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Posts posted by FrereSebastian

  1. Yeah its the same for me I painted my first few bayou gremlins in the GW orks and gobbos fashion and it just doesnt seem right.

    @dgraz Is the paint scheme that you posted above how you did your Some'r and gremlins on your paint thread? I saw those and they look really good, tbh I just want a mottled color not the bright goblin looking green that I have now.

    If not can you send me a pm or just post here how you painted those guys? I really appreciate it


  2. Yeah I was a little confused as to when I read your post haha my mistake.

    Cornelius, I assume that the gremlin in your avatar picture is yours, I am really in love with the dirty green/yellow scheme as to show my little rajun cajuns as though they live in the swamp. Could you let me in on your color scheme and how you painted the skin to look like that?



  3. To quote you a little on what you said about Ramos doesn't need to use as much ss as Colette, I love how in the story in the second book Ramos is like, "Collette, you're awesome, but I can't afford to have you using up half of the M&SU's SS supply in one day." lol

    Just thought that was funny. Congrats on your tournament btw

  4. So I have seen a lot of the threads on Hamelin the Plagued on the forums but I really don't see much in the way of a tactica, or a good list that people have found that works for them.

    So while I am a novice to the forum, let me be the first to start a "general tactics" thread for our lovable pied piper. (though he seems a bit mottled to me)

    As a list that seems to work the models are:


    2x Rat Catchers

    1 or 2 stolen

    1 Nix

    1 wretch

    Crap ton of rats

    Have people ran this list? If so how effective was it/ what types of tactics did you use?

    Can we get people to comment on how Hamelin is supposed to "swarm" the other masters with activations?

    Thanks for your input guys I just want to get an official Tactics Hamelin thread so others don't have to dig through the QQ in order to read about him



  5. Hello all,

    My name is Zach, I'm currently a last semester Senior at Cornell University in NY. As of right now I'm looking for work all over mostly in the Boston, MA area and San Francisco CA area.

    I just started looking into Malifaux and I have to say I love the fluff, the miniatures, and everything else about this game. As a hobbyist I have mostly worked with GW and the Warhammer franchise, so I am really excited to start messing with a new system.

    As a faction I love the outcasts, as of right now I have a LaCroix gremlin group and I am waiting for the Hamelin the Plagued box as of this moment. Leveticus looks fun but it seems that everyone and their mom plays Levi so I'll stay clear as of right now.

    Thanks for your time,


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