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Posts posted by Dorian

  1. Hello Hello,

    I intend to be at UB Con with the Foundry again this year supporting an all Con Malifaux achievement event. This event will be taking place all through the Con whenever you have free time to ply a game you can earn achievements.

    New players will earn their achievement points at double the usual rate to compensate for lack of experience. These points will be used to earn raffle tickets which will be used to determine prizes.

    The goal here is to get Buffalo a kick start as I know of a few players & would be players who are on the fence. That said veterans are more than welcome and will earn points for helping teach new players.

    So if you're in the area stop by, if you're not come on down. UB Con has something for everyone ranging from tabletop games (Warhammer Fantasy/40k, Warma-Hordes, Malifaux) to all manner of board games, video games, anime Humnans Vs Zombies, LARPing and everything in between. It's an all inclusive con that will leave no shortage of things to do no matter what your preference.

    Check out their website for more info (http://ubcon.org/) and I hope to see you there.

  2. Good News Everyone!

    I'm not dead!

    Also I have freed up my schedule to allow for an appearance at RITs rudicon!

    I will be attending rudicon this year to run some malifaux / EBO open play. Due to my current school workload I will not have time to plan a tournament or painting contest but anyone who wants to play is more then welcome to come join me.

    My main goal here is to get new players, there have been many people who have expressed interest but never played for one reason or another. There will also be various board games, rpgs, warhammer, warmahordes, MTG etc. so if those interest you it'll be a fun weekend.

    Entry cost is $5 for the weekend, that's to rudicon not me. More information can be found on their website: http://ritrudicon.blogspot.com/

    Hope to see you there.

  3. He (used?) to be very un-fun to play against. Whether it be the nigh unkilable0ness of him & his crew. Their ability to slow play / out activate with rats, the non-stop ahrd to remove insignificant or just his card mechanic. Many people felt he was unfun to play against & very broken in many game types (Insignificant everywhere & his crew ignores it.)

    Also forget about playing gremlins V Hamelin, thanks to bully you lose.

    Note this was all pre-eratta.

  4. Since I've been too busy with work & school to run any physical events lately I figured I'd fire off an online painting contest. This one is being run for Reddit.com/r/Malifaux and details can be found here: http://www.reddit.com/r/Malifaux/comments/164y1m/painting_contest_for_real_this_time/

    There is no entry fee and anyone is allowed to join in. However if you do not have one you will need a reddit account (It's free and you don't even need to verify via email) Contest ends February 7th at 11.59 US EST.

  5. Im going to hope early preparation for another black Friday Sale, but i guess we shall see, it could be far less interesting, like it was time for maintienance, but im going to sit here and hope still! :D

    This, with nightmare LCBs, I actually have money this year!

  6. Higher SS models can be tricky. With Dead Rider running 11SS* he is a significant chunk of your force but let's look at what he brings:

    3" Melee

    Movement manipulation with drag along (Friendly or enemy)

    Damn near invulnerability (Armor 2, HTW2, Regen 1 & his adjust purpose.

    High Damage output (3/4/6)? With Cb 6.

    One of my favorite tricks is to Drag Along an enemy model that has already activated & put it in base with me next to GS, then channel dissection on it next activation. Or to drag up McM 1st turn (McM will heal by killing a dog on his activation).

    To me his toolbox is too good not to take in many scenarios. That said I won't take him against Colette or Levi as they get around his durability.

    Other High SS models aren't as good imo. I'm not a huge fan of Molly. I see where she can be good but it's not my style. Rogue necromancy should only ever be summoned in, same with flesh construct. With the new ancestors I haven't had ample time to try them out but each brings something unique with them to be worth their cost.

    *Dead Rider + Grave Spirit = 11. I never run DR without the little guy for the armor.

  7. Halloween a time for fun, friendly, happy times and homicide!

    This November 4th join your local gamers at pair-a-dice games for a Malifaux Halloween story encounter.

    More details will follow as they are finalized.

    Pizza will be provided by me if there are at least 8 people in attendance

    Sunday November 4th at pair-a-dice games in Rochester.

    Format: TP/DIFF/TOTAL VP

    Entry fee: $10


    1st place: gift certificate for 50% of entry fees

    2nd place: gift certificate for 25% of entry fees

    Best painted: gift certificate for 25% of entry fees

    One random drawing from my prize box will be awarded to a player who has not won any other prize.

