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Posts posted by Katcher

  1. Ok, I am a Freikorps newbie, but very very fond of them.

    So a few nice picks :

    - Everyone has Freikorps Armor. Solid. Very, very solid, combined with Stubborn makes model tough.

    - Trapper is annoying. Repositiong from LoS after shooting rifle with range 16? Nice!

    - Libby - Well, I didnt manage to use her blocking abilities. But as a healer with plus 2 Df aura for 3 ? good buff.

    - Specialist - Middle range boogeyman.Everyone fears the flamethrower

    -Von Schill - Very hyped model, especially with Fast from student of conflikt.Very good is to move(nimble), shoot /move back or shoot/shoot / reposition/trigger/ and then active trapper who finishes the work.. One free move with jumping around?Better shooter than CC, doesnt work as heavy hitter (yes, as mentioned, you need Taelor, for example)

  2. Fine, so I send my Freikorps to the Malifaux for the first time, and hell, they rock.

    My roster standartly look like Schill, Libby, Specialist, Student of Confict, 1/2 Trapper, 1/2 Freikorpsmann, Hans / Taelor

    First game was against McMourning - Treasure hunt - shared. Fine, ok - Von Schill with Fast from student is a speed freak. And Hard ass comand, combined with stubborn makes plus 6 bonus for WP, making the standart defence WP number around 11. Take the treasure, ignore some lures from Rotten Belles, trapper shoot some doggies and then, a win.

    Second one was slaughter againts Dreamer. He charged with LCB with practically no support thinking "Shooty boys sucks in CC" and hoopsie. One of Freikorpsmann dead, but later on Von Schill finished LCB, lightened a cigar and one little headshot to the little Dreamer with some german kick ass quote. Oponent had just 3 daydreams on table, so he surrendered.

  3. Larumas : We have a "private" game club in Pilsen (Fénix), lot of Warhammerers eager to play..

    And no, it wasn´t bad. But you need to sell more models, don´t you? And yes, skaven are a bit insane in this edition. Unbreakable clanrats with morale 10, 2 Abbies and so on, and so on.

    The thing, that Warhammer changes and changes is not good..

    With "alternative" tabletops, in Pilsen you can meet Malifaux,Infinity, we are starting with Ambush Alley / Zombie alley and somewhere I have also some FoW.

    But Malifaux would be propably be the main punch :)

  4. Larumas : OK, send me ICQ / PM message and we can talk about some time,but I´m newbie.

    Xango : Another WH burn out?

    Situation in Czech rep. is quite funny..Everybody just plays Warhammer games, some Mordheimers, BFG´s ...and that´s all, folks.

    You have quite a lot retailers for these games, but only one shop (combined with game club) sells Malifaux and Infinity, and it was after one individual (Jedi, henchman for Prague) asked them so. He asked about 8? 9? shops and everywhere he heard : NO!

    Malifaux and Infinity players are considered "Alternative", "rebellic" or "hippies" :D Lot of flamewars...

    So we do a lot of work to show, that these games are funny, not se expensive and good. And we did quite a work..

  5. Hi everyone from Pilsen, city of Beer,Czech republic, Middle Europe!

    I´m 25, been playing W40K and Mordheim. Recently, Malifaux and Infinity are starting here, so I decided to try - and, hell, it´s much more funny and logical than the old "3 to hit, 4 to wound" Warhammer...I love the setting, the rules are nice, minis as well..I gave this game a chance and I hope, it will spread...

    My collection of minis is growing quite rapidly,it´s very, very addictive..

  6. Hi everyone from Pilsen, city of Beer!

    I´m 25, been playing W40K and Mordheim. Recently, Malifaux and Infinity are starting here, so I decided to try - and, hell, it´s much more funny and logical than the old "3 to hit, 4 to wound" Warhammer...I love the setting, the rules are nice, minis as well..I gave this game a chance and I hope, it will spred...

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