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Posts posted by Dorian

  1. Gee, don't hold back, tell me how you really feel *wink*

    How about "Score if you kill a model that is being affected by Undead Psychosis and a negative Willpower modifier"? Seamus can do that by himself or take one of several models that can inflict a -Wp to make it easier. Either way, he is still necessary to get the points.

    I like this much better than your previous one. Also trust me I am being tame. I can get much worse ;)

  2. Gee, don't hold back, tell me how you really feel *wink*

    How about "Score if you kill a model that is being affected by Undead Psychosis and a negative Willpower modifier"? Seamus can do that by himself or take one of several models that can inflict a -Wp to make it easier. Either way, he is still necessary to get the points.

    This is much better than your previous idea. Also I'm being tame here, you should have seen me ranting about some of the scheme things in the playtest forums, but you'll see those soon enough. The schemes I mean not my rants or anything that may or may not have affected them ;)

  3. I agree with this and Dorians suggestion that the scheme needs changing, so you don't have to take CCK.

    No need for the gun to be fired twice or any other increase to CB etc. If his terror got higher or spells gained anathema then there would be no need for the Avatar, so I don't see any reason to change them either.

    The avatar turns him into a more damaging force. It also gives him innate anathema and everything else terrifying or a bonus to it. I don't think his terrifying needs to be higher but the anathema on the spell would make it much more useful.

  4. Sandwich, my other main issue with the belle scheme is that it in no way requires Seamus even be taken, aside from saying it's his master specific scheme. A better change would be to have a belle kill a model under undead psychosis. Note I said better not a good change, to me it still forces you to take a specific model, (albeit you can potentially summon one). My main argument with scheme as is is it places restrictions on you that no one else has. With it rewritten the belle way it doesn't require seamus even be on the field, hardly fitting of a master specific scheme to not require the master at all plus mandating a specific type of model be present.

  5. When running a list with Seamus, regardless of the models you start with, what exactly are you doing with the Corpse Counters?

    What corpse counters? I have run games where nothing of mine has died and my opponents are non living and I have run games where there was nothing i wanted to do with them. If I run Rafkin (albeit rarely) I shuffle the counters onto him for body parts. Also they can be used by aSeamus. Plus his summoning is a (0). Since he only gets one who says I want to do anthing with the corpse counters. Often I find his other (0)'s more worthwhile.

  6. Here is a random change: what if the scheme was changed to "If Seamus killed a model with a soulstone cost of 7 or more, Master, Henchman, etc., score 1 VP. If the Copycat Killer kills an enemy model (note the lack of restrictions on it being a bigger model), score 1 VP."

    No, in order to get full points I am forced to take a a specific model which is my major gripe.

  7. I guess, even so now you're requiring 2 summons. 2 spells that can be resisted with the belles measly ca4, and that you have a belle do the killing. BEST case scenario you need two belles to get this done assuming you don't take any belles from the start that at least 2 turns spent (Trying to) summon them. Too difficult, no interaction from Seamus required, still very much against it.

  8. How about Seamus's new scheme go something like this (I admit the wording will need to be cleaned up):

    "Score 2 VP if a model is killed by a Belle while also affected by Distract and Undress. Insignificant models do not count towards this scheme."

    Absolutely not, You now mandate that Seamus' crew include a belle. While most of times you will, it should not be FORCED on the person. Also this scheme is 100% completable with or without seamus.

    For those who think Seamus cannot run without beles try aSeamus + a list of terrifying models. Works great against living crews when Seamus manifests and all that terrifying goes up one.

  9. I like the mentioned changes. If face of death gains anathema I might reduce the range to 3 instead of 4. To me 4 is mighty big and a bit strong as evidenced by the hate of Lilithu and her 4" melee.

    *Obligatory gripe about scheme*

    Personally I'd just be happy to see his scheme changed. Currently his scheme suck, flat out it is garbage AND mandates you take a PoS model. Mandating you take any model except Seamus is wrong IMO but the CCK is just so much crap. My suggested scheme change, which I have tested & find works great.

    Nowhere to run nowhere to hide.

    Seamus or undead models in Seamus' crew must kill two enemy models while they are under the effects of undead psychosis.

    Thematic: check, Difficulty: moderate, your enemy has plenty opportunity to defend against it, mandates: none except Seamus.

  10. I love carrion effigy! Hes so durable, versatile and useful I just dont know why no one else votes for him. I mean come on look at his stat line, amazing compared to every other effigy. His abilities synergize so well, i mean he can remove immunities from anything close enough to kill him next activation. Like all resser models he is decently tough to take down, that h2k really keeps him alive and kicking, best of all he doesnt drop a corpse counter or anything so I dont have to worry about walking over to pick it up. Carrion effigy is best effigy the same way north korea is best korea!

  11. Im in complete agreement with you gruesome. Malifaux on top, i was debating starting dust or rebooting my hordes but since the hirdes communit is actually existent in my neck of the woods i went with that. Despite having almost no interest in 40k anymore i cant bring myself to sell it, though im probably going to dump my high elves.

  12. I am perfectly ok with it. Play a fewgames against a carpenter and realize how frustrating being off by. 1/8th of an inch is because he/she knows distances. Also i feel it clears up any distance debate. I premeasure and tell you i am placing myself 7.5 inches away from you, so even if you charge 6 your 1 inch melee is still out, no debate over whether you measured properly or arguing over that little sliver of space.

    Competitively i would rather win because i outplayed my opponent, not because he/she misjudged a tenth of an inch. Some people will claim its a skill to know distances but then comes the handicap of people with poor vision, like myself who will have more difficulty especially if we forget our glasses.

  13. Cjm, I agree with you I plan on mounting my old fantasy zombies on some 30mm bases. I know I want at least a dozen with aNico and in that quantity GW comes out ahead in price and variation (I hate multiples of the same model). That said I still have one pack of the wyrd mindless zombies.

  14. Sadly this is exactly the kind of dookie that has made me stop supporting GW. Now the only time I play 40k is when I'm trying to convince a player to join Malifaux instead. It's not so much the rules of 40k, though I do have my issues, but that the company seems to care only about their bottom line and nothing about their product or the consumer.

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