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Posts posted by Almo

  1. Thanks for your replies. After reading these and studying the ancient manuscripts (my Rules Manual pdf) I now see the difference. I didn't notice that in the rules the Terrifying Morale Duel is written as Terrifying -> TN as opposed to WP -> TN.

    Basically, as you say, it limits the Triggers to working only on things susceptible to Terrifying effects and is, as such, a limitation. And, yes, Brutal Embrace is very yummy!

  2. Are you thinking of The Resolve Effects step? I think that that step is for ending effects that have no specified duration. However, Bolster states that its effect lasts "...until the Start Closing Phase" so would end before that.

    I suppose I'd like to know at what point in the Start Closing Phase Bolster Undead officially ends.

    Alternatively, is it the case that the "Start of the Closing Phase", as mentioned by Ceaseless Advance, happens before the "Start Closing Phase"? As the Start Closing Phase happens within the Closing Phase itself...I may have confused myself there. Does that make sense?

  3. Can anyone please clarify the timings for Bolster Undead and the Flesh Construct's Ceaseless Advance, please? Does the Construct get +2 Cb when it strikes in the closing phase (...start of Closing Phase) or does Bolster end before that (...until the Start Closing Phase)?

    Apologies if this has been answered elsewhere but I couldn't spot anything after searching.


  4. I have been looking at Avatar Seamus' stat card and am a little confused by the wording on the morale duel for the triggers Battered Skull and Splatterpunk.

    For both triggers the wording on the card says that models must perform a Terrifying -> TN Morale Duel.

    This differs from other actions such as Bellowing of the Big Bastard which requires affected models to perform a WP -> TN Morale Duel.

    Does the wording in the triggers (Terrifying as opposed to WP) imply that these Morale Duels are different from 'regular' Morale Duels somehow? Is it possible that Succumb to Darkness affects these Morale Duels, for example, due to its effect on Seamus' Terrifying ability?

    Can anyone clarify, please? (Apologies if I've overlooked something obvious!)

  5. There is Madame Sybelle's Shriek which causes a Morale Duel in addition to damage. Fear not Death should help against that one.


    I believe the Morale Duel caused by Shriek could be argued to be a simple duel as it's a will power vs target number duel, WP->11 in this case, so again there is technically no defender, and Fear Not Death, in theory, doesn't apply.

    I also find it weird that, as the rule is currently played, being unafraid of zombies helps you resist the urge to stare at a zombie hooker getting her kit off. The Death Marshalls must have a bizarre training regime :P

  6. This issue vexes me. It just doesn't 'feel' right that Fear Not Death should not work in Morale duels. In the Morale Duel sequence in the original rulebook the model affected by terrifying is described as the defender and so Fear Not Death would seem to apply, although that section is now considered removed by the errata. If there's one thing that Fear Not Death should prevent it's the Death Marshals fleeing from the creatures they're meant to hunt and destroy!

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