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Posts posted by Ozymandias79

  1. Loads of good advice here. Looks like I need to run a guardian again and see if I can get more play out of him!


    I was pretty skeptical too... until I tried him.  :)  


    8 stones is a lot, but he gives so much to the rest of the crew: Df 6, Ml 7, protect for the double defensive and potential heal.  And he has a 3" melee range, which, despite his pretty crappy damage curve, can still reliably take the last couple wounds off of that annoying model or keep it in melee with his Ml 7.  Plus, you can keep him alive with his defensive trigger, throwing out low cards for the Armor 3!

    The only reason I can think of not taking him is if you are relying on Howard Langstrom as your beater and he's already got Ml 7 (though the df 6 and protect is still pretty good).

  2. I've played a few games with the Hoff recently and he certainly is one of the trickier masters for the Guild.  Activation order is pretty key (and he's one of the few masters I activate first on turn 1).  I've been really liking him with a PK, Ryle, Hunter, Watcher, and Guardian, plus whatever for flavor.  I was initially skeptical of the Guardian, but man, what an integral piece that is.  Giving out Df 6 and Ml 7 with Power Loop and then protecting your PK means that ANY beatstick in the game is going to have a rough time charging in to your crew.  I had a Rail Golem go straight at my PK, but thanks to the high Df and Protect, my PK took it on the chin, then flurried and killed the Rail Golem and was healed just about up to full again with Ryle and Hoffman (and went on to take out Mei Feng as well).  Meanwhile, my watcher is out scoring VP's after Hoffman suped up his already considerable interacting abilities.


    It's a fun crew, so stick with it and keep playing.  It's not as point and click as Perdita for sure, but part of the fun is the challenge.  For the tl:dr, here are a few quick tips:


    • Powerloop in the Guardian and at least whatever Beatstick you're using (PK is amazing).
    • Stay together!  The crew functions best when supported by Hoffman and most of his abilities are pretty short ranged, stay close (Mechanical Attendant is good for mitigating the problems with staying close, namely blasts).
    • Use the first turn to get your crew suped up with Field mechanic (an auto include)
    • Activation order is incredibly important
    • This one has got me a few times: Your models have big bases, make sure they don't crowd each other.  I've lost charge opportunities because my bases were too close together and I couldn't fit. :(
  3. Do you have three Metal Gamin but never field more than two?  Looking to clear out a space in your gaming bag?  


    Then I have an offer for you!  I will buy one of your Metal Gamin, I don't even care which one, I like all three sculpts and just need one to round out my Hoffman crew.


    I post (with increasing infrequency) on DakkaDakka as Ozymandias, where I do have sales/trade references.  I also know posters on this very board in real life (including a henchman for what it's worth), who hopefully would vouch for me.


    Three of the little buggers sell for $21 on the Wyrd store, so I'll sweeten the deal by offering $9 for one plus a little extra for shipping (shouldn't be much for one plastic model).  


    Let me know if you're interested!

  4. Well I have seen Dashel put to a pretty damn impressive use out here by our local player, he plays a wicked Lucius crew. Riflemen shooting at minimum damage of 4 is pretty damn wrecking.

    But rifleman can do that without him. He does make it easier, for sure, but it's not that terribly hard to get dmg 4 on a rifleman.

  5. Yeah, I'm not saying he doesn't have a place, just that I struggle to justify his points if I already have a support Master.  I'm still on a Hoffman kick, but I think I'll be trying McMourning next so I'll try him with the good Dr.

  6. I've used the Captain now in a few games alongside Lucius, and while I found his abilities fairly powerful, the lists I've been making lately have been dropping him for just more minions for Lucius to order around.  I think the issue I'm having is that Lucius is already a support Master and taking a further support Henchman means that if my opponent just takes out my minions, I have two pretty useless pieces to try and stop him.  
    I think if I wasn't running Lucius (say McMourning with a guardsman horde) I might see more value in his abilities, but it just seems redundant to have a support Master with an expensive support Henchman.
    What do you all think?  Am I using him wrong or is he really better suited for another Master?
  7. Inspired by this thread, I finally got my Hoffman stuff assembled and last night had my first game.  Here was my crew:


