa loco

    Sonia crid , guild guard x2 , samael Hopkins , witchling stalkers x3. Sonia criid alt. ,

    OUTCASTS : viks , roninx3 , convict gunslinger , Taelor , von shill , friekorps specialist , friekorpsman x2

    Friekorps trapper , friekorps librarian , student of conflict , johan , bishop ,

    ARCANIST : Collette box , 3 doves , coryphee box

    Malifaux battle foam carrier

    Soul stones

    Wood counters of all types

    Puppet deck

    The whole lott with shipping included $275







    More pics upon request

  5. Checking into your blog is looking into the mind of a bi-polar painting genius with a strong case of A.D.D. lol !

    As usual I love checking out your blog , even though I been too busy to hobby its nice to look up to see what else you pile onto your already full plate .

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