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Posts posted by Dorian

  1. The way I understood it is that henchmen are unique by default just like masters. Otherwise you could hire multiple and that would just be weird in the sense of you are hiring one guy and a duplicate of the same guy to do the job

    Not exactly, In the new rules manual masters are not listed as unique like they were (Unless I missed something). If I missed it please point to me where it says masters are unique by default, because I could not find it. Now there is a small precedent albeit an inadequate one in my mind, page 71 last bullet under general.

    "Only one version of each named Unique model may be in a Crew" However you now run into what constitutes a name, technically each model has a name. I know the intention however I feel much confusion / rules lawyering ass-hattery could be avoided with a simple addition of "Masters and Henchmen are unique".

    As for hiring multiple henchmen you cannot hire more than one per master. "When a Crew is lead by one or more masters, it can hire one henchman per master" Emphasis on hire, not have. Saying I can only hire one is much different than being unique or Rare(X).

    I don't want to hijack this thread further but I will post in the rules discussion about this. Please also keep in mimd I am not arguing how I would play it or how I think it SHOULD work, simply how it is written to work.

  2. Just talked with my friend whose been on here longer then me & he said rules wrangler means your word is law (grounds for immediate errata). Sorry I just didn't know what those things meant I'm still kinda new around here.

    Will be book marking this post in case it comes up in any of our games.

  3. I can find nothing in the rules that prevents it, she meets all the requirements. I have no doubt this will be errata'd but in the meantime I may have to try it out.:top:

    @Wierd Sketch - I'm not sure what Rules Wrangler means, however unless you have the power to change the words in the book I will have to disagree with you. She is not listed as unique & Henchmen are not listed as unique. Unless you can point me to a page in the book where it says otherwise she meets all the pass criteria & none of the fail criteria, so Rules as Written yes she can.

  4. I have seen, albeit rarely where a tournament will say X% (usually 70-80) of models must be <Insert company> product. I tend to like this rule as if I don't like a particular model or it doesn't fit in with the theme I'm going for I can use a different one.

    This is the case with my Freikorps, I don't like having multiples of the same model in skirmish games so I used a GW sniper for my 2nd trapper. Also the Convict gunslinger doesn't really fit in with the slim, lean look of the freikorps so I plan on converting a reaper mini with a pig iron head & Malifaux guns to look like an Omar from DE:2.

    However until official rules are released it is up to the TO.

  5. Hey guys I'm looking for a fairly specific head for a convict gunslinger conversion (Making him look like an Omar from DE:2) It's from pig iron & is one of the far left column or rows 2&4 of heads in this picture, they all look close enough so which one isn't too important, just must be that style:


    If anyone has one I have various warhammer bits for trade or money via paypal.


  6. Hello all, been around for a little bit but just starting to have free time to post so I figured I'll introduce myself:

    People call me Dorian.

    I'm from Western NY (No not NYC)

    I play Malifaux casually & Warhammer 40k competitively.

    I can be a bit abrasive, especially on rules debates. So if I seem like a jerk I apologize but when it comes to rules I try to be as concise as possible and if I think you are wrong I will tell you flat out "You are wrong" and then quote the rules to show you where. Not trying to be mean I just handle rules very mechanically which I feel is the best way.

    I'm not a terribly good painter though I do my best on my malifaux minis. Much more fun then painting the same Space Marine for the hundreth time :684:.

    Aside from that I don't really know what else to say other than Hello.

  7. I was reading the henchman application and it says you need two painted crews (Currently working on) however there is no option for henchmen lead crews such as Von Schill.

    Is this to say that Von Schill is ineligible for the process? If so would the Viktorias + Von Schill's crew work? I really enjoy the Freikorps and was wondering why they aren't a valid option.

  8. Getting my Freikorps finished up (Vonschill & my stand in convict gunslinger). My ressurectionists will follow when I have the time as next week marks the beginning of the 3rd trimester.

    I apologize for the glare the lighting was a bit too much.

    Start things off with Trapper #1.




  9. I like how Wyrd is doing the LE models. Most companies *cough* GW *cough* make you actually go to the event. Wyrd lets you buy them online & they are just alternate sculpts not unique units that only a select few get to use.

    Also for people complaining about ebay prices it's simple supply & demand. They have the limited supply, there's still a fairly large demand (From what I've seen) and as long as people are willing to pay upwards of $300 for a model, the sellers will continue to charge that.

  10. crew.php?vFac=1&vSS=25&vBr=0&vM1=2&vHm=1&vMin=17,17,17Something I thought up quick:

    Seamus - 5 Soul Stones

    Rotten Belle x2 -8

    Crooked Man x2 - 8

    Convict Gunslinger - 6

    Most people like Seamus with 3 belles for the chain lures but I'm a fan of redundancy. I see this list working well broken into two groups. (Belle + Crooked + Seamus & Belle + Crooked + Convict)

    Since it's a team event and you don't know who you'd be paired with it'd probably be a good idea to take a little of everything. Belles for manipulation. Crooked men for objective denial / damage. Seamus & Convict for damage / ranged.

  11. Depends on the strategy you to have. Don't think of it so much as you have to beat "him" but you just need to complete your goals, and if you can deny his then all the better.

