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Posts posted by NeverEnding

  1. I would definitely recommend trying out some Ronin. Their one of the best you can buy for 6SS and the ability to kill themselves to give misaki SS can be pretty amazing once youve finished assassinating important models and they're great for scheme running. I played Outcast Misaki as my main master until I recently picked up the Viks and I swear by my ronin in both crews. I've never felt underwhelmed by their performance. 

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  2. Welcome back! I am just getting back into the game myself I actually remember you from back then! I think the new dreamer could work pretty well with Mr Graves and I know he works well with teddy. Beckoners are always good and I havent really ever seen Kade in action so I cant say too much about him. Teddy could also (o) 8 inches and flurry to pull somebody a max of 12 inches back into the middle of daydreams alps and all of the dreamers nastiness.

  3. I just coached a game with a Dreamer crew because for a new player that's a lot to wrap your head around and ohhh my gosh the new dreamer is scary and really interesting to see get rolling! It was pretty awesome watching Teddy drag Lynch into 3 daydreams and LCB with his trigger and absolutely demolish him from there. I'm kind of scared now XD 

  4. Oh god now I have to find my old Johan model XD I dont like the new art for him and I like the paintjob I had on my old one. Weather permitting Ill be playing again later today (technically) and I may be using the beta avatar Misaki I'm actually pretty excited about her avatar. Ill be posting battle reports soon in the appropriate place of course ;)

  5. It worked out well I won 8-2 and yes I agree 8ss on upgrades is a bit much but I dont have the model pool I'd like to have yet so I had to try to fill some space. And yeah Yama died fairly quickly but she played a pretty big role for me by charging after Misaki made it into combat with Seamus and using the braced yami to dmg the punk zombie and dead rider who came in to support him. Next turn Misaki killed both and did a lot of dmg to Seamus with the blasts from Thunder and a free attack from the stalk action. Leaving him at 1wd with 0 SS left in his pool.


    My next pick up will be a box of Oiran and the Viks once they're back in the store. Im avoiding metal models that I feel iffy about for now because I know they'll be updated. I love Hans new rules but I hate his model...hopefully the plastic will be better :/

  6. So for Tuesday this is the list I'm considering at 40ss, sadly I don't have Ronin yet otherwise I'd take them :(



    -Stalking Bisento 2ss

    -Scramble 2ss

    -Survivalist 1ss


    Yamaziko 7ss

    -Scramble 2ss

    -Smoke & Shadows 1ss


    Shang 3ss

    Freikorps Specialist 8ss


    2xTorakage 12ss


    Extra 2 in the cache :D 

  7. I don't want to ask how to counter play any specific masters I kind of like the danger of the unknown but how flexible would you guys consider the Misaki outcasts to be against other factions in general? What kind of matchups should she be avoiding fights and which should she be bullying? I plan on playing against 10T, Neverborn, and Rezzers this Tuesday so I will definitely be posting some kind of follow up maybe even some battle reports.

  8. Oh my gosh can I even use Yama as outcast misaki? How do the Torokage preform normally? I'm not sure exactly what their kit leans towards ranged or melee or just harassment. Thank you for the info! I have to find that H2K upgrade that seems realllly helpful. 

  9. MAAAN I played back when Von Schill was just a henchmen...I really want to play him now that hes a master and see how the new crew works out. I really loved the whole look and feel of the Freikorps I'm excited for their plastics

  10. Ive been playing the Sonnia box set against the Lynch recently, my friend is just getting into Malifaux while I'm an ex-henchman returning from hiatus. I have to say new Sonnia is pretty scary, shes a one man show and Sam does goofy amounts of damage especially with Vengeance Bullet. My last three games I've successfully set up a rapid fire from Sam on Lynch himself and had Sonnia and the Stalkers sweep up the Illuminated and Huggy. The +2 to Ca is nice but the negatives she applies to Ca's has saved me a few times from becoming a druggie for brilliance. Also positive twist for wp 6? The Lynch crew is all WP 6.... Am I doing something wrong or does Sonnia just spank Lynch around?

  11. Oh I should add I went ahead and picked up Yamakizo and both the 10T and Outcaste Wave 1 arsenal boxes. As soon as I can get my long lost lovers the Viktorias back I plan on running her with some Ronin to see how that works out, seems like fun! Thanks for any advice/tips/tricks in advanced!

  12. Hey everyone! I've been getting back into Malifaux recently with a few of my friends and I got the Sonnia box and played her for a few games but I don't find her play style interesting enough to continue playing and the other members of the Guild don't really interest me. That being said I decided to return to my roots and go back to my beloved Outcasts. My need for immediate gratification pushed me to buy the Misaki box as the Viks weren't in the store Q.Q and I looked at her cards and find her pretty interesting and I enjoy the movement shenanigans she can pull although it isn't quite on par with the Viks ability to throw whirlwinds from what I'm seeing. 


    So what I would like to know is what kind of cool things can an Outcast Misaki pull that makes her unique? What kind of schemes/strategies should I use/avoid with her? Also what wave 1 and 2 models seem to work well with her? Good matchups? Bad matchups? 


    I stopped playing Malifaux before Misaki went from merc to master so I've never seen her in this incarnation. Also I expect to be playing a lot of Rezzers and Neverborn of that helps at all. 


    p.s McM's poison bomb scares me....do we have a way to deal with conditions like that?

  13. I like the idea of running Judge or Cisco and having the zombie judge model makes it fun....and yeah I most likely will still pick up the plastic box if I like the Sam it has I haven't actually seen it yet. I love the model for the witchling handler but I know shes in beta right now and Id rather just wait till shes been finalized before picking her up. My next pickup is definitely Lady J and The Ortegas after that. I'm excited to play the Guild this time around!

  14. I ended up picking up the Arsenal box so I'm glad I wont be missing out on the new rules...These are the loose models not the box, I just really dislike Sams model atm and I liked alternate Sonnia so I figured I'd just buy the separate models and add them to the guild stuff I already have. (Lucius box, austringers, Dead Justice box) I also have a lot of the Outcasts as that was my faction before I stopped playing a while ago so I could use a lot of Mercenaries.

  15. Hey guys! I'm definitely picking up Sonnia and here is the shopping list I'm looking at. 1x Alternative Sonnia, 2x3 Witchling Stalkers, 1x Freikorps Specialist. I also have the olllld Dead Justice box set and plan on using those beautiful beautiful Death Marshals and I have two austringers (gotta find them though q.q). Another question I have is if I were to buy those models would they come with the updated cards or would I have to buy the Arsenal Box as well?

  16. Just wondering before i commit to buying her is she still in beta with the witchlings inflicting burn tokens. and her able to cast w/o line of sight or is that an official thing? Im just getting back into the game so any help would be appreciated

  17. Hey guys after a very long break from malifaux I have decided I'm getting back into it! I started playing with the Rasputina box and stopped a bit after Kaeris came out. Now that I'm back I'd like to stick to my Arcanists guns and pick up Kaeris but I cant seem to find much about her playstyle and what other pickups her crew could use.....please enlighten me :D

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