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project suns

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Posts posted by project suns

  1. I have the puppet deck and a regular deck. While I love the puppet deck, I guess it could be a pain to read for the other player across the table. Honestly everyone should just call out the number and total. If there is any funny business people can just check the discard stack.

    Eh, it just depends on the community. Everyone just wants to have a friendly game without worry that the other player is pulling a fast one on you. Personally, I can be paranoid so I do sometimes worry about these things hah hah. Though sometimes in order to enjoy the game you have to simply trust that the other player wants to enjoy the game as well.

    All that aside, it's a beautiful deck and I love the artwork. I actually do prefer to use it over the regular fate deck. Hopefully we can see more themed decks in the future. :)

  2. Hello all! Though I am a long term miniature player, I am fairly new to skirmish games. I used to play 40k (Tyranids, lots and lots of Tyranids) and have moved on to skirmish games including Anima Tactics and Warmachine/Hordes. I recently fell in love with Malifaux's minis and picked up Colette, Lilith and Lady Justice (waiting for Hoffman) . I have a bad habit of picking up too many minis and not playing enough of the game hah hah. I guess I always did prefer the collecting/building/painting aspect rather then the actual gaming part of it. :)

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