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Posts posted by Dorian

  1. From my experience playing against her she falls short in games where you need to pack a punch. (Assuming shared)


    Claim Jump

    I also feel she is weak in reconnoiter as while shes very mobile outnumbering an opponent in multiple quarters will prove to be problematic.

    One way I have seen to mitigate this is to bring kaeris with her for damage (Blowing up doves) but again my input comes only from playing against her & noting where my opponent struggled.

  2. More questions:

    8. How well/bad does Seamus handle Construct / Immune to Influence crews?

    9. Would running Avatar Seamus at 25SS be a good move or is he better at higher SS games?

    Constructs are fine, just dont plan on summoning a lot of things.

    As for immune to influence again don't run a "Seamus" crew of all belles. I ran my seamus crew in treasure hunt against a traditional seamus crew. 4 Belles, sybelle, bete, seamus, totem. I had dead rider who is immune to influence. He conceded turn 2. All I did was bunker & send the rider forward to get the treasure. Since I was immune to influence he couldn't pull me in. Since he couldnt do much damage or close the distance he couldn't kill the rider. My biggest piece of advice is while a "Fluffy" seamus list spams belles, don't do it you will only kick yourself later.

    As for avatar, again I don't know. Personally I dont see much use for him but I havent tried him much.

  3. I use him, to great success with grave spirit. For 11SS you get a model that is HtW 2, Armor 2, Regen 1, with the adjust purpose to heal him more. Nicodem brings him up to Df 7, Cb 8. You then use magical extension to rigor mortis whatever dead rider wants to kill. Or you magical extension decay & blast it onto dead rider for more healing.

    The rider hits like a truck & shrugs off all but the most grievous of wounds. Aside from Colette (Mannequin replacement) I have yet to see anyone ho wants to stare that down. Even when he costs about 1/3 of your force.

    As for comparison between other similar models, bete, kill joy. The rider is far more durable than either. Less risky then bete (oops I don't have a 10 in my hand) and most importantly extremely mobile. Plus immune to influence is awesome

  4. I play seamus quite a bit allow me to add my input:

    1. I have read Sybelle is pretty damn good. But I absolutely hate the model (based on the Wyrd/Studio picture). Is there a way to run Seamus without the model or is the model not as AS bad I think (pictures would be helpful)?

    I hate her. Honestly the model and what it does.Her stat line looks great & she can provide some nice utility but in the end at 6 SS if I want more damage I just take a punk zombie. If I want something more durable there aren't many options as efficient but ressies don't really have a durability problem. Also do not fall into the trap of seamus MUST take belles. I run him 90% of the time with a dead rider & grave spirit. (Armor 2, HtW 2, Regen 1 & his adjust purpose). This way it is incredibly fast, Very durable, and downright beatface. The only downside being the cost, well worth it Vs anyone but collet imo.

    2. How good is his avatar? Auto-include? How much do you guys think it changes the way you build Seamus lists?

    His avatar is ok. Takes away a lot of his utility & quirks but turns him into a melee monster. Personally I would rarely if ever take it because I love dead rider who fills that same role.

    3. Out of the Box Set, what else would you get for 25SS? Then for 35SS?

    Punk zombies, canine remains. I can't say enough good about canine remains, they are fast, cheap objective grabbers who can debuff the enemy & bring you corpse counters. As for the punks, I run 2 teams of 2 (Before dead rider) Belle lures enemy models then the punk charges from behind the belle. It's a nasty combo.

    4. For a Seamus player, is it better to buy Molly by herself or buy her Boxed set?

    Box set, no doubt. Crooligans are wonderful for things like destroy evidence & a line in the sand. Also, mobile cover with the mist. Rogue necromancy could be taken in place of dead rider & is a very scary beatstick that is also quite fast.

    5. How many Rotten Belles should a Seamus player own?

    3, I start with 1-2, maybe summon another any more and you're just gimping your damage.

    6. How often do you summon Belles with Seamus and/or Molly?

    Not terribly often. It takes a fairly high card of crows to do it & often times I would rather use that card for undead psychosis or a melee strike (Hint: Seamus hands out insignificant)

    7. Which Totem do you take the most (if you take any at all)?

    Grave spirit, 1SS for armor 2? Yes, yes please.

