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Posts posted by doomofthepeople

  1. 1 hour ago, fire5tone said:


    Welcome back to malifaux! Always good to see that you can never run forever..

    *Cackles maniacally* 

    Bayou is amazingly good stuff, but my question is if you'd be interested in taking digital matches or if your a physical only kinda guy

    Right now just running atuff with some local peeps to relearn the rules. What are you using for your online games, not something I've done before but I could give it a look.

  2. and back Through the Breach. Returning player from Parts Unknown(or Columbus, Ohio... his continuity is a mess) back after a break since first edition.

    A little about me I played and ran tournments for WWE Raw, Doomtown and Anachronism. I played so many more ccgs from Wildstorms to Animayhem and a lot I promptly forgot while others became the remembrance of perfection. For the miniature side Epic 40k, Confrontation, Flames of War, Infinity and Malifaux were the main draws for me.

    Last time around was Neverborn and a good time painting Collette. This time I plan to start the Bayou with a focus on pigs and wrasslin.

    Good to be back, now lets get the tables and flip some cards.



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  3. I've always liked the idea of a circus/carny crew, I'm glad the thought isn't uncommon. I would go more with the freakshow aspect, you could have a bearded lady/strong man either combined or as separate heavies. You get the geek, siamese twins and any number of other oddities. They could easily be Outcasts or Arcanists and it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to warp them into Neverborns.

    I also love the shaman idea, really anything along those lines would be cool.

    Honestly I would like to see either of those but I'm probably going to buy whatever comes out anyway.

  4. Ah the plight of the miniature wargamer, I think I have the following:


    Dreamer Box

    Lilith Box




    Alps x3

    Day Dreams x3

    Young x2

    Colette Box


    About 1000 points of Combined Army


    35 points of Farrow

    50 points of Cygnar


    3000 points of Skaven

    1500 points of Night Goblins


    Older Salamanders


    Thousand Sons Conversions

    a smattering of Orkiness

    and I still have some rainy day Rackham treats.

  5. Confrontation has the Puppet Master, Neran the Scary and a couple other models that could possibly stand in for the model or just cool doll or stitched alternatives. They are out of print and a little hard to come by sometimes. Tale of War has the Pinocho mini that could work if you soap box up the cricket. I love Lissete idea as well.

  6. I lean towards the 8404s for a majority of my painting alternating between a 1 and 3/0. That said I have never been disappointed by a good series 7(I have a 0 and a 000) when it came time to put paint on a miniature. I tend to bounce between the 4 of them. I believe they are all over 2 years old now but I tend to clean them after each session with brush soap and condition them once a week and I will be replacing the Raphaels soon. I have run into a bad batches of series 7 so always test any brushes at the places you buy them if you can, DickBlick is pretty good about replacing a bum brush though.

  7. Honestly I could see owning 2 or more copies of the Puppet Deck, a couple for demos and 1 for just art purposes or whatever the Puppet Wars turns out to be.

    I think the deck check is the best way to go to not offend anyone and make sure things are fair for everyone. If I were to come I would only bring a Puppet Deck as that is the only deck I bought. I also call the cards as they are flipped and display them to the side of the where ever the action is happening until it resolves if the other player doesn't mind.

    I've noticed some people are saying it would be easy to catch player's cheating by checking the top few cards in their discard pile and I was wondering if this was in the FAQ as I have abstained from looking through discard piles since the rulebook said I couldn't.

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