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Posts posted by Dorian

  1. If the ref can still see the puck he is NOT allowed to stop play barring some other rules violation. "There's a whole bunch of guys tangled in front" is not a reason. Crashing the crease while the puck is also in the crease IS allowed. As for sitting on the goalie, if the player was knocked onto the goalie by the defending team & he is making an attempt to get up without actively trying to impair the goalies movement it is not a penalty.

    Hope this clears things up. It's very easy for people to yell at us but if you think you can do better than by all means go ahead. But I must warn you our book is over 500 pages long and to get that high you pretty much need to memorize it, then memorize a different 500 page book on additional / modified rules JUST for the NHL.

  2. Gotta agree with most everyone on tokens being a bad idea. It's not just a game it's a hobby. I feel bad enough when I put down/play against unfinished models but tokens, I would be severely disappointed. I enjoy seeing what others do with their models, even if it's not top-quality.

  3. Hey guys I'm looking into getting my 3rd ressurectionist master. Can't quite decide between Kirai or McMourning. Eventually I plan to have all 4 but in an effort not to fall behind I mandate I paint everything before starting a new master. With that in mind I was looking for advice on Kirai & Dougles.

    My perceived pros & cons


    Pros - Spirits, movement, Does not rely on counters

    Cons - Not much synergy with my other masters / models


    Pros - Synergy with my other masters. Melee power.

    Cons - Kind of one dimensional, Seems to rely heavily on body part counters.

    Just looking for input from people who have played them & on a side note, how do Nurses work? Aside from their (0)'s and Surgery they don't seem to do a whole lot for 5 ss.

  4. Rotten Belles + Punk zombies are nice. As far as McMournings theme, Flesh constructs & Canine Remains. Also look into the Hanged (I prefer the jack daw model) and Crooked Men (for their shafted spell).

    Other then that you painting looks good, welcome to Malifaux & more importantly the ressurectionists.

  5. lol I know and I don't mean to sound demanding (despite the name of the thread). I'm looking for something more Soviet-Russian. Zoraida, being based loosely on baba yaga fits with the old country czarist (Almost rasputin like) theme, and rasputina has the name. I'm looking for something more akin to Khador (not the warjacks) from warmachine or Valhallans from Warhammer

  6. For assembling look into a technique called pinning. Works MIRACLES in holding the model together. Essentially you use a small hand drill, drill a hole in the part & a hole in the model. Then insert a small copper-zinc rod & superglue it together.

    Not very hard you nust need to be careful with some of the belles. If you look at mine in my signature all the parasol handles are just pin rods drilled into the hands & parasol top. Also on the green one the hand is pinned into the arm.

    For paints I recommend Games Workshop paints. Yes they run a little more expensive but they are VERY consistent. I have models from 7 years ago & the "Blood Red" I put on them looks exactly the same as the "Blood Red" I use now.

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