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Posts posted by kizzle

  1. I love the love that collodi got. All the Effigys are pretty nice but 4ss a pop and the outcast effigy is my favorite it has some cool joker control such as being able to choose 2 random cards from your opponents hand and if you select a joker you get to do something (i forgot) and you can shuffle your own jokers back into your library from discard as well. The widow weaver has to be my favorite because it can summon wicked dolls fill with stones and make a teddy(who should already be a doll imo). But she is what collodi needed because his dolls kill fast and die fast (lots and lots of counters) and having someone else that can buff/create dolls is gold.

  2. Ahh they're totems? Didn't see that. That makes much more sense now.

    Spider Lady is definitely not a Belle, right?

    Widow weaver is not a belle but looks like a spider dressed as one and can summon a teddy with any number of corpse and scrap counters that equal 4, and can fill with stones which is a huge bonus for collodi.

    As for molly right now all she can take is totems including her necrotic machine, belles (dead doxy and rotten belle) or summon them, crooligans and rogue necromancy. Her forces are pretty limited at the moment but she will still compliment a Seamus crew nicely.

    Crooligans in my opinion are fast but squishy and a lil odd at first read but im definately going to have to play it out, they do seem like situational objective grabbers tho.

    AS for rougue necromancy i see why it will be in her box but im having trouble seeing its place in her crew it does provide some expensive melee smash and she does have some buffs for it but as said earlier its a lil squishy and i think it fits best in a McMourning crew.

    Belles are gonna be a workhorse just like in Seamus' crew doing what they they do and for the dead doxy im interested to see in how she plays out, with the reverse lure and debuffing and more melee oriented.

    Probably gonna have to wait till book 4 which should be expanding on special forces and minions and maybe she will get the collodi treatment.

  3. hes great especially against low wp crews and the no cheat aurora is money for a key target you need dead also you gotta love the extra card and his ability to drain your opponents hand. Plus if you are in a real bind just throw him into combat and lock up a few models and as long as you have cards he is not going down.

  4. I still need to get a copy of Rising Powers so I can read up on all the new stuff, like the dreamer and Jack Daw.

    Knowledge is power and knowing is half the battle! (or something like that)

    Kidding aside Jack Daw and Hanged would be the way to go. Jack alone can win you the game and is very hard to take down.

  5. It really comes down to the Master you know best. Sure some do better against others but at the end of the day the game is so varied as to what your objectives are that each master approaches those objectives differently, some really excel at denial, some manipulation, other board control, other for sheer hitting power but you will need a little bit of all of this to consistently win games. For me Seamus is 'my' best master because I started playing Malifaux with him and am extremely familiar with how he works and what his weaknesses are and how to get around them, the familiar you are with a given master the more powerful they will become in your hands.

    Couldn't have said it better!

    Seamus was my first and i know him best so i play with him the most, but most of the time i know it comes down to the player and how well they can use their crew in any situation.

    With that said sometimes other crews have it better off like collette, dreamer/chompy, Hamelin, and Perdita i hate the most because everything about her is so good, she truly is a beast.

  6. Im still pretty new to the game only have about 30 games with Seamus, but im still finding new crew combos and there is just so much you can take with him and its not hard to tailor to strat and scheme needs and best of all The hatter keeps it fresh and with all the variance threatens to never go stale.

  7. For Seamus anything with a wp debuff is great but not needed due to the high cast on lure, but Onryo's are nice with that debuff to make sure you get the lure and ignoring armour is big as Seamus only gets one shot and the belles dont have much for dg output, but whats great is with the belles you can lure your opponent into anything such as crooked men shaft markers or punk zombie katana flurry or whatever your heart fancy's beacuse Seamus is very flexible and works well with almost all ressies. Plus shikome are great to throw at a target you dont want the rest of your crew to deal with.

  8. I personally like Seamus over Hamelin, although hamelin might be a tad more powerful. Seamus has a wide range of ressies that mesh well with him and and Hamelin's models range are slightly more limited. Plus zombie hookers!!! and with a kirai crew you already have some more options open to Seamus like shikome and onryo

  9. I tend to look at Seamus spell as more of a reset button than an active summon. He doesn't usually have a way of starting with a corpse counter without taking something expendable, etc.

    What I've been doing lately is just using it to raise a Belle after one dies. So the other crew goes to the trouble of killing her and then I just bring her right back.


    That"s exactly how i use my summons for belles. I find its always best to use Seamus with atleast 3 belles and fill the rest out based on schemes, strats, and stones. But for flesh construct and rouge necro mcmourning is best summoning off scalpel sling and canine remains and nico is good at summoning punk zombies. Seamus and nico is a good base and if you like ressies enough you can move into mcm and also belles work great with all ressie crews in my opinion and can be a summon option as well.

