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Posts posted by NeverEnding

  1. I think he needs something cheap SS wise...beasts tend to be huge monsters that just eat you (minus hoarcats) but just like a pack of hyenas or something like that. I have been thinking about picking up his box but I get the sense of 'all my eggs in one basket' because if a beast dies your massively crippled.

  2. Johan is good but I think that a Silent One would have done wonders, Perfect Mirror is great and the extra casting is helpful. Rasuptina isn't anywhere near as effective without an Essence of Power. Cerberus is nice as well and with Ice Golem Rasp can get it to an armor of ridiculous.

    Rasputina vs. Viks is a pretty cool matchup and Misaki is a boss model. All in all a great battle report I just nitpick at crew choices.

  3. Yeah I found out that I actually love painting, back when I was more into warhammer I would get discouraged because there was way too much. With Malifaux I can take my time to paint each model until I'm happy with it.

    I've done some work on the Viks box, pictures sometime this week. As a side note the box belongs to a friend of mine, it was a mutual agreement that I would paint them because he's lazy and I love painting.

  4. Ok so the amount of stuff I'm painting now is starting to force me to create too many different threads. In this thread I'm going to post my progress as a whole and not crew by crew.



    The Dreaded Iphone photos (will be replaced once my camera stops being stupid)


    Rasp crew:The basing is finished & i'll take more recent pictures soon.





    Next project:


  5. picture.php?albumid=175&pictureid=798

    This is the flier that is going up. Anything I should edit? If you had never played would this intrigue you? There will be dates and a sign up sheet underneath this so thats covered.

    @Huronbh- It's a little out of my way as right now I don't have a car but I as well could stop by occasionally, when do you guys play?

  6. I just talked to the guys at the store a while ago and emailed a list of stuff for them to order, it should be there by next week they said. I am now in the process of getting fliers up, getting on the ball finally. Got my December crew and Schill box painted up and ready to demo, also have Lilith, Kirai and the Viks available. This should all be starting soon, I'm hoping around the time they store gets to boxes in.

  7. I dont really like Zoraida but ever since I was young I thought that hardcore voodoo manipulation would be awesome. I would just make people like rob a bank for me or something.

    Secondary would to just have unnaturally awesome luck. Subtle enough that nobody would try to kill you, annoying enough that they most likely couldn't.

  8. For any of you who have seen the Prestige. I think another cool master would be (another) mad scientist sort of guy who runs around and places beacons on the table. And his creations would be able to snap back to a beacon within range as a (1) action. It would be a fun sort of hit and run that doesn't involve bury/unbury.

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