  5. I don't know anything that innately has reactivate. However fast and such are listed as actions not effects. It was something my roommate came up with but when I get home I can consult the books more.

  6. One of the combos I have seen is:

    Rusty alice gives a friendly steampunk abomination reactivate for the turn by using burnout. Lazarus then assimilates reactivate but not burnout. Lazarus now has perma-reactivate.

  7. Hey all,

    Saturday the 19th of November there will be a Halloween themed Malifaux tournament at pair-a-dice games. I will get write up of strategies soon but here's what I can tell you now:

    Who: Me

    When: Date 19th November

    Where: Pair-a-Dice games (274 N. Goodman Street)

    Format: Accumulation of Difference. Each round you gain points equal to the difference between you and your opponent. I.E. if you score 6 & your opponent scores 4, then you score a total of 2. You will never lose points.

    Crews: Single faction pool- Pick a faction & form a pool of 45 SS. Each round you will pick 25SS worth of points to play with. I went with a smaller scale as we want people to finish their games & not run into time limit. Rounds will last 80 mins

    Strategies: All strategies will be shared. I will post them to da boyz forums (link: http://daboyzateam.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=general&thread=3169 )

    Schemes: Core schemes only, no duplicating schemes over the tournament (I.E. you cannot take a scheme more than once)

    Entry Fee: $5.00


    11:00 Registration Begin

    12:00 Round 1 Begin

    01:20 Round 1 End

    ****Lunch Break****

    02:20 Round 2 Begin

    03:40 Round 2 End

    03:50 Round 3 Begin

    05:10 Round 3 End

    If there is anything you need to know please PM me.

    Thanks all & I hope to see you there.

  8. Hey guys Millennium games is running a fixed faction 55SS pool tournament on Saturday October 29 starting at 10AM.

    Games will be at 35SS a little odd but that's the way the owner wants it run.

    If you want more information let me know or take a look at the post on their forums:


    ****EDIT**** Event has been changed to 35/55 soul stones NOT 35/50.

  9. Hey everyone so Friday October 7th marks the start of RITs gaming convention Rudicon.

    Also that day I will be running a Malifaux tournament starting at 6pm.

    Things to know:

    It will be accumulation format.

    50SS fixed faction pool, games played at 30SS

    No painting requirement

    No location specific events / terrain.

    Players will flip each game for their strategy from the gaining ground manual.

    Only gaining ground schemes will be allowed.

    If there are any other questions please let me know & I'll try to get a google doc up of the template.

    Thanks all & I hope to see you there.

  10. Rochester, NY. No Banned models, No house rules.

    Also this deeply saddens me:

    We've had a Dreamer player basically quit playing Malifaux because he felt bad playing this crew and realized how unfun it was for everyone else.

    The way I read this is a player was driven from the game for playing the list he enjoyed. Were he a power-player or try hard he probably would not have quit.

    For people complaining about alp bombs I can offer advice for ressers & outcasts but I don't play the other factions enough to contribute much but I will try:

    Ressurectionists: Crooked men & Punk zombies are REALLY good at taking out a lot of alps all at once.

    Outcasts: Try Freikorps specialist, Pere Ravage, stuffed pig bacon bomb, take a look at Sue & wait for him.

    Arcanists: Snowstorm

    Guild: Ryle

    The strategy I have found that works is to bring blast or models who can take out multiple models in a single activation. Yes the alp bomb list hurts but it is entirely one dimensional. It has one trick & if you can stop it then enemy is utterly decimated. Also you can just spread out to minimize its effect.

  11. Hey all, This Friday I will be at Niagara hobby again running Demos. However due to Gencon I have a special offer. The first 5 people who orders a starter box (Be it on the wyrd store or through Niagara hobby) will be given a Malifaux Rules Manual for free (Well out of my pocket but free to you!). THis is due in part to my returning to Rochester at the end of the month for school so I won't be around as often, though if you need me send me a PM here & I'll get on it ASAP!

  12. Hello all,

    Took a couple weeks off to spend time with the girl friend but now I'm back.

    This week I will be running demo games at Niagara craft & hobby in Cheektowaga. I have heard some interest & a friend of mine really wants to try collodi.

    I will have painted and ready to play:







    Hope to see you there.

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