  10. Weighing in at a hefty 9ss, I just cant seem to get him - in my Seamus crew I think I'm going stick with Bette as she is a virtually guaranteed to have an impact whereas I think JD is completely situational.

    He cost 10ss, but yeah i do find him very situational mostly for shooty and low wp crews and you can never go wrong with bette in a ressie crew.

  11. He necro get better cards! Every game man you seem to get the short stick on those crucial turns, you can use my deck if u want just plan on flipping a black joker once a turn on a damage flips haha.

    But im surprised you took that list for a trial run, seems the nephs took away from what you normally do best with hamelin, but i feel ya on the slaughter thats alot of easy kill points with the stolen and rats, just an uphill battle from the start.

    But Daves collette crew is brutal i was lucky enough to play it without jd and it still didnt fair well. Too bad i had work or else i would have gotten to see the game.

  12. I started a few weeks ago and knew none of the rules so went the fluff i thought was collest.

    Picked up the dreamer and absolutely loving him, partly due to his sweet bckground.

    My advice is for your first crew, pick the one with the fluff and models which appeal to you the most, and as you learn the game pick up another to suit your playstyle, or build on the one you have.

    First off love your name/avatar second dont give the succubus tree-fitty

    but jokes aside just read all the fluff and pick your favorite i also came from 40k world picked Seamus cause i liked the whole mad hatter dead hookers and eventually learned the game and his crew then i branched out into the neverborn goodness of zoraida and collodi just because puppets.

    The game is cheap fun to play and a much needed breath of fresh air and you cant go wrong with a neverborn master they all have fun tricks some more straightforward than others, but you will find they are compatible with almost the whole neverborn range.

  13. Maybe ditch the doppleganger and get 2 or 3 wicked dolls? From what i see they are really usefull for Collodi and the hag can summon more, but starting with them will free up her activations to obey and bewitch stuff.

    Just my 2pence.

    Thats was my initial list i was thinking of in the months leading to Collodi. I have not tried it out yet (been too busy for the flgs this week) but i have high hopes for the list and cant wait to try it.

  14. i found Collodi's box to be an easy build just the hands where a lil annoying but nothing more than three glue attempts.

    As for the rules change im all for it, he still is very good, plus i dont want people to not play me if i take him, i just wanna push some dolls and flip some cards!

    Also come on wyrd why do you have to make rules adjustments in a timely convenient manner, you know you are supposed to wait at least six months to multiple years before shelling out an FAQ that either cuddles or accomplishes little to nothing. Haha kidding aside im happy im playing a game run by a competent company that obviously works very hard for their customers and the fun of the hobby. keep up the good work!

  15. Seamus was also my first crew and he is still my favorite. He is very good at playing the strategies of the game and has many tricks for most situations and pretty much every turn if i dont have that 10 of crows or higher to raise the belle im normally using trail of fear,no escape i rarely use, but it definitely has its situations. Also love the hat and gun, plus the killing and raising hookers whats not to love about the guy?

  16. With Seamus you need him at the right range. preferably about 8" ahead of Seamus and friends behind some terrain.. Then you drag enemy into the no cheat bubble with lure and then shoot them in the head.

    I used him last week for the first time with seamus in my league and loved him. Early in the game wasnt having much success cause he was sitting back with the crew but saved my ass late in the game with suppressed memories and doom and as a tie up unit in melee if its someone that can wreck you gets too close and can definitely make your opponents hand and stone pool smaller.

    Although i was not able to apply the no cheat bubble it is a very helpful option for the copy cat killer cb of 3 and ensures Seamus one shot works.

  17. Having come from 40k it was difficult to get used that to win a game you need to complete schemes and strats NOT obliterate your opponent.

    I feel ya i came from the same background and lost quite a few games in the beginning and i mostly feel that with Seamus he is not over powered but average to slightly above like he has a nice shot some cool powers but nothing too powerful and hes not as good at ressing as nico or mcmourning but he compliments the belles and the belles help with board control and schemes and the rest is to fill against your match or scheme. Also copy cat is pretty standard for me nice extra shot or power but cb/ca 3 kinda hurts

  18. One thing that I would say is that the Red Chapel gang is not a damage output monster but more about denial and board control.

    Yeah took me a couple games to figure that one out haha, but i find him a very fun master to use. belles should be the heart of all his crews and then you can hire things like punk zombies for lure then katana smash or hanged for terror, havent used crooked men yet but they seem to be good to lay traps use belles to get opponents in traps.

    The more i play the more options i find he has with other ressies its just not as clear to me until the situation comes up in a game :-( , but im pretty much a newb and still learning.

  19. I was actually thinking about picking up a box just for shooty lists i might have to face (mostly guild) to help my lovely belles out! I think they can fulfill two roles one as a distraction unit as is to make my opponent kill them so they can shoot me at a distance and give my crew time to do other things or make my opponent move closer to me

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