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G. Footman

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Posts posted by G. Footman

  1. there's some games I like the look of, but haven't been able to justify getting aside from as an excuse to paint the models, Infinity looks interesting, and has a couple people in my area who play it, but none of my regular opponents do. Rezoluton has a decent cyberpunk feel, but noone in my area plays, te shop dosn't even have any selecton for it. Pulp city heroes, again, I like superheroes and would get into a superhero minis game (still have alot of heroclix), but noone in my area plays, superheroes don't really seem to appeal to my gaming friends that much, or comics in general, while my comic friends aren't into games.

    I've seen battletech classics for sale, but I know if I got that, it would mainly be me and my brother playing, as we're really the only big battletech fans in the area.

    the new DnD mini's game looks interesting, I'd be interested in the drow faction, but they're the DnD prepainted minis, andas such, the drow always look like crap.

    I have gotten into playing super dungeon explore at halflingspy's, but it's more of a boardgame/gateway into miniatures game

  2. I've played GW games since the 1990's, starting with WFB, it'what got me into minatures games (actually the old PS1 game Shadow of the Horned Rat first got my interest in WFB).

    I got into 40k in 1999 during the Hunt For the Fallen tour. and since then have had Space Marines, Orks and Dark Eldar.I traded my space marines last year to a friend for more skaven (skaven and vamp counts being my main WFB armies), and off and on considered selling my orks to focus on my dark eldar and a converted chaos sisters/word bearers army. I like the setting of 40k (and WFB despite how generic fantasy it can get) and have since played alot of the games in the setting (was in a roug trader campaign mrTezla GM'd last year and liked it) I don't see myself ever really giving up or rage quitting 40k, I manage to have a decent sized army (will never play apocolypse scale, they just take too long), and have given GW very little the last few years, I've mostly gotten my mins through trades, ebay, or sales at the local shop (that is currently puttin it's GW stuff buy 1 get 1 free since it's seeing less sales than warmach malifaux, or flames of war)

    I'll admit alot of what get my interest in a game is the seng, art, and how minis look, the echanics, eh, if I don't like how they work, there's older versions, or house rules. The only game where the mcs alone made me quit, was 4th edition DnD (it was way too watered down for an RPG but works great as a board game)

    My outlook has always been, like the setting and the game, but you't have to like the company. I like 40k, I like the setting, I don't like how GW is now, with's lawsuit happy attitude and level of facepalming ridiculousness, but I don't play GW, I play w40k, and GW influencs me and how I play the game very little.

    There's free fan-made versions of the 40k ruleset, and projects like deathsquads if you need another system for your minis (I'm just waifor deathsquads to have rules for dark eldar)

    6th edition i'm holding jugement on for now

  3. it's one of my favrites.

    I also play W40k and WFB, and am interested in distopian wars, possibly when I can move to a larger space, look into a small wachine force too, it depends, there's enough games that interest me, but only such time for painting, conveg, and playing, plus some of my opponents may play one game but not others.

    gamewise I'm another one who puts the lore and setting above gameplay, I like the mechanicsof e games over others, but didn't get into malifaux because I flip cards rather than dice, I got into it because I like the dark stempunk western feel of it.

    otherwise my favorite depends on my mood,I have a day to spare, a willing opponent,and feel like an army of evil phsyco space elves in a large battle, I go w40k, I feel like a small personal gang of undea hookers and frankenstien-ish creations in a dark steampunk style town, I go malifaux

  4. McMourning was my first, and still ends up being the master I use most often. I had gotten Rasputina after McMourning, and she's usually who I use if I feel like taking a break from rezzers, but with the dead heat campaign and a recently ended leauge this summer I mostly been sticking to ressers. I'd gotten Nicodem and he's generally been my no.2 resser. and just started making myself use Seamus more to get down his play style, I've used Molly more often than him at this point

  5. I've flipped through the book at my local store (they helpfully took the shrinkwrap off, annoying as hell to shrinkwrap a book) allies are back, and looks like the way some of the rules work, tau may benefit, more emphasis on formations and manuevering, tactics.

