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ben th3 bear

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Posts posted by ben th3 bear

  1. I looked at Von Schtook but it seemed you could only summon with Lovelace by killing a living model. Looking through things Kirai seems like the only Master still able to just summon something, though once a turn like was mentioned.

    Just read Asura, yeah that sort of thing was what I was inherently looking for. I liked mindless zombies previously.

  2. Hi,

    I played Malifaux ALOT back in first ed and some of the start of second ed. Haven't played in a number of years but some friends are playing it so I thought I would look back into it and see how third ed is. Now I mostly played resurrectionists with a hint of outcasts (though I think I had at least one gang from each faction before ten thunders came in), but I can't help but notice that a large amount of raising zombies of various sorts has all but disappeared. Now I know Nic was mainly about reanimating and has gone the way of the dodo, but Sheamus could summon belles, McMourning would recycle through corpse counters reasonably well, hell I remember Levi from Outcasts would essentially kill and reanimate himself every turn. Now I imagine some of this has been for balancing issues, but it seems to have almost gone completely, it was one of the things I enjoyed about playing Res faction, so am I missing something? Has it been put onto some gang that I haven't noticed or has it just been mostly removed from the game?

  3. I for one am absolutely appauled at the shipping prices, last year me and some friends pooled our order and got our stuff for about $15-20. This year our shipping order would cost us $77 and that is just unacceptable it is nearly doubling the cost of our order. I would be better suited ebaying this off someone else and give them my money instead.

  4. First time playing with Ashes and Dust in 2nd ed (yes I realize I am somewhat late to the party here) good lord is that thing nasty! Playing against McMourning he killed Sebastion, Rogue Necromany, took a bunch of wounds off McMourning himself and then gained me a bunch of VPs through breakthrough :D

  5. Hello,


    A random thought popping into my head when playing a game earlier this week with my Levi crew.


    You know how he keeps dying and coming back through his waifs, has anyone stopped to think about in terms of visually what happens with that process? I mean how does his corpse turn into a waif and how a waif turns into him?


    I was just seeing if people had thought about this and what their theories about what takes place. I am not sure myself about what I think happens, my brain usually turns to gory horror film based things but I don't think bursting out of skin really fits...

  6. I tried using the Hanged and Dead Doxie tonight and they both performed rather well.


    Hanged helped out tear apart Seamus and his zombie hoes with terrify being incredibly useful.


    Dead doxie was useful for moving my own stuff about alongside a rotten belle to manipulate the board position.

  7. It was pretty good, amazingly tactical game. With the belles being able to manipulate the board it meant being more defensive with valedictorian allowing a more stable anchor. Alyce got mobbed after she killed a rogue necromancy in one activation but she hung in for a surprisingly long time. Though with only the two anchors it was quite hairy at times but with both being durable it was ok.

  8. This evening I played a game with the undead side of pariah. 


    It was a 35ss game and I took:



    Pariah of Bone

    Desolate Soul


    Rusty Alyce




    2 Rotten Belles



    I was against McMourning and it was a ridiculously close and great fun game. Rotten Belles were great for both pushing their stuff towards levi or pushing levi towards the belles and getting him into range. Valedictorian was good for objective running and can take a pounding.

  9. Thank you for the detailed critiqued.


    Levi: I did the eyes as they are to represent his manifestation into avatar. Yeah the mold line was horrible I did what I could but it was unfortunately a nasty join on that leg.


    Mechanical Rider: I haven't had much experience with object lighting and I will be testing it out on some less important models.


    Hooded Rider: I am unsure as to your comment about the barding is what you said a compliment or a critique perhaps you could elaborate for me. As to the muscle yes you are right, I was being overly cautious with the model I didn't want to try out too many things with it.


    Guild Rider: You are right about it needing something in the head area, and I appreciate the compliment about the bone I have painted undead and skeletons for many years.


    Dead Rider: I was always worried about going too far with this one, it was the model I tried the most things with. Again the head needs some variation to it.


    Bases: Thanks to all for the kind words of the bases, it is a rather simple process really. Base is a thick coat of Agrellan Earth from the GW technical paints with a drybrush of Vallejo Iraqui Sand. The rocks are Cork from model railway terrain with a basecoat of Vallejo German pale brown with a drybrush of Vallejo Ivory.

  10. Hello,


    Since I am currently unsuccessful in my attempts at getting a copy of the Nightmare Tara crew, I am wondering whether people have considered models from alternate ranges to represent the models in Taras crew as I would really like to attempt a crew of hers.

  11. if the model doesn't exist I think it is a very grey, blurred line. I would make sure it was very obvious that the model has had some noticeable change to make it easy to discern that is not the original sculpt and that it was its new representation. At the end of the day it says at the end it is down to the TO's discretion so if you make your case a TO supportive of the hobby should accept it.

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