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Posts posted by Ozymandias79

  1. Do we know for sure that the cards aren't in the rulebook?  Last edition, half the crews were in the rulebook and the other half were in the next year's book.  Othewise, yeah, we'll have to wait until release (which hopefully won't be too long) or use the beta cards.  This is pretty normal for an edition change, last time around, we had to wait for a while to get the updated rules for the second half of our masters and models.

  2. I'm liking the Alpha Crawler.  He doesn't have the damage output that some of the other Titans do, but they can't engage an enemy 25" away like he can.  He either needs to go after enemy flankers, or be the flanker for the GH.  You can deploy him in the middle and still threaten either flank turn 1.

  3. First turn I might buy some cards, but generally you're getting so many plus flips on actions (Frenzy and Skulkers) that it doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  First turn I like to spawn egg clutches, so having a few cards for that is helpful.  

    But in single commander games, you're not going to be buying many strategem cards.

  4. 18 hours ago, 4thstringer said:

    Truer words have never been spoken.  But man do some of my regular opponents have some PTSD from her glory moments for me.

    I have gotten a lot of use out of her. She’s usually so far down on my opponents hit list that she ends up shutting down a whole flank or scoring a scheme for me single handedly. She is super suit intensive, and having one of those baked in would be nice, but if you’ve got the cards she’s a real headache for your opponent.  She’s also not bad at chasing down and killling scheme runners with her push and long charge. 

  5. I was the one who asked for the lists on FB, but it’s nice to have you join the discussion here.  Great job on kicking ass with Guild, especially Perdita, I look forward to trying out your ideas next time I see Ply for the strategy. 

    With the reduction in LLC, I think it gives Debt a real run for its money. Armor +1 on our hitters may keep them swinging longer so will result in more damage overall. I feel Debt is best with models who can get extra attacks or have a high Ml so it isn’t wasted. 

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  6. Of those five models, I use three of them on a regular basis. Orderlies are wk 6, ch 8 are unimpedid, and have a heal. They usually do better than expected in my crews. Guild Sgts give +1 walk to guardsmen, plus flips to wp duels, and can move scheme markers. Really good in the right mix. Mounted Guard aren’t quite as good as Kentauri, but accurately deliver a beater like an Executioner or Thrall, and are themselves pretty mobile and tough. 

    Exorcists aren’t great.  The proxy is terrible. Pistoleros are ok, but are outshined by the new toys.  Handlers still need help, as do Death Marshalls. Honestly, though, Guild is probably the strongest it’s ever been in 2e. 

  7. Adding on, McMourning is really just there to be a big distraction and wrench in your opponents plans. With his own heal and the brutal’s buff he’s hard to put in the ground and can tank a lot of damage. Meanwhile, Sebastian and the chihuahua are killing models, the nurses are paralyzing big threats, and your schemers are scoring points.  It’s a fun list and can be quite powerful in the right matchups. 

    • Like 1
  8. 1 hour ago, Ludvig said:

    Spam guild guard all you like, you'll run into Pandora or Sonnia and it's game over. :D

    It's more worthwhile to bring 3-4 of them for more activations.

    I never said spam. My current list has 2-3 and still has room for 2 Thralls. 

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  9. Him with the new Guild Guard errata is kind of gross. With the scribe’s support, you have Df 7, Armor +1 models that are 3 stones each. I recently ran Allison Dade with him too and her casting in to an engagement where the Guards were holding the opponents beaters at bay was glorious. 

    I like the Lawyer at 5 ss, but I’m still struggling to fit him in. His stats are great, so maybe with Jury to double up on fees?

  10. 45 minutes ago, longfanz said:

    Can Grimwell be changed for other models that can push like Mr Queeg? I don't own him and have a match this Saturday in which I would love to use this list.

    You should try Grimwell, he’s a little expensive, but he’s pretty good. With all the focus on Sonnia and Frank he’ll be ignored, and once he gets them into position, he is incredibly mobile, allowing him to kill scheme runners and complete schemes himself. Nimble is probably one of the more under-appreciated abilities in the game, but getting a free walk and then a long charge catches so many opponents off guard. 

  11. A fast Grimwell in a Nellie list is no joke. Also not bad with McMourning as he can get precise and a nurse can put his opponent on negative twists and he can lobotomize effectively.  Plus, Nellie using him to finish off models is a fun way to get more SS.

    Orderlies aren’t as bad as everyone seems to think, they just aren’t quite as good as watchers and field reporters so they get overlooked.   

    I’ve had a lot of success with heartsbane. Yes, she is card intensive, but she’s usually so far down the opponents kill list that she gets away with hunting down scheme runners and tying up flanks. Plus, she can shock Lady J or McMourning forward 6” with any crow. 

    • Thanks 1
  12. I’m going to disagree that Wrath of the Guild is a requirement on Phiona.  I’ve stopped using it entirely, and her damage output hasn’t really changed. You’re going to use her a lot to hit things out of her activation (via Nellie), and the number of 3 damage attacks is enough. I’d drop that, take no more than her cache of 4 soul stones, and fit another model in. Activation control is key for Nellie, having a lot of models, along with the ability to “pass” is ideal. 

    • Like 1
  13. Sonnia’s new chain activation is pretty darn good. It means you can run in a stalker or the purifying flame in and start blasting off it before your opponent can react, or you can even assemble Sammael and set them on fire with Sonnia or a Witchling, then chain activate into him to rapid fire while ignoring LOS.  Doesn’t fix him, but makes him more useful. 

  14. 3 hours ago, Ludvig said:

    I agree about Francisco but you can't have Diestro on the emissary anyway so you might as well put Francisco in there without it and put up his :-fate to melee and have much the same effect with an entire model less? Have you actually used the double-chain btw? Seems like it would usually come so late in the game.

    Like I said, I haven't tried this.  I just don't use Diestro on Franc anymore as he's already target #1.  This way, I can get a similar effect on a much sturdier model (df 6, Armor +1, HtK), and the large base gives me a little extra range and more opportunity to tie up models.

    • Like 1
  15. On 10/15/2017 at 11:39 PM, Ludvig said:


    Can't you do exactly the same amount of damage without the emissary being in the way? What it will likely lead to is you not getting to decide which enemy you will hit since you will still randomize between the enemy models so you might end up wounding three models instead of completely killing one or two of them with the same amount of attacks.

    I can shoot around corners this way. I can also chain activate both Santiago and Perdita using the Emissary's special chain activation.  Plus, he's harder to put down than Franc. I've stopped putting diestro on Franc, it makes him an even bigger target. 

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  16. I've done the McMourning and Grimwell combo and it is a lot of fun.  You really do need Sebastian though.  Usually, your opponent is so focused on stopping Grimwell and McMourning that you can get the Chihuahua and Sebastian into their lines and then just watch them crumble from poison.  The nurses and orderlies work well together (a walk 8 orderly is a darn good scheme runner), and Nurse Heartsbane works as an anti-scheme runner.  She's card intensive, but with a good hand she can keep up with enemy scheme runners and do enough attacks to put them down.

  17. I still need to try it with Perdita.  Since it isn't randomized when shooting in to a melee, and with it's huge base, you can run it in to the middle of a group, chain activate some of the shooters and target the Emissary to do some nasty damage to everything engaged with it.  

    Otherwise, I've used it a lot with McCabe, who loves having an extra upgrade to throw around, and a little with Hoffman, where the plus flips to attack on powerlooped models is great.  

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