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Posts posted by Dorian

  1. the hardest part? Finding time to do it!

    Anyone want to gamble on whether I get a single full mini painted this year??? lol

    +1 & I'll bet 5 internets you won't.

    Aside from that for me it's painting multiples of the same model. For Malifaux this isn't a problem but my Chaos Space Marines, forget about it. . .

    For me it is trying to get them to stay together. I can't use the spray to make the glue instantly hard.

    Have you tried pinning? Works wonders for me.

  2. Here's my Jack Daw / The Hanged. I use him as both (not at the same time ;) ) mainly because he's the face of Malifaux & I like his model better than the other Hanged, he looks much more sinister with the bag on his head. I gave him the hanging post because I like to think people see him and go "Oh a hanged criminal" only to duble take & see he is not actually hanging. . . .IMG_20110321_134657.jpg?t=1300736179



  3. Anyone catch nashvilles game today? Absolutely spectacular come from behind OT victory. Of course all of HSBC arena hated me & the 10 other Nashville fans there.

    Also just watched the Cooke video & as a former enforcer & Current Referee I would write that up as a deliberate attempt to injure,he should be gone for at least a month if not more. A blind-side flying elbow to the face, unacceptable.

  4. Viks -0

    Von Schill -9

    Korps Librarian -7

    Convict Gunslinger - 5

    Ronin x3 - 15

    Misaki - 7

    Johan - 6

    Personally I'm not a fan of so many ronin. To me Ronin are just too flimsy. I'd drop the number down to 1 or 2 just in case a viki dies, how often do you actually use all 3?

    Misaki, as stated, is a glass cannon & I have enver seen her work against an experienced opponent. I'd drop her completely.

    Also lose Johan. The main thing he brings is melee power, with the viktorias & to a lesser extent Ronin, you already have that.

    So if we lose Misaki, Johan & 1 ronin you free up 18 SS.

    With that I would take 2 trappers. Mainly because of first turn kills. Generally when you hit you hit with 1-5 (-1 flip) if you focus you usually (in my experience) hit with a straight flip which can then be cheated. 6-10 damage on a unit turn 1 is usually enough to kill something.

    This leaves you with 6 SS left & if you really want johan you could take him. However I would take a korpsmann & a desperate merc. The korpsmann, while you find lackluster, have always performed well for me. As for the desperate merc, yes it will die on close of turn 3 but you can sac it for some nice bonuses, they have always done good for me.

  5. Haven't played him myself but seen a few games. Generally it's achieveid by passing around blight counters to increase the damage then hitting with a bunch of rats at once, also don't forget Nix and his Unconscious Behavior. A model with a blight counter would suffer 4/3/1 from a rat w/ unconscious behavior so that low Cb of 4 doesn't actually matter as long as you hit, I've seen a player cheat to die so he can have as much - as possible.

  6. Здравствуйте (Zdras-voit-ye) очень (O-Cheem) приятна (Pree-Et-Na) познакомится (Poz-Na-Kom-Ets-Ya)

    Figured I'd start branching my hellos into a different language. ;)

  7. Ressurectionist mainly. "A Pimp Named Seamus" (Boondocks fans can chech the miniature matters for pics) and Nicodem along with freikorps. Looking into Kirai & leveticus (Whom I still classify a ressurectionist :P)

    I think I would be more worried about those who fantasizes about running around with dead hookers Necro Boy.:laugh:

    Stop picking on us. . .

  8. Well the Lady J crew is the guild anti-resser master so you're starting at a disadvantage.

    Nicodem - Use the fog & Sling around paralyzed. If you can deny your opponent shooting you will be in a much better position.

    Crooked Men - With the Marshalls + to wp lure can't really help you fight them in objective games. However they have no defense against the wonderous shafted marker.

    Canine Remains - Have these little buggers tear each other apart. 2 canine remains for 4SS can then be ressurected as a 7 SS flesh construct.

    Mortimer is nice for slinging paralyze / slow but I prefer sebastian. With the last rites it's usually better to heal then replace models.

    Hope this helps.

  9. I'd like to see a guild anti-spirit / Woes master. Call him Egon Venkstan. Set him and his crew up with some weapons made by hoffman that are powered by soulstones. It would accelerate them & fire positively charged soultons. They could add counters if hit by multiple models to do more damage but the more counters the higher change the beams could get tangled and cause bad things to happen. :)

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