    I hadn't seen it just flipping through, but I been hearing there's mention of squats again as actually existing in the 40k universe. vehicles now have hit points rather than armor ratings, and tyranids get no friends while tau and space marines are best buddies

    W40k is my other miniatures game I play (with a good amount of conversions or scratchbuilds rather than buy overpriced plastics) I'm not sure yet how the rules will effect my dark eldar, i been hearing webway lists aren't as good, but I never ran a webway list anyway.

    I won't quit w40k unless there's absolutly noone else playing it, or the game gets the axe and loses all support like Mageknight back in the day, wich seemed to have the same outcome. But i'm not a huge GW supporter. I get most my mini's 3rd hand, deals, trades, or convert my own and haven't bought a book in years. my philosophy is that I like the game, doesn't mean I like the company. wyrd though I happen to like both so far

  6. no problem Panda, so far it hasn't gotten as bad as other sites and communities where this topic comes up (from both sides) and has stayed pretty reasonable

    Have to admit, I likely wouldn't even get the alt bete, I like the original bete noir more than that one,

    but yeah, that was my point, I don't get mini's for sex appeal and don't know many that do, but I also don't see the point in agonizing over the chest size and wether the figure's wearing skimpy clothes or not, aside from the fact it's easier for me to paint clothes then it is alot of skin for some reason.

    I can't say much about what a barrier to women may or may not be since my chromosomes are the wrong type to relate, but I'd think it's likely more the attitude how they're treated in the game store than not. I used to play w40k in one store in clifton park, and a girl I was seeing at the time had come one day to see what it was about. It was just like all the geek stereotypes, she was the only girl there, and everyone was staring at her to the point she got uncomfortable and wanted to leave.

    meanwhile the store i play in now, has about half the staff women, and at least a third the malifaux players in my area are female, there doesn't seem to be as much staring.

    and on a marginally related note, chest size on a mini, I'm currently attempting to scratch build tzeentchian sisters of battle (cheaper than buying the metals), and have to say, it's pretty hard to get their chests smaller than dolly parton proportions

    ---------- Post added at 09:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:44 PM ----------

    Stereotype is characters in the setting assuming that Bob the Dwarf must be a good engineer and a tireless miner because he's a dwarf.

    coincidentally, I used to do a webcomic about a dwarf named Bob who was not either of those.....

    ---------- Post added at 09:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:04 PM ----------

    I really liked the Daemonettes from 10-15 years ago (the studio paintjob was blue/white). But they were quite explicit. Not sure what they look like now.


    kind of a cross between the old 80's ones and deadites from evil dead

  7. this sort of topic comes up on Kotaku all the time too, usually with people using phrases like 'big boobs make a character irrelevant and uninteresting." in an attempt to make themselves sound more intellectual, or make out like anyone who admits to liking it is a bad person. My take, I like boobs, I like sexy women, I'm not going to apologize about it. But I don't buy a game, mini, or comic book for boobs, I buy it because I enjoy painting the minis, reading the story, the lore, etc. I'm also not going to just go "oh, that character has big breasts, I now have no interest in this character whatsoever." or make out that anyone else who likes that sort of thing is a horrible horrible person.

    basically people need to get over themselves and not be so easily offended.

    ---------- Post added at 06:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:33 PM ----------

    There is a pretty big difference between catering to new/younger players and having a product that you do not want to be seen by new/younger players.

    Now, there are very few models that fit into that category for us with the Wyrd line of models, but I am typically pretty sensitive to it.

    GW also until recently had topless dark elf women and daemonettes with 5-6 naked boobs, and was still going for the younger crowd

  8. Battlefleet gothic minis, both Imperial and Chaos ships, nothing really good to keep them in at the time and my grandmother flipped out if they were out, so they ended up in a shallow box, that was more of a cardboard tray , cat's immediatly jump up, cardboard tray gets sent to the floor, 2 fleets are smashed up, weapons snapped off to never be seen again, prows gone, the stems to the flying bases snapped. over 10 years later and I still haven't managed to repair them all

  9. only real issue I ever had (aside from necrotic machine, but that's more just because of how spindly the model is) was Kaeris, I had alot of flash under the left arm of mine, and had to remove the arm to get at it, then reattach

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