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Posts posted by Katcher

  1. Just for your frustration, look at "the best of west" resin models Finecast..


    So, nothing so bright and shine as the advertisment says.

    Here, in Czech republic, this will lead to increase of other games, Malifaux included. It´s pity, that no one plays Warmachine and just a few guys plays Infinity.

  2. Welcome..

    I play as well W40K /For Dark angels/ and comparing the price and the "system" - it´s something completly different. You just neeed a starter and about 2 - 3 blisters and you are ready to rock. Also, the card are quite cool..No more 1,1,1,1 rolls on 2+ armor saves.

    I´m sure that you will find Malifaux spirit verye good

  3. Dunno...Stitched together´s fog is great for getting not shot and his Not dead! (or whatever) is making it quite good model for bodyguarding the dreamer. But you must bury it at the end of your turn and rebury afterwards.

    With Neverborn everything depends on playstyle. If you really want to play Alpbomb, I fear that I´m not the right person to answer...

    But Leli/Lili + Alps doesn´t feel right. Don´t forget, that when one dies, the other quicky follows..Just dunno..

  4. Alpbomb is cheesy and it is not a nice list to play with or against....Just cheesy

    And to be honest, it was discussed a lot so your oponent shouldn´t be suprised....

    Do not forget, that you will get overactived, when your Alps are burried..Maybe a Stitched together to provide some cover.

  5. Type of event : Demo play and coorinated playing.

    So it will be Malifaux Tuesday, all together with gaming, painting, terrain building, demoing and so on

    Date : 24.4.2011, from 14.00 - 22.00

    Location : Fénix Gaming Club, Klatovská 101, Plzeň, 301 00 Czech rep. Phone : There´s no phone, it´s not a shop, but a club. My phone is +420 777 625 653


  6. Type of event : Demo play and coorinated playing. We have a lot of newbies, who have minis, but haven´t played yet..

    So it will be Malifaux Tuesday, all together with gaming, painting, terrain building, demoing and so on

    Date : 17.4.2011, from 14.00 - 22.00

    Location : Fénix Gaming Club, Klatovská 101, Plzeň, 301 00 Czech rep. Phone : There´s no phone, it´s not a shop, but a club. My phone is +420 777 625 653

  7. Hello,

    I was just thinking about some little summer campaing, because everyone loves these capture and command maps like Mordheim has - just to show some groundcountrol and so on.

    Is there anything similar in Malifaux? I ´ve been looking for some little map or so, but found nothing....

    Is there something? Do you now about any sources?

    And last question - some skilled drawer interested? :)

  8. Type of event : Demo play and coorinated playing. We have a lot of newbies, who have minis, but haven´t played yet..

    So it will be Malifaux Tuesday, all together with gaming, painting, terrain building, demoing and so on

    Date : 10.4.2011, from 14.00 - 22.00

    Location : Fénix Gaming Club, Klatovská 101, Plzeň, 301 00 Czech rep. Phone : There´s no phone, it´s not a shop, but a club. My phone is +420 777 625 653

    It´s my first event so I hope I will do everything good.

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