    C. Hoffman -- 6 Pool
     +Field Mechanic [2]
     +Remote Mines [2]
    Mechanical Attendant [2]
    Guardian [8]
    Hunter [7]
    Peacekeeper [11]
     +Tessellating Magnet [1]
    Ryle [10]
    Watcher [4]
    Strategy: Turf War (almost seems tailor made for Hoffman); Schemes: Bodyguard, Power Ritual
    Was playing against MudgeBlack fielding Mei Feng, Rail Golem, Kang, Emberling, 2 Rail workers, Willy, and a Metal Gamin. His schemes were Line in the Sand and Spring the Trap.
    I never ended up using Remote Mines, though it did scare my opponent a little bit.  But the biggest highlight was turning the Peacekeeper into a whirlwind of death and with Protect from the Guardian, a fairly resilient tank too!  With Nimble from Hoffman giving out the Hydraulics modification, Ml 7 and Df 6 from being powerlooped with the Guardian, and then Defensive +2 with the Guardian, he walked in to combat with the Rail Golem, took him down to 2 wounds, took three attacks back and only taking a couple wounds.  Then Hoffman machine puppeted him to finish off the Rail Golem.  Later, he took Mei Feng's last couple wounds (with help from the Guardian and Hoffman himself) and finally died when he charged Willy and thanks to some help from the Red Joker killed Willy in one swing and died in the resulting blast.  This was after taking out two enemy scheme markers thanks to his (0) action.  
    I originally had programmed directive on the Watcher, but after he was taken out (pesky Metal Gamin), I put it on the Hunter who completed the Power Ritual after taking out the Emberling.  I had selected Ryle for Bodyguard with the idea that I could keep him alive by using the Peacekeeper as a huge disctraction.  In hindsight that was a mistake simply because he's pretty slow and Kang, the Metal Gamin, and a Rail worker were finally able to bring him down (he did get Kang down to 1 wound, twice).  
    I was initially hesitant about taking the Guardian, as other than powerlooping his stats, I didn't know what to expect.  As it turns out, that was pretty much all he needed to do as between handing out stats, giving out Defensive +2, and taking the odd wound off models (I believe he took Kang's last wound through a machine puppet attack from Hoffman), he still was worth his weight in Stones.  
    Looking back, I should have dropped my pool down to 5, dropped the Tesselating Magnet off of the Peacekeeper (never used it) and dropped remote mines, and added a second Watcher and I would have been better equipped to take out my opponents scheme markers.  As it ended, we were tied 6-6.  In his last activation, his metal gamin failed to cast magnetic on my hunter, which would have put him in position to drop another scheme marker and get full points for Line in the Sand, and then the hunter scampered off to drop the last scheme marker for Power Ritual.  
    I'm used to running Perdita so playing Hoffman was a refreshing change.  There is so much synergy and disruptive power in this crew and the amount of heals you can potentially get was pretty frustrating for my opponent.  I think he's not the best for many of the schemes and a few of the strategies, but he was tons of fun to play and I can't wait to get him on the table again!
  8. Check out the soundtrack to the video game Red Dead Redemption, and it's expansion, Undead Nightmare. Some great tracks on there, perfect for the Ortegas or Lady J. Also, the soundtrack to the short documentary, The Accidental Sea is amazing. Just search on YouTube for the accidental sea to hear the track, I believe it's available for download from their site too.

    • Like 1
  9. From Facebook:


    "Awoke to a message from the manufacturer today. The POA meant nothing to them but we have come to a compromise. The manufacturer is mailing a contract to be signed by Damian and myself to allow the parts to be shipped to me. Do not understand their thinking because it has the same result. Guess that is the important part."


    May be a stalling tactic, may just be what has to happen now.  I'm still holding on to hope (mainly because there is nothing else I can do).

  10. My last game with him he took one on the chin from the Dead Rider, then with the help of Luna, killed off the mounted bastard. He never got to fire his machine gun, but was a huge threat the entire game and finally fell to aSeamus. Overall I was very happy with his performance and for certain strats he'd be amazing (like king of the hill for example, Sidir can't be pulled off the objective).

  11. I think that since you are already taking LadyJ as your big hitter, the Captain is somewhat wasted. The best (only?) real use for him I see is when you are taking just Lucius. He provides a decent hitter/shooter who is also rather tanky. Probably not worth 7 stones, but not bad in a pure Guardsmen/Elite Division crew.

  12. Hi everyone! I mostly lurk here, but I am a regular on Dakkadakka.com (as Ozymandias) and most recently I started guest writing for frontlinegaming.org as they are looking to branch out and focus on games other than 40k.

    My first article is on Malifaux and why other miniature gamers (specifically 40k players) should give it a try. I'd love to hear your feedback or ideas for other Malifaux related articles!

    Here's the link: http://www.frontlinegaming.org/2012/07/02/8-reasons-i-enjoy-malifaux-and-you-should-too/


  13. I have a BF Malifaux bag and am really happy with my purchase. I actually did put just a starting box in it and it just looked pitiful with all those empty slots.

    Now I have more stored in there and don't see myself growing beyond the one bag anytime soon. I guess if I did I could get one per faction (or one per 2 factions) as there is plenty of space for just about everything Wyrd makes.

    I'm pretty sure you can also get custom trays for your bag through BF's custom tray creator.

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