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Crooked Grin

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Posts posted by Crooked Grin

  1. I really like Jack Daw as a model and as a character and was really excited when he became a master. But other than his fluff in Crossroads he isn't featured at all in the fluff (Before Jack my favorite was Seamus and there is no shortage of fluff on him).

    I guess a character who doesn't speak makes it tough to build a story around but I do wish there was more fluff with god ol' JD.


  2. Have:

    TCG Studio Bushido:
    Temple of Ro-kan starter (complete, unpainted and unbuild) (This one: http://www.bushido-thegame.com/sites/default/files/styles/uc_product_full/public/torstarterset_promo.jpg?itok=gilHnJff )
    Including statcards en accessories
    New Dawn Rulebook
    Temple of Ro-Kan dice
    Temple of Rokan Aiko & Gorilla blister (complete, unpainted & unbuild) (http://www.bushido-thegame.com/sites/default/files/styles/uc_product_full/public/aikotheguardian.jpg?itok=saH8am-c )
    New Dawn tokens from Counter Attack Bases


    Tor Gaming Relics:
    Orcnar starter (gpainted and finished with one layer gloss varnish and one layer Testor's Dullcote)
    Relics collectors edition signed rulebook


    Cool Mini Or Not Relic Knights:
    Dark Nebula Corsair Battlebox (complete and unbuild) including statcards, dashboard, mini rulebook and tokens


    Shattered Sword Paladins (build but unpainted) including statcards, dashboard, mini rulebook and tokens
    based on Temple Bases, One of the larger Paladins needs to be attache to his base and both come with separate shields for ease of painting.




    Guild Ball: 

    Brewers: Token set,  Scum, Spigot, Stave, Mash and/or Stoker (must be unpainted)

    Fishermen: Token set, Salt, Greyscales, Kraken, Jac and/or Sakana ( must be unpainted)



    Orlock (1st edition (not the ones with the separate hands and weapons) any except for Heavy Bolter and must be unpainted/stripped)

    Goliath (2nd edition must be unpainted/stripped)

    Cawdor (any, must be unpainted/stripped)


    or £, $ or € 

    Shipping will be from the Netherlands

  3. I have a GW skaven team consisting of: 14 linerats (8 stripped/bare metal 6 undercoated black) 2 Blitzers (undercoated black) 4x Gutter Runners (2 of each version undercoated black) 2 Throwers (stripped bare metal one is converted from the Big Hand skaven) 1x Skitter Stab-Stab (stripped/bare metal) 1x four arms Skaven Mutant

    1x Headsplitter Star player (unassembled stripped/bare metal) 1x Hakflem Skuttlespike (Stripped/bare metal) 1x Morg 'n Thorg (undercoated white)


    I'm looking to sell these.

    Let me know if you are interested. I'm from the Netherlands

  4. Played my second game yesterday. Same crews, same strats and schemes. Seamus totally won this one.

    Took out the Terror Tots rather quickly so my dad couldn't keep up with scoring VP's from Turf War.


    We still forgot a lot of things (abilities mostly like Seamus' Terrifying) but the general rules went much more smoothly than the first time.

    Still I made a quick reference sheet when I got home to make our next game go even smoother.

    • Like 2
  5. I have a question about tokens and marker use.

    It really pertains to all markers but I'll use corpse markers as an example.


    The rulebook states that when a living or undead model dies it's controller places a corpse marker in base to base contact before removing the model.

    But what if my faction doesn't really use corpse markers should i provide corpse markers for my opponent or could I use his corpse markers (even if they are marked or colored as his faction)?



    • Like 5
  6. I started with Malifaux 3 months ago and played my fifth game just last week and I enjoy every game more than the previous one. Slowly getting a firm grasp of the rules, so I can finally focus on playing the game and don't have to spend so much time asking my opponent if I can do this or that or browsing the rulebook.

    I play Ophelia LaCroix, the most straightforward master, and I do not own a lot of models so I usually run the same crew, just swapping some upgrades. At the moment I am working on Zoraida, who is Neverborn/Gremlin master and I am really loking forward to playing her and to finally build the crew to fit the strategy and the schemes (which is a big part of Malifaux game).

    Do you play with painted models? Did your dad paint his own models?

    Yes we played with painted crews. I have a strict policy against playing with unpainted miniatures. 

    I painted both crews myself. Somewhere in the painting threads there's a thread of my painted Seamus crew I'll have to update it as I now also have a painted Lilith , Tara and (an almost painted) Pandora crew including The Hanged, Teddy and Young and Mature Nephilim.

  7. The game is over. Lilith (won). The started was a bit chaos but after one turn the rules got more and more clear.

    We forgot a lot of things (I forgot to place corpse counters for the much needed summoning of Rotten Belles)

    But had a lot of fun and will be trying it out some more with just the starter boxes.


    • Like 1
  8. So in about an hour I'm going to play a game of Malifaux.


    I have been following and collecting Malifaux since 1.5 but this will be my very first game of Malifaux ever.


    It will be Seamus box vs Lilith box and after asking advice on here we will use Turf War and Assassinate schemes and strats.


    Got my models, stat cards, Fate decks, tokens, dry erase markers, scenery, rulebook and my own quick reference sheet all packed up.


    Been reading the rules over and over again every evening of the last week.


    Now I'm getting nervous. 

    Can I remember all the rules?

    What if my dad doesn't like the game?  



    I had the same feeling when we tried Warmahordes out a couple of months ago, but this is different, this is Malifaux! 

    This is the game with the fluff I love.

    This is the game with the models I love.

    This is the game of which I have so many unpainted models still lying on my painting table.




    PS I hate how the autocorrect always changes Malifaux into Halifax!

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