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Posts posted by Dorian

  1. The controller can not be changed willingly

    False, Duty only states "This model's Controller cannot be changed" It states nothing about willingly or unwillingly. I do agree that Obey ends however Duty explicitly prevents control from being changed. Therefore while it would no longer be under the effects of Obey, the Controller can not be changed back to my opponent.

    It is also incorrect in saying Obey would immediately end. That is unless you can cite evidence to the contrary, as nothing in Tread the Line states it ends the effect of Obey when models enter the aura.

  2. I asked this once before, a while ago but the re-reading the answer I don't think my question was fully understood so here goes round 2.

    The main question is: Do I count as the controller of the model when it is under the effects of Obey? (I cast Obey on it).


    I activate Sue, I use his ability that gives friendly models "Duty" (Tread the line?). Duty says this models controller cannot be changed.

    My opponent goes and does something that's not important.

    I activate Zoraida & have her obey rogue necromancy (Who has not yet activated) to charge Sue. Rogue Necromancy is now in range of Sue's aura which grants Duty (Tread the Line?)

    Now for logic flow & ease of understanding my thought process I have put the following into IF/THEN statements:

    IF I am the controller of the model.

    THEN the model is friendly to me as defined on page 13 of the rules manual.

    IF the model is friendly to me.

    THEN it gains Duty.

    IF the model has Duty

    THEN it's controller cannot be changed back to my opponent.

    IF it has not activated and is locked under my control via Duty

    THEN would I get to activate & control the models activation? Providing it stays in range of Sue & his aura of Duty?

  3. Contain Power

    Kirai is hardest to kill in shared

    McM can summon a Rogue Necromancy next to opposing master

    Take VonSchills

    I find in a competitive environment Distract is the same as contain power. Your opponent can't have leaders in your deployment zone or half of the table if your opponent doesn't have leaders. I tend to run in kill the leader(s) and play the rest of the game hit & run.

  4. This is a cool idea. If you're painting new models, and not just slotting in ones you'd already have, I would say there's no need to even bother subbing Vultures for Watchers. They're already a bit bat-like, and with a nice dark and grimy paint job, they'd fit right in.

    Mix of both. The issue is I have 2 vultures and only 1 watcher. So depending on my crew I may run both. Watcher for when I want 1, vultures for when I want 2. I don't want to confuse people with 2 different models as the same thing.

  5. I find her lackluster as her own leader but great as a supporting role in larger games.

    As for her set it's nice but I prefer belles, Doxys, Sybelle to crooligans. Definitely take the rogue necromancy though. It's really her only choice for a big damage dealer, also never underestimate the acid breath.

    As others have said her crew lacks punch (Necromancy aside) and falls short on crews with high Wp or Immune to Influence.

    I think she shines when put in a supporting role to Seamus because of how much extra walk you can give the belles using both of them.

  6. Hey all,

    I'm thinking of running an undead guild crew at an event in the near future. Have the Dead justice box set but never got around to using it as guild. I was wondering what people think of the idea & if you can point me to any wyrd models I may have missed in my quick assessment.

    Dead Justice Set

    • Justice
    • Judge
    • 3 Marshalls

    Nicodem == Guild Austringer

    Canine Remains == Guild Hounds

    Guild Autopsies == Guild Guard

    Lawyers == Lawyers (They don't need any help being creepy)

    Vultures == Watchers

    Rogue Necromancy == Hunter (This one's a stretch & I am thinking against it)

  7. Correct. You can't hire from multiple special forces types, so its the gremlins OR the 'smiths.

    Well he could use the regular gremlins as they aren't special forces. Just not the family ones. I know most people aren't huge fans but a couple suicide gremlins using "Hey y'all watch this" is terrifying. I have seen them completely destroy and his marionettes in an activation, of course this was due to the collodi player bunching up too much but still. . .

  8. I believe that it is only the wood that moves. The Waldgeist then effectively moves with the trees by making a walk of the same distance. Think of it as the trees walking and the other models just stand there.

    Not entirely true. The Waldgeist moves its Wk, it does not make a Wk action. While it may seem small it does mean different things in terms of rules & effects. Aside from that you got it spot on.

  9. What size table do you play it on? 3'x3'

    How big is an average force? (including model count) Depends on the master but I find they range between 5 & 15 models & SS cost 25-35 is average for my area.

    is it balanced? For the most part yes. There is contention over some models / masters being better & some being useless but it's mostly how you play.

    Does it lend itself to tournament play? There are tournament rules if you look up "Malifaux Gaining Ground"

    How big of an investment for a crew? (dollarwise) To start up I suggest $50-$60 as that tends to get you a starter box, card deck & maybe a clamshell of something. Again this depends on the master as some boxes are much more expensive then others (Leveticus is 45 while Nicodem is only 28)

    My own question, what book/s do I need to get? The only one you NEED is the Rules Manual. However for fluff / pretty pictures / all model rules I suggest getting Rising powers & twisting fates. If you can get the original (red book) that'd be good but most the model rules are out of date & have been updated to v2 cards which can be found as a pdf (malifaux.com)

  10. Sorry but you are wrong on hunter ignoring the mist. This has come up with the stitched together. "Hunter" allows them to increase sight through obscuring terrain. However the mist is an obscuring effect. Unless that ruling has been reversed hunter does not allow them to ignore it. The only person who can currently ignore those effects is Hans with goggles & lilith with Master of Malifaux. I know people are not huge fans of crooligans but in my experience they have performed wonderfully as mobile cover generators. And to quote him:

    The question I have for the pros is what would be good buys to help out against Perdita and Lady Justice?
    So yes I was suggesting he buy some, I don't care if he has any. Yes Nino or a hunter could pick it off. However not every game will be against an opponent with nino or a hunter and since neither opponent sees the lists before hand it is a risk, one I find usually worth taking.

    Also your last line I consider rude & completely unnecessary.

    EDIT: If I am wrong and the mist says obscuring terrain I apologize & concede the point however I do not currently have my card on me.

  11. Try using a crooligan or two against perdita. If you can get one or even both of them to put up the mist a turn you now have mobile cover. As for lady J I'd say Kirai is a better choice as J doesn't have much in the magic department.

    Also get a Shikome or two & summon them in (Since they can never get slow). Then I forget what the name is but they have a spell where if the target is more than X" away from the shikome at start close they automatically suffer 2 wd. If you can get both off on J & then just run the shikome away she'll wither down fairly fast, so you can use this trick to split J away from the rest of her army & pick on her alone.

  12. When: February 18th

    Where: Millennium Games

    Cost: $5

    Format: Choose 1 master or henchman as leader, and 50 ss worth of minions. Each game will be 30 ss. We will use shared strategies each round. All schemes are allowed, but no scheme may be used more than once during the weekend. Scoring will be Victory point Accumulation format, as found in Gaining Grounds.

    No Avatars.

    For those of you in the league, this is a warm up tournament. I would like to see you using your league Leaders for your crews, but it is not required.

    Prizes will be given for Play and Paint.

    Re posting the details from http://daboyzateam.proboards.com/index.cgi?action=display&board=general&thread=3238&page=1

    Hope to see you guys there.

  13. You want at least 1 shikome but never start with them. Always summon them in. Simply because there is no downside, they can never be affected by slow. I never run with less than 4 night terrors, the mobility is killer. Other then that an insidious madness can work & when you're better with the rules look into good old Jack Daw.

  14. She's not broken IMO. Strong yes, but as others have said everyone has strengths & weaknesses. The issue people have with Colette is you can't pin her down in a fight, and she's incredibly mobile. The other issue & this frustrated me greatly was she can use soulstones like mad to keep her army alive. However if she runs low or even out it's hurt time.

    From what I've seen she tends to have trouble packing a punch and taking casualties, each piece she has is relatively expensive & losing one of them hurts. But a lot of her army can use soulstones, to this end I recommend starting with a cache of 6 or 7, that's what my friend does anyway.

    Welcome to the game.

  15. Hello again,

    I will be conducting some demo games at Niagara craft & Hobby in Cheektowaga NY.

    I noticed they have started to stock a small amount of Malifaux models & have been asked to run a Malifaux tournament at U.B. Con though more details will follow when I have them.

    Back to the demos I will be there from 4-9pm with a couple fully painted crews & some new ones that are bare metal but hey I haven't had time to paint all the holliday stuff yet.

    Hope to see you there.

  16. So I was thinking. . .

    Put a wound on desperate merc. (It now has + on attack)

    (0) For my family (+3 Cb dmg ++, sac at end close phase)

    (1) Uncontrolled fire

    (1) Uncontrolled fire

    Nurse gives desperate merc reactivate

    (1) Uncontrolled fire

    (1) Uncontrolled fire

    Zoraida obeys desperate merc

    (1) Uncontrolled fire

    Thats 10 cb5 shots (albeit range 8) with + on attack, crit on rams 2/3/4 & ++ on damage. From one model.

    This terrify anyone else?

  17. I only like to take 2-3 belles with seamus. I find more tend to gimp you hard on damage. Some people cry that seamus works best with belles & you should only use belles. Don't listen to them do what is best for you & find your own playstyle.

    One of the main reasons running mass belles doesn't work is "Immune to Influence" so your spells just don't work. It's not too prevalent but one model can ruin your whole game.

    Since you do have Nico's box & thus punk zombies try running teams. Take 2 belles & 2 punks. Use them as two teams of two. The belle lures in & lowers Df, then the punk tears it apart.

    Also don't doubt the power of seamus' Undead Psychosis spell. Easily one of the best in the game.

    As for Nico you will want to start out by generating some corpse counters to turn into mindless zombies for defense.

    I don't want to write a full tactica but if you want help just message me & I can talk you through some things, I have been playing the ressies for over 2 years now & have taken quite an unorthodox approach to them.

  18. I voted Bette & Rafkin.

    Bette: Shes very mysterious so they can fill in a bunch of info to make her a henchman. Plus I like the feel of a stealthy slippery murder machine crew thats a bit frail. Kind of like a resser version of Colletes crew but more killy less dancy.

    Rafkin: Again he's not fully fleshes out so hes very open ended. But I see him as a recycling list. Something dies & he can bring it back as something less because he isn't as skilled as the main ressers. (Flesh construct >>> Punk >>> Autopsy >>> Mindless) I mean this shouldn't be easy / automatic but maybe for every undead model that dies within 6" of him he flips a fate card (Maybe non-cheatable?). If its a 11-13 he recycles it into ____. Obviously this is just a very rough outline

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