  8. Seamus

    Grave spirit = 1

    Rotten Belle x2 = 8

    Dead Rider = 10

    Crooked Man x2 = 8


    I honestly cannot say without knowing my opponents model choices as it is too reliant (I.E. no steal relic Vs perdita) so with no knowledge of their crew I'd probably goi with a standard BG, BT.

    Strategy: Use dead rider & rotten belles to position in enemy master where I want them. Charge with seamus, cheat & SS to insure I hit. Enemy master is now insignificant & I have 4 VP locked up. Use crooked men to shaft the evidence using their 2" melee range to keep anything in base engaged. Dead rider / belles to keep the enemy off of the markers. Seamus can reduce will power with his (0) & pop face of death to keep another marker safe as well as use that big gun of his to kill stuff. As the game draws to an end rush dead rider for break through.

    I could also use seamus to keep passing around insignificant should I wish then kill the models that aren't. Once the enemy is dead / insignificant I can run away.

    Things I don't quite like:

    My low SS count (5)

    Perdita as iirc she can spell breaker the insignificant off.

    Things I might switch around:

    Dead rider for Bete Noir & drop GS bringing my cache up to 7.


    Nicodem +Avatar = 2

    2x’s Vultures = 4

    2x’s Crooked Men = 8

    2x’s Punk Zombies = 10

    2x’s Rotten Belles = 8

    Total = 32

    Isn't that over your SS limit?

  9. Desperate Merc

    Convict Gunslinger

    Jack Daw (Just for the sheer headache he is to deal with.)



    Student of Conflict

    That's about it for me, I'd toss in A&D and Nix / rat catchers but their use is so limited I just can't. By limited I mean limited to Levi & Hamelin respectively.

  10. For the millionth time I present Dorians dominating seamus scheme.

    Nowhere to Run, Nowhere to hide:

    You must kill or sacrifice 3 enemy models while they are under the effects of Undead psychosis.

    Fun, thematic, doesn't require you take any specific model aside Seamus, requires master interaction, decently challenging as if you UP something your opponent knows it may be a priority target and will spend resources to save it.

  11. Hey everyone I'm D-A-C

    I'm a long time Warhammer 40k player (and member of Heresy Online in case anyone else is too) who has recently come across Malifaux.

    I had never really considered ever playing other gaming systems, but after trying a game I became almost instantly hooked.

    I've always been big on fluff and stories so I love all the unique characters and models available in Malifaux, and I like how two crews can have completely different objectives, rather than just standing and shooting one and other (although they can still do that too!)

    I also like how its on a much smaller scale than 40K so it costs alot less to begin with, is easier to transport for gaming events, and is easier to paint as you can focus on a small selection of detailed and great looking models rather than painting masses of the same models.

    I'm a huge fan of style and rules for Seamus, so I will more than likely have him as the Master of my first crew, but if I'm honest, I'll hopefully one day have all the ressurectionist crews as they are my favourites (although I do have a soft spot for Lady Justice and Perdita crews).

    Enough about me though, let me just finish by saying hello to all you other members.

    Hello. :)

    Welcome aboard. Can't tell where your from since you haven't set it on your profile but if you want to find players in your area check out our find a game thread = http://www.wyrd-games.net/showthread.php?29277-Find-a-Game-Opponent-(new-easy-to-read-version)

  12. Hey guys (And girls),

    Sorry about the short notice ran into an old friend who had heard about the game and wants some demo time today. I will be at Jesters Cap in Lancaster NY today from about 16.30 until close. Stop by anytime and get in some play time before Queen City Conquest.

    Jesters Cap

    3571 Walden Avenue

    Lancaster, NY 14086

    (716) 681-5545

  13. Hey all,

    The Buffalo Gamers Society out of Buffalo, NY (Also known as southern Canada) is hosting their first ever convention at the Buffalo Niagara Convention Center. Throughtout the entire con I will be running Demo games of Malifaux (Possibly puppet wars depending if I can get a set and learn the rules) as well as having an open achievement event. This way new players can stop by whenever they have time and veterans are free to explore the rest of the con without a time block commitment.

    Rules for the achievements will be posted when finalized but as you play games you accumulate points & every X points you will get a ticket entry into the prize drawing. Players who play their first demo game at the con will earn raffle entries at double the rate of veteran players. I.E. if you get one ticket for every 10 points new players get one ticket for every 5. This is done to encourage new players to try different things & help even the odds of winning.

    I'm looking forward to this being a success not only for Malifaux and Wyrd but for the convention as a whole. It would be nice to see a major convention less than 6 hours away from Rochester.

    I will keep this updated with news as it becomes available.

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