    That said a few things that might help:

    Dead Rider - He's fast, he can beat face, he's expensive. i usually link a grave spirit to him to keep him safe from ranged fire but vs Neverborn that shouldn't be too big a problem.

    Crooked Men - Shaft him. If his strategy has anything to do with locations drop multiple shafted markers on them. Now he runs the risk of paralysis or death for ending near the markers.

    Seamus and his belles - He may be fast but your belles have Wk6 when near Seamus. Try chaining lure to bring a model in close then have Seamus or another melee face beater (Dead rider/ rogue necromancy / Punk zombies) to tear it apart. Or even just have Seamus slap them with insignificant / slit jugular.

    Canine remains - Swarm with these. Sure the damage isn't spectacular but when in groups of 2-3 they become quite the annoyance.

    Canine remains (Again!) - Cheap corpse counters. I bring 2/3 of these for the sole purpose of killing them turn one & bringing out a flesh construct or rogue necromancy (Assuming Mortimer flips a crow or I have one low enough to cheat with)

    Hope this helps.

  12. On board control - I don't see the 1-2 dmg from the trappers. I run two and keep them in overlapping fields of fire. I then use a focus strike on them for + on the attack & + on the damage. I find I am usually at -1 on the damage (Winning by 1-5), receiving + from the focus puts me at a straight flip and thus allows me to cheat the damage to moderate or even severe if need be (I may not even need to cheat). Doing this on two trappers puts out 6-10 dmg which IS enough to give people pause about getting too close. True I am spending cards but if it instils a fear in my opponent that will be useful fro the rest of the game I am OK with it.

    On mobility - Again you make good points. They are not the most mobile & wk 5 became much more common in Rising Powers but that is not to say they aren’t mobile. Spreading thin is ill advised most of the time but I have broken my Freikorps into 2 groups (Von schill in one & the librarian in the other) to great effect. Reposition on the trappers can be something you rarely use but I use it quite often if just to stay away from opponents who can fly / float. I also use it to recreate a tactics from 40k called "Tau Bouncing". Where I move out from LoS blocking cover, Take a shot, and then reposition back behind it to avoid any retaliation.

    On Damage output I did say it wasn't overwhelming. But read the above on board control. It’s not about taking 4 shots between the 2, it’s about taking 2 focussed shots. The only time I would be making normal shots is against hard to wound models as the + from focus is not enough to overcome the -.

    Compared to others yes they cannot compare in those specific regions. However when I look at them in a radar graph. The freikorps turn out to be the most well rounded which I feel is very nice.

  13. Hey all this is a cross post from my blog (URL in my sig) but I thought I'd do a basic overview of the Freikorps. It's just an overview of all the forces not a breakdown of each model. Let me know what you all think.

    So my preferred Malifaux crew is the Freikorps. I find them to be the space marines of Malifaux. A very forgiving and well rounded army that can do it all, just none of it spectacularly well.

    Mobility - Everyone beside the specialist has a wk of 5. Vonschill can gain flight & perform up to 3 wks per turn, also he cannot be prevented from leaving combat with augmented jump. There have been several games where von schill has screwed my opponent because of this. (Deliver message, treasure hunt) Let’s not forget Von schill & Trappers reposition ability. Allows me to toss out damage & move at the same time.

    Damage output - While not overwhelming each model can dish out both ranged and melee damage. Trappers are amazing for this. Each one provides a 16" threat range & can overlap each other. I've used two of them to provide first turn kills on models but having each one focus and pop a shot on “What I want dead this turn” With both the attack flip & damage flip receiving + I am usually able to cheat the damage. This allows me to put 6 – 10 damage on a target turn one. If the target has hard to wound or something else that may put me at minus on the damage I will instead take two normal shots & reposition further away. Von Schill himself has excellent damage with his clockwork seeker as well as critical strike or reposition.

    Durability – Every freikorp has Armor 1 & immunity from area of effect damage. They mostly have a decent df stat (poor librarian) & while 6 wounds may seem low, remember they are taking all damage at -1. Also the aforementioned Librarian who people seem to hate; the librarian, hands down, is one of my favourite models. You can do damage to my freikorp, but I can discard a ram & heal them right back up. If I have taken a lot of damage I will furious cast to heal them back up. If I have not taken damage yet, there is a spell that gives all friendly Freikorps within 3” extra df (+2?). Thanks to freikoprs armor I do not care if I’m bunched up.

    Board control – As stated von schill can move anywhere & become an immediate threat. (Slow to die + soul stone healing makes him obnoxious to kill). Also Trappers with their 16” range can act as a huge deterrent to any opponent. You have to be very fast to catch them as they automatically have a mask in their attack total which will trigger reposition. If you are far away I will focus to increase damage. If you are close I will fire two shots to increase my chances of pushing 6” away from you (More than the average wk distance). So I put two trappers in one quarter of the board & now my opponent is much more reluctant to go there.

    The bad – The Freikorps are not particularly good in any one area. They are the jacks of all trades, aces of none. Dedicated CC units will out smack them. Dedicated ranged units will out shoot them. Dedicated mobility units will out maneuver them. This means you have to play less to your strengths and more to your opponent’s weaknesses. So if you plan on playing Freikorps you should at least be familiar with how all the other